Eternal Rot - MadhouseFunhouse - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Cash or Check

Chapter Text

The sound of a typewriter brought unbelievable comfort to those who craved it. The words filled the page, spilling from his fingers as they moved swiftly each strike of the keystrokes. Carriage returns brought forth more ideas, bleeding from those creative fingertips.

Finally the story had reached its conclusion, the writer sitting back and taking a mental bow before he tore the sheet free from the mechanism. He read through his words a few times, his eyebrows furrowing, then the transcript in its entirety was bound together before it was swiftly, and unceremoniously, dumped into the waste bin next to his chair, “Utter sh*t.” He mumbled, sinking into his chair as he looked up at the ceiling with building frustration.

It had been like this all year. Not a single book had been finished. He got so close, but nothing would bring him to life quite like his first series of work. It felt demoralizing whenever he tried to relight that spark. It felt worse when the publisher would call, demanding news about the next top seller.

A noise brought the man out of his misery, his eyes snapping open as his front door reverberated with a few brazen knocks. He pulled his mouth into a tight smile, standing and hurrying over to answer it. He worried it would be his publisher, his bowtie tightened to make him appear more put together before he dared to open the door. He had to adjust his glasses, as he did not know who had stood before him, his smile becoming more painfully tight as he spoke, “Why, hello, and who do I owe the pleasure of meeting?”

“Hello, my name is Lu, and let me just say, you have a nice place here, pal!” The shorter man looked around, seeming to be trying to distract the writer with awkward small talk.

“Quite…” Alastor tilted his head to the other side now, trying to interpret any of the expressions the other man had dared to let flash across his features, “Is there anything you need, Lu? I am quite busy at the moment, and although I do enjoy catching the breeze, I simply cannot stray from my paperwork for too long.”

The small man seemed to jump into action, suddenly bypassing the man as he walked into his home without further discussion. Al’s eyes widened, and he tried to catch him to throw him out, but he was moving quite swiftly, like he knew the layout of his home. Alasor had momentarily wondered if the man was someone ready to finally bump him off, but instead he found that the look he was giving him was more innocent than that. The taller man considered murder momentarily, as it had been a valid option in the past, but instead, with interest, he continued to follow the stranger throughout the house, like he were receiving a tour of his own dwelling.

He took his time examining the uninvited guest. He was blonde, and his skin was impossibly white. Perhaps an ivory makeup that Alastor had heard a bit about in historical books. Though, he felt assured in the fact that there was no way the little creature before him had any royalty tied to him. He was simply too excitable for that.

“I know this sounds extremely creepy, and trust me, it sort of is.” The blonde hummed, eyes on anything that wasn’t Alastor, “I happen to read your books. I am a huge fan! They’re fantastic!”

“Whatever do you mean?” sh*t, had Al’s publisher leaked who he was to someone, that would breach their contract, as he had asked to remain anonymous, as his mother would never let him live down the unholy content of his writings.

“You know exactly what I mean!” The small man threw his hands up, actually pausing in the tight hallway to Alastor’s study, blocking them in it, “Your first book, Eternal rot; it was simply divine!”

“I- you must have the wrong gentleman. I haven’t written a book.” Alastor lied through his teeth, leaning against the closest wall to appear more calm than what he was.

“Oh!” Lu winked at the man, “I forgot, you don’t like everyone knowing you wrote it. I don’t see why, it's simply the best piece of media I’ve ever gotten my claws on!” The man paused, looking at his hands before he put them behind his back, laughing awkwardly, “I mean fingers, yeah…”

Al stood slack jawed for a long moment, options seeming highly limited. He could deny again and again, but it felt like it had no use in this context. He just hoped that the other had been truthful about his confession on being a fan, as anything being said would not suit a newspaper if Alastor had anything to say about it, “Oh, is it?”

“Yes!” The blonde suddenly grabbed onto Alastor’s hands, pulling him closer, making their faces nearly touch, “I really like your characterization of the devil! He felt almost real!”

Al hated touch, he wanted to rip his hands away, and he wished ever so deeply to wash them, and untarnish his tools of the trade. Though, part of him did not mind the closeness quite as much as usual, perhaps enjoying the compliments a bit too sincerely, “I haven’t ever been told that someone liked my taboo… characters before.”

“Well, you have stumbled upon a fan.” The man’s voice was deep all of a sudden, making Al blush.

The taller of the two pulled his hands away quickly, rubbing them on his pants shyly as he cleaned them, “I didn’t really have to work hard to find you.”

“Which is wonderful, isn’t it?” The man suddenly spun around, walking around the house again.

Al hurried to catch up with him, panic ever building in his stomach. Part of him wanted to grab some of his hidden knives, maybe a rifle that he had kept under his desk. However, he didn’t like ending lives within his home, as it made things a bit too convenient for the police if they were to ever investigate his unholy behavior. He sucked in a sharp breath, adjusting his glasses once more, “What is it that you want?”

“Well, as someone who enjoys your work, I was hoping to get to know you better. Perhaps sample your next edition if you have started on it.” Lu helped himself in the kitchen, opening the refrigerator while idly looking through its contents.

Al’s face only held tighter, hoping that the other man would be too dull to realize how humanly certain cuts might have looked to the regular eye. Once he could, he slammed the door, grabbing Lu’s shoulder as he redirected him to sit at the kitchen table, voice calm as he tried to keep the peace, “That is tempting, but a professional wouldn’t spill his secrets, I’m sure you understand.”

“Nope, not at all…” Lu replied before he sat up in his chair, “I mean, I am willing to pay you for your time! Of course, I also intend on helping you as much as possible. I can’t have my favorite creative struggling. Your refrigerator is basically empty.” The man pointed out before he dug into his fancy jacket’s pocket, suddenly laying out multiple stacks of money.

Al couldn’t believe his eyes. He had never seen so much money in all of his life. Not even when he worked at a convenience store as a teenager. He grew more pale as the stacks continued to rise. He felt like he would never see the end of it.

“I hope this is enough.” Lu hummed, looking up at the man, “I know it’s not much, but I can’t wait to get to know you.”

“So you pay me like an expensive whor*?” Alastor muttered, still not able to believe what was happening.

“I mean, I could pay you to do a lot of things…” The man smirked devilishly, making Alastor’s face redden immensely, “But, no, I am not into paying for sex.”

Al didn’t know if that made him feel relieved or not, but he tried to play his cards more carefully, his voice as calm as he could muster, “Okay, good… I accept your offer. We may spend time together and we may speak about my stories, as long as you pay and you keep my identity hidden. My mother wouldn’t approve of the content of my fiction. Nor would the church I attend.”

“Deal!” Lu reached a hand towards Alastor, and with a quirked eyebrow, he took it, his lights suddenly flickering as he felt something pass through him.

He pulled his hand away quickly, looking at his palm. Seared into his ring finger was a snake, wrapped around and biting its own tail. He looked up, eyes full of fire. He had made a huge error, as now he realized, he had made a deal with the devil.

Chapter 2: Stuck On Sinner


Alastor begins to put the pieces together, as he tries to stray away from reliving too much of his book.


Hello my lovely readers! I really like the response this little AU has received, so I am equally happy to bring you the second chapter! This one was basically written by itself! Thanks for the participation!
frostedleaf - Thanks ;3
Dekinaiii - Sammmmmeee
hellion_1314 - :3
Gjab - Thanks love ~
nbcryptid - more you say? hehehe
Mephilver - Guess I just have to keep you busy, love hehe
IAmArcy - *winkWonk* here's moreeee
Toggy - Kinky!
Venti is my cup of Tea - Always a pleasure to have ya!
SleepyLurks - You're making me blush!
Alejabb_Boss99 - jajaja
DarkFoxKirin - Thanks hun!
AnimeCub - Something written in English I'd imagine
Husky_Fries - As someone with a mortgage, same
Sakura_Joli - hehehehehehe

Chapter Text

Alastor was too polite to frown at his unwelcome guest, but his face paled, his eyebrows quivering behind his glasses as tried again and again to remove the ring on his finger, “So, let me get this sorted.” Alastor said, his eyebrow quirked with annoyance as he massaged the bridge of his nose once he gave up, “You're actually Lucifer, ruler of Hell.”

“Yep, pretty cool right?” The devil grinned, leaning forward on his hands as he admired the human, “And I am your biggest fan!”

Alastor took off his glasses, simply aghast by the scenario. It felt like an extremely cheesy excerpt of his first book when the devil had taken possession of a mortal's soul, using it as leverage for sinful activity. The scene where the two began to f*ck in the human's kitchen… Oh, lord, Alastor shot up out of his chair, beginning to walk into the lounge, as though he could avoid ever going back into the room, and by extension; the entire smut scene altogether. He cleaned his lenses on his shirt, then turned to Lucifer, who had followed him rather obediently, “Why would you bother reading literature from a human? Isn’t there better… more dirty… materials made down there?” He pointed towards the floor, avoiding saying the word Hell twice so close together.

“Well, your stories are so enchanting. I had to come meet you after I noticed that you hadn’t published anything in awhile.” Lucifer shrugged, hands now on his hips as he coyly leaned towards the man, “Ya know, when I came all the way here I didn't think I'd run into such an adorable man! I kinda hoped, but…” He gestured playfully, tongue lulling from his mouth, which made Al shiver, “You’re like the whole package. I even got you to make a deal with me without having to pry!”

“A deal… yes… Can I take it back?” Alastor asked in a barely audible tone.

“Nope.” Lucifer purred, holding out his hand to the taller man.

Al sighed, taking it despite himself. Lucifer pulled him down to his level, seeming to admire his catch, “I think it would be a shame to end this too easily. Let’s enjoy this, h’m?”

Alastor doubted he would enjoy anything that the devil had for him, his smile finally dropping. Lucifer chuckled, pecking his lips quickly before Alastor could pull away. The man shot up straight, hand over his mouth, eyes large as he nearly stumbled backwards, his backside hitting his end table. A candle on his table topped over, and soon his carpet caught fire.

“Now you've done it!” Alastor squeaked in a panic as he stomped the fire out of his expensive carpet, knowing fully that he would be losing the deposit on the rental home now, “Whatever did I do to deserve such frustrations! I couldn't have seen the big cheese of Hell himself coming into my home just because I like to write slu*tty stories!” The man shouted.

“I think you could use a bit of fire in your life, it suits your devilish mind.” Lucifer grinned as he watched the man struggle.

“Oh, dry up! I am in no mood for this today!” Alastor finally sunk to his knees dramatically, grasping his hands together, “Dear God, f*cking stike me down. Pretty please. Take the devil with me too, because he's a bitch! A total flat tire!”

“I smell burning!” A voice made Al’s body stiffen, turning fast to face the source.

It was his small neighbor, who had just as much trouble as Lucifer did with boundaries. She walked right in, with a big smile on her little pudgy face, her one good eye shining with interest, “Did ya catch the floor on fire Alastor? You didn’t even invite me!”

“Nif!” Al squeaked, now sitting on the mark as though it would hide it, “Please don’t tell your husband, I’ll clean it up!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t tell that wet blanket anything!” She giggled, her good eye then looking up at Lucifer’s smiling form, “Oh, hello!”

“Greetings!” Lucifer nodded at the small woman, enjoying the show with happy eyes, “Are you one of Al’s friends?”

“Technically I’m his landlord’s wife, but we certainly gel together.” She nodded, hands on her hips as she stood proudly, “Are ya his boyfriend? I always knew Al had a devious side to him.”

“I do not!” Alastor now laid down, his flair for the theatrics only making him look worse as he glared at the ceiling.

“That isn’t a no!” The girl giggled, a bit of an edge to her voice.

Lucifer could sense the danger from the girl, as she was very much a sinner. Violent thoughts practically oozed from her, which made sense with the company that she kept. The devil looked between the two, wondering how much he could get from this little situation, “Of course, though I think we would rather be called Fiance’s, but don’t tell anyone; don’t want a little someone to get kicked out of church.”

“Oh!” Nif nodded, taking the bait easily, “Of course! I keep Al’s secrets all the time! He’s a bad boy.”

“The baddest.” Lucifer chuckled, now extending his hand to help his toy to his feet.

Alastor slapped it away, pulling himself up without help. He brushed off his pants, still standing over the burn to hide just how bad it really was. Nif looked at him, to the floor, and then spun around, speaking behind herself, “I just got one of those new carpet hoovers that the salesman has been bringing about. Lemme go get it.”

Al opened his mouth to stop her, but she was already gone, so instead he spun around, jabbing a finger into the devil’s chest, “You keep quiet! I don’t need the world knowing what I do in the privacy of my own home!”

“You don’t even own this house!” Lucifer pointed out, looking smug, “Not yet, anyway. I think it might be on the list of gifts I’m gonna get you. Though, I think you might need a new carpet, this one is ruined.”

Alastor opened his mouth to yell, but Nif hurried in, which made him swallow his harsh words. Instead he pointed at his eyes, then to Lucifer, indicating that he was going to keep an eye on him.

Lucifer just winked at him, then he walked off towards somewhere in the house, leaving Alastor and Nif to clean the mess. This was going to be a long contract, Al grumbled to himself as he helped the little woman work.

The small group sat around the radio after Nif had made them a large dinner to share. Her cooking would bring shame to most homemakers, as it was burnt to a crisp; but Al still ate it politely, not having the nerve to tell her how bad it was. She even brought some of her stash of alcohol, likely to make up for how rubbery the chicken had been. Alastor could hold his gin like a pro, but today he took it a bit overboard, as he got to the point where he could hardly even understand the radio host anymore.

“I can’t wait to wow those goons down the street with my talk show skills…” Alastor mumbled drunkenly, his head lulled back as he hummed.

Nif stood, straightening her dress and checking her eye wrappings in the mirror, making sure she looked presentable before she took up her plates, and cups, “Well, I gotta get back home, don’t want my hubby to get too jealous.”

Al sat up, snapping out of his drunken humming as she spoke, “Of course. Kick him in the butt for me.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” The little woman giggled, then she spun around and left the two alone.

Lucifer leaned forward in his armchair, picking up another bottle from the floor before he took a long swig of the poison within. Alastor followed suit, but then he dropped his bottle, standing abruptly he ran into the kitchen, hardly managing to keep his dinner down as he got to the sink. He drank from the tap, trying to quell his nerves and his stomach.

Once he felt a little better, he stood up, turning to lean on the counter, but as he had, Lucifer’s smaller form pushed himself up against him, eyes on his own, hands on either side of Al’s hips, upon the counter behind him. He was boxed in, and he could have sworn he had written something like this before.

Before Al could even ask what he wanted, their lips met. He froze, eyes wide, his stomach turning entirely. Once their lips parted, spit still connected him, the haze of their brains clear on their faces for that moment, until Al snapped back into reality, his face bright red, “Perverted asshat.” Alastor squeaked, averting his eyes as his features flared up worse with each second, kicking his boot into Lucifer's shin.

The devil only seemed to come to life thanks to the assault, “Me likey when you say dirty words. Wonder which other ones you have in that vast vocabulary of yours.” Lucifer rubbed his hips, fingers digging into them as he massaged.

The bruising pain was enough to get a rise out of the man, his back arching a bit as his breath caught in his throat. Lucifer took advantage of his heightened state, licking up his bared neck, savoring the taste of his sweat. His lips ever close to the writer's ear, as a quote rolled off his tongue, “I have never seen someone as sinful as you. It must be a shame you hide behind innocence to appease God.”

Alastor almost felt like his book character, and to be honest, he had it just as bad as he did. His body was useless against the devil's rule. He quickly blamed the deal they had struck, relying too heavily to excuse how pliant he was becoming.

“On your knees…” Lucifer growled, pointing towards the floor all of a sudden.

“P-pardon?” Al’s voice weakly slipped from his mouth, the high of their kiss still making his brain mush.

“You heard me.” Lucifer’s eyes flared, his forked tongue sticking out lustfully towards the weak writer.

Alastor sank to his knees, eyes glued to the king’s face as he obeyed his beck and call. Lu really looked like a god from between his legs. Alastor swallowed thickly, eyes remaining fixated to the other's face as he drunkenly struggled to release him from his trousers. The sheer size of the smaller man's co*ck made his anxiety grow much like his excitement heightened. This would be so much better than his own fingers.

Lucifer didn’t think he would actually get this far, but he did not complain, his chest puffing up with pride as he watched his partner’s devotion grow in his eyes. He opened his mouth, ready to give orders, but he didn’t have to. The man below licked up the shaft, enclosing the head of his hardened length in his mouth with a satisfied growl. The vibrations of which made the king’s spine tingle in the best of ways. He grabbed hold of the man’s hair, forcing him down onto until the entirety of his co*ck was engulfed so readily. Al gagged a little, eyes still focused on the devil’s face, as though he were getting some sort of satisfaction by looking. Lucifer didn’t mind the adoration, and in fact, it only made him want this even more.

The pace became difficult for the virgin below to keep up with, as he did not entirely know the ins and outs of such activity. Sure he had written plenty of these scenes, but actually living in the moment was a whole other story. Every time the devil’s co*ck shoved itself deep into his throat he struggled, tears stinging his eyes, but he held strong, humming into its delicateness to get a rise out of the king.

Suddenly he was pulled off, taking a gasp of air as his hair was tugged, making him look at the king once more. Al struggled to catch his breath, glasses falling off as he was tugged back. The King admired his pet, enjoying how swollen his lips were, and completely eating up how messy he looked. He wanted to see what other reactions he could pull out of his lover, so he readied the next phase of their interaction, pulling away as he walked towards the table, patting it with a large grin, “Sit.”

Alastor gulped, then he stood, following the orders as he sat upon the table’s surface. It was also rickety, never as level as he would’ve wished. Sitting on it took a bit of balance that was hard to achieve while drunk, but he managed eventually, looking eye to eye with his partner now. Lucifer began to unbutton his shirt, pulling off his bowtie with ease, then he opened the fabric, revealing Al’s chest to the cold air. The man shuddered, the cold only making him harder beneath the confines of his pants.

Lucifer worked fast, pulling on Al’s trousers now, pulling them off and throwing them away. Now the man sat practically nude, his face pure red. Lucifer then pushed him down by his chest, making him lay upon the table with a bit of a thud.

Al was snapped back into his senses, and he tried in vain to cover himself with his hands, his face looking away bashfully, “I… Why are we doing this?”

“Because we like one another.” Lucifer hummed, kissing the man’s stomach, and moving down rather rapidly.

“B-but I don’t like you-” Al tried to get out before he felt his back jolt, and arch.

Lucifer licked his hips, biting and nipping at the exposed flesh. Then he moved further down, enjoying as Alastor’s hand grasped his hair, tangling into it. The pain made his mind swim with possibilities, and he plunged into the man with his tongue, enjoying the taste of his entrance.

Al was unraveling, all of his years of refinement down the drain. He shook and sputtered, bucking his hips up as a finger entered him. Lucifer hummed, pulling his lips away as his fingers got to work filling him up, “Someone’s been practicing. What a good boy.”

Al couldn’t manage to respond, his body melting to the praise. He reached down to touch himself, to hurry this along, but Lucifer grabbed him with his free hand, making sure this wouldn’t be too easy. Now he stood, still holding his arm as his other hand helped his shaft aim for that sweet opening. Alastor tensed a little as the head pressed to him, his voice low, eyes panicked, “I… I’ve never…”

“You’re so dirty for a virgin…” Lucifer growled, pressing their lips together one last time before shoving himself into the awaiting hole.

Al’s body reacted violently, he bit into the devil’s lip, his other hand gripping and tearing into his shoulder with his fingernails. The golden blood spilling into his own mouth, letting him drink it so easily. This caused him to go into overdrive, his eyes widening with want as he squirmed.

Lucifer didn’t know his blood would have such an effect, but he rolled with it rather willingly. His tongue snaked its way into the man’s mouth, tempting him to bite it. He did, the strangely sweet and metallic liquid mixing with saliva, dripping down their chins.

The devil began to slam into him now, the tightness making him practically ravenous as he f*cked the man. The table struggled to keep up, shaking violently as their movements increased. Then the movements became more desperate, Alastor’s legs wrapping entirely around his waist as he arched himself again, his moans so sweet. Lucifer stopped pressing their lips together, releasing the man’s sweet noises to fill the air.

Alastor’s voice shook, his eyes crazed, “Don’t f*cking stop!”

“As you wish…” Lucifer chuckled, slamming so hard into the human as his own claws now dug into his hips, holding him in place as he sped up.

The table finally had enough, collapsing beneath them, but they didn’t stop, hitting the floor they still moved to find their competition.

Then Alastor’s body finally gave up, his cum covering the two of them. Lucifer could feel his impossibly tight insides only squeeze him more harshly, and with just a few more pushes he finished deep within the human’s heat.

The man whimpered, still holding Lucifer to himself as he felt his insides fill. He then finally laid against the cool floor, eyes clouded with lust as he panted out.

Lucifer caught his breath, then he leaned down, kissing the man a few times. Once he finished, he realized that the writer had fallen asleep where he laid. He smirked at his form, pulling himself out gently. Then, slowly and carefully, he lifted him from the mess on the floor. It was another thing he would surely fix. He would spoil this author with everything he could ever dream of and more.

He carried the tall man hugged to him, humming as he walked him to his bedroom. Once inside, he laid him onto the small twin frame, the springs creaking as he joined him. He pulled the blankets up and over them, then hugged his pet close. This deal was going so much better than he could have hoped.

How could a devil get to be so lucky?

Chapter 3: Dead Soldier's Song


Alastor has one Hell of a morning after.


These scenes sure are kinky, I am really stretching my little imagination these days! Thank you all for the support, and how I do look forward to all of your encouragement! Thanks!
Apples (Apples_the_first_account) - Boy didn't know what he signed up for
sh*tter_punk - ;3 Oh you'll love me alright
Venti is my cup of Tea - You guys really want this boy to die, I admire the mission lol
nbcryptid - samee
SleepyLurks - They might be strange master/sub but man Lucifer knows how to treat his favorite souls
glutenfreeglucose - Thank you!!
Mephilver - Tut tut, wishing a man to die to be kinky... carry on!
Husky_Fries - This writer is being a thirsty hoe, can't be helped.
Makota002 - your comment actually got me to finish this chapter before bed! I really like the idea of angelic blood being hypnotizing!
Orphaccnt - Mimzy comes when there is fame to be gained my friend! She's sure to show up after Al has his little meeting with the boys at the radio station.

Chapter Text

The morning light that had slipped into Alastor’s eyes made him groan. He rubbed his eyes, head pounding with a horrible hangover. He grumbled, cursed, then finally sat up. The coolness of the air that touched him made his eyes snap open, realization hitting him like a ton of bricks.

He quickly sprang from the bed, nude form leaping onto the hard floor as he backed away from the twin sized bed. The sleeping being that had not even noticed how quickly he was left alone, just curled up into the left over heat, purring into the pillow below his head.

Alastor shook with embarrassment, his face pure red, basically sweltering. Everything came back to him, just as the pain in his backside washed over him. He could barely stand himself up, let alone straight, and blindly he grabbed the closest garment on the floor, throwing it on. It fit a bit strange, but in a hurry, he did not really care. The shirt fit, and that was all that currently mattered. In his haste, he didn’t even bother trying to find his glasses, instead, just jogging out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen.

The sight of the smashed table shook him, but he tried to pay it no mind, as he rounded it and went straight to the coffee maker, starting a pot in order to wake himself up a bit better; as well as get rid of that damned headache.

He leaned against the counter, squinting at the machine as he watched it work. Then he blinked. Again, and again. Then he stood straight up, looking to the side at his glasses, which were smashed on the floor in front of the sink. His face melted into a tight frown, how was he able to see so well?

He again blinked, then he rubbed his eyes, blinking again, then he let out a shaky breath, “Okay… guess Lucifer healed my vision, that’s very normal and acceptable… nothing voodoo about all of that…” He face planted into the counter, too scared to keep looking around for a moment.

He grinded his teeth, completely on edge, now finally figuring out what he had slipped on over his modesty. The devil’s suit jacket covering his decency. “God, he has made me his whor*…” Al shivered, tugging at his hair dramatically as though it would wake him up from this oddly dirty dream.

Then the coffee pot beeped lightly, bringing him back to the moment. He stood up again as he sighed to himself, reaching to grab his mug; then deciding to grab the one he had kept for Nif as well. He filled both cups up, putting just a bit of milk in them before he carried them to the bedroom. He took a deep breath, “Lord…” He then breathed out, eyes scanning the king’s unconscious body.

He wanted to run away, but he knew well that he wouldn’t be able to get rid of the king of Hell so easily. So, instead, he sat on the mattress, trying to remain calm in the moment, “I brought you coffee…”

The devil whimpered, grimacing a bit before he reached over, grabbing Alastor’s mug of all things. The man tried to stop him, but it reached his lips before he could say much of anything. Defeated, the man drank out of his guest mug, trying not to think too much about it.

Lucifer sputtered lightly, sitting up entirely with a bit of a groan, “f*ck that’s bitter. Can’t ya afford sugar?” He still took another long drink of the dark liquid.

“Sadly sugar would simply bankrupt me.” Alastor rolled his eyes, sipping from his own cup with a bit of sass, “We all can’t be a swanky king, I suppose.”

The devil’s eyes finally focused on the man’s form, his face pulling into a large smirk as he finally realized what he was wearing, “My… that’s a sight I could get used to. Might have to order you to only wear my clothes from now on.”

“With how short you are, I doubt that would help me keep my reputation in my community.” Alastor tried to act nonchalant, though on the inside he was screaming, “Anyhow, care to explain why I can miraculously see?”

“Oh!” Lucifer nearly dropped his mug, sitting forward as he looked into the man’s eyes, “You drank my blood! Makes sense that it had some side effects!”

“Am I gonna grow like horns or a tail or something?” Alastor tried to sound as casual as possible as he asked.

“No! I mean, that would be hot, but no. I happen to be a fallen angel, so my blood can be used as a panacea. It’s not very useful to me, but it might be very advantageous to you. Never getting sick, or tired, or hungry. You name it!” The devil practically buzzed as he explained his wonderful power.

“So…” Alastor actually smirked, eyes going a bit crazed, “Are you saying that I get some of that blood as part of our deal?”

Lucifer’s own smile only grew, devious intent on display for the human, “Only while we f*ck. I think that’s fair.”

Al’s face fell, his eyes now darting away as he sipped the remainder of his coffee. That felt like a big ask, but then again; having sex was a small price to pay for such a reward. The taste of the blood still stained his tongue, even now, and he felt inclined to agree just based on that fact alone. Lucifer knew he had some contempt towards the idea, his voice snaking into his ears once more, “Come on… I know how much you like flesh… I won’t beg, but I know you’ll end up wanting to if you turn this down.”

Al didn’t know how the devil had so many details about his life in his offhand. It was like they were playing poker, and despite how even the human kept his face, he was offering too many tells. He opened his mouth to agree, but a ringing from the living room made him shoot to his feet instead, hurrying to answer the phone.

“Yello?” He hummed into the receiver, trying to act casual despite the situation he was in, “Oh, Bonjour mama, I am still come'n to supper tonight, what's go'n on?” Alastor's professional accent slipped on the phone as he realized it was his mother on the other end, “Ya, no, I’m sorry I did’n call. Got… distracted… Yes ma’am. Je t'aime aussi. Bye-bye.”

Once he hung up he spun around, finding that Lucifer, still nude, stood before him, watching him with interest. Al covered his mouth with his hand, eyes darting away, “Whatever do you want?”

“I like that accent. Why don’t you use it more?” The devil asked, tilting his head to the side as he watched how flustered the man had gotten.

“That’s just swell for you to say, but I cannot talk like a country bumpkin in front of my employ or friends here. It isn’t proper.” The man muttered as he still looked away.

“Neither was your mouth around my dick, but, ya know.” Lucifer smirked at him, hands on his hips unashamedly.

Alastor practically melted, his body hardly able to make him slink against the wall and into the kitchen. He put his mug into the sink, the memories from the previous night now alive and well. Arms wrapped around his hips, pulling him into Lucifer’s warmth. He wanted to pull away so badly, but he simply couldn’t get his body to move, his hands bracing themselves against the countertop.

Lucifer leaned over him, lips against his ear now, his breath unbelievably hot against the fragile skin, “Ya know, you never told me what you wanted to do… Do we have a deal?” His forked tongue licked up the flesh, making the human shudder against him.

“f*ck off!” Al’s yell was more of a squeak, his body betraying him as he leaned against the other man’s body, “I-” He bit his lip, closing his eyes tight as his ear was bitten ever so lightly, his insides trembling with need, already craving the other’s ability to make him so full, “F-fine.”

With consent, Lucifer pulled away, leaving the human panting pathetically where he stood. He managed to look back at the king, curious why he would stop, “Well…?”

“Well, what?” The devil’s eyebrow quirked, playful hum leaving his lips.

Al knew what he wanted. It was too obvious. So, despite himself, he sank to his knees once more before the king, pressing his face into the devil’s stomach a bit dramatically with a small yell before he took in a deep breath, sitting back on his knees as he looked up at the king. He opened his mouth, tongue lulled out entirely, a silent permission to enter.

Lucifer purred, petting the man’s face with his thumb before he slowly began to rub his hard co*ck against his lips. Al rolled his eyes at him, but stayed pliant. Soon the head of the man’s dick pressed into the awaiting maw, filling it with ease. Al’s eyes grew half lidded, the taste familiar to him already. He kept his gaze on the king’s features, taking in every detail of them as his mouth was used as his personal toy.

“f*ck…” Lucifer groaned, hands grabbing onto the man’s hair as he guided his thrusts into his hot throat.

In a way, Al felt powerful. He had the king right where he wanted him, weak and writhing for more of his provocations. On the other hand, Alastor didn’t ever think he’d be the submission one. Again he blamed their deal, though he was getting a sneaking suspicion that blaming their agreement was almost like being in denial. A tug on his hair brought him back, fire that spilled from the devil’s lips caught his eye, “Don’t look away.”

Alastor did as ordered, concentrating his attention back to Lucifer’s face. It was strangely beautiful in a way. His eyes were blown wide, like a cat, his horns, oh god those horns. They stood so tall, his tail wrapping around the human’s throat, squeezing tight enough to cause him to get dizzy. The man began to take him in so much more deeply, nose hitting his happy tail, burying into the soft hair as he tried to inch him ever close to his finale.

Lucifer finally had enough, pushing Alastor back so that he couldn’t finish. The human’s lips popped once he was freed, and he coughed a few times, glaring at the devil through tears. His freedom didn’t last long, as the devil grabbed the man, putting him on the counter easily, making the human yelp, “If you break my f*cking counter-top I'll f*cking end you!”

Lucifer chuckled, kissed the man's adam-apple with a pleased growl. Al sunk into the kiss, legs instinctively wrapping around the smaller man’s form, which made the devil bite into his awaiting throat. The sensation was completely awe inspiring. Shaking needily, Al’s fingernails dug into the devil’s shoulders, his voice hot against his forehead, “H-hurry up…”

Lucifer pulled his teeth out, and using his hand, he collected some of the red liquid between his fingers. Then, bringing his hand down, he stroked himself with it a few times before he tilted his head, inviting the human in for a bite. Al took advantage, his own teeth cutting into the awaiting flesh. That overly addicting blood rushing into his mouth, making his back arch up against the devil, pressing their chests together as he melted.

Then he felt it, inch by inch, the devil pushed inside. It hurt so much more this time, as he was no longer numbed by alcohol. He bit down harder, trying to focus on the taste instead of his pain. Though, the way his hips were rubbed soothingly, a small voice filling his ears, brought him back to the moment, “Almost there…” as he pushed himself completely inside.

Obscenely, as Al’s hand went to his stomach, a bump could be felt beneath his fingers. He could barely contain the cloud of lust overcoming his senses. He released his teeth, licking his lips as he laid back as best as he could on the shallow counter top, legs moved to sit on the devil’s shoulders, his voice beckoning him with a groan, “Well… Get on with it…”

Lucifer did not need to be told twice. He pulled out nearly all the way before ramming back inside. Uselessly, Alastor moaned freely now, his back arched so that the devil could reach so far inside. Unforgiving in their pace, Al’s hands grasped whatever they could, making cups and other things fall off of their shelves around them. Wings filled his vision, he couldn’t even think straight, he couldn’t even process the devil’s form changing entirely as he was f*cked into.

Then his body grew ridged, his cum covering their stomachs, his voice shrill as he called out, “God, f*ck, Lucifer! D-don’t stop!”

The Devil plunged down, licking his stomach as he slammed into his awaiting heat. The sound of his own name was the most pleasurable thing he had ever heard. Then, he bit into his lover’s body, marking him up, before he pressed his lips to his ear once again, “Don’t forget who owns you, understood?”

Weakly, overstimulated, Alastor nodded, pressing his lips to the king’s without a fight. Then the devil only thrusted a few more times, messily filling the human’s guts with his seed. It spilled out around him, dripping down the side of the counter and onto the floor. Their messes were certainly piling up, but Lucifer would fix that. He would fix anything to keep this going.

Alastor’s body laid uselessly against the countertop, hands now weakly grabbed onto Lucifer’s shoulders as he was trying to calm down from his high. The king was impressed with how well he was truly handling him. He pressed a few kisses to the man’s freckled face, purring as he had, “Such a good boy. Who knew how wonderful at this you would be? I’ll buy you so much food later, because good boys get treats, yes they do.”

“I-I’m not a dog.” Al managed as his eyes finally began to focus.

Lucifer licked his cheek, giggling at the disgust on the man’s face, “Could’ve fooled me! You were practically howling!”

Alastor’s face was pure red, his eyes averted to the side, “fermez-la…”

“I don’t think I will shut up.” Lucifer kissed him again, then he slowly began to pull out.

The man shuddered, his teeth grinding as he was emptied. The feeling was so much worse than he expected. The human weakly sat up, though the draining of the devil’s essence only made his stomach twist and turn. He managed to stand, one hand on his lower back, “I think I’m getting too old for this.”

“We’ve only just started.” Lucifer hummed, admiring his handiwork as the man began to walk away.

“Then we need to pick more appropriate surfaces to do… that on.” Al grumbled, entering his living room.

He realized his front door was slightly ajar, which made his stomach sink. He quickly closed and locked it, then he spun around to hurry to the bathroom to wash the sins off of himself. Of course nothing could be simple, as the Devil joined his bath, sinking into the water with him despite his complaints. After a while he gave up the goat, and just laid back against the king’s frame. Though, all of this did bring forth ideas for his next story. So perhaps the king did know exactly what he had been doing after all? As he looked up at the fallen angel, he was picking his teeth with his claw. Somehow, Al found the idea to be doubtful.

Alastor had felt so nervous coming into his job interview, but as he spoke to the host of the show he so often found himself listening to, he found his words rolled off the tongue with ease. They signed him right then and there. Again, he wondered if it was his innate ability to wow, or if he perhaps had some devil's luck on his side. Either way, this was the beginning of a type of fame he could actually share with his mother. A win was a win.

Chapter 4: Mimzy's


Alastor walks home from his mother's house after his job interview.


This chapter was such a delight to write! I drew in-between and uploaded a picture of Lucifer on my twitter I am very proud of! My brain is really enjoying the gymnastics I'm putting it through hehe.
Thank you all so much for the love and feedback!
Aerstal - Thank you!!!
AnimeCub - He is a very literal man
Shurri - I mean if I could review my past boyfriends on yelp, they wouldn't get five stars
neuroqueer - He's just a silly little guy
Venti is my cup of Tea - It might come sooner or later hehehe
Orphaccnt - Boy doesn't know what's happening most of the time.
sh*tter_punk - wait no longer darling :3
Xionisdumb - I am in the walls hehehe
Makota002 - *unravels more story*
Yoyo_into_hell - *WinkWonk*
SleepyLurks - your comments are so detailed, almost like I'm in the room laughing with you hehehe
Husky_Fries - I might sleep a lot, who knows
Livelovelaughapps - Thanks for reading!
Mephilver - Lilith is definitely a point of interest, huh?

Chapter Text

Dinnertime was a splendid event, the newly hired talk show host wasted no time boasting about his new job, telling his mother happily about the position.

Finally he would be able to share his work with her, and she had never been more proud of him. Then, when they finally settled in the living room of the old family home, they listened to their favorite host as he did his twilight broadcasts. He still buzzed, not able to contain himself as he happily exclaimed how handsome the gentleman had been in person, explaining his whole aura to his mother with a bit of a bounce to himself. Then, once their time ended, he kissed his mother’s head, pressing their foreheads together briefly as they said their sweet goodbyes, and not so longs.

The man had a pep in his step as he left the small shack of a home. The warm swamp air was ever humid, and with a hum he loosened his bowtie a bit in order to let his neck breathe. The bite on his flesh stinging ever so slightly as he began to walk home. The darkness was rather comforting, and he couldn’t help but sing a soft ditty to himself. He traced the indentations that the devil’s teeth had left upon his flesh, the pain making him shudder. His eyes clouded over a little, notes and scenarios playing in his mind. His fingers itched to write it all down, and silently he cursed himself for not remembering to bring his notepad.

Then he was stopped, hand around his exposed throat, pushing him into the bushes. He fell hard upon the ground, the grass doing little to cushion the blow. The man hardly had time to think as a sharp pain overtook him. Eyes snapping down, he hardly could make out his own blood as it spilled into the dirt. A sharp breath, body nearly spiraling into shock, he found his bearings, looking up at his attacker.

He had slightly remembered the brute, though he couldn’t quite place him on such short notice, hand flying to his wound as to keep the knife pressed in. It would have been a shame for the perpetrator to regain control of the weapon, as without it; Alastor was sure he would bleed out.

“How does it feel?” The man’s voice interrupted Al’s plannings, his form falling onto his knees as he toppled Alastor back into the ever wettened grass, pinning him by his shoulders as he shouted into his face, “f*cking answer me!”

Alastor’s eyes relaxed, his face pulling into a twisted grin, his free hand grabbing onto the man’s shirt, “Are you seriously going to end my life like a f*cking crybaby? How hilarious! But…” Al moved a little, pulling something from his pants as he had, “Someone didn’t tell you that you shouldn’t play with your food…”

Then he pulled the trigger, pistol unloading into the assailant’s chest. The man sat frozen for the longest time, then he fell to the side, uselessly gasping for breath as he attempted to crawl away. Al watched with delight for a long time before he finally willed himself to his feet, stepping over briskly, he stomped his foot on the man’s spine, pinning him in place. The cries filled him with a sense of justice, one that he practically ate up.

It was too short notice to bring any leftovers home, but he happily sat on the man’s back, grabbing ahold of his throat and squeezing. The choking was music to his ears, and humming along, he just increased the pressure.

It was over as quickly as it had begun, the cannibal smirking wildly as he pulled himself to his feet. It was always such a wonder to behold, sending someone to Hell like that. He licked his fingers, blood coating his tongue as he delighted in himself. Then, as he kicked the body one more time, he simply made sure that it had been covered by some branches, figuring that they were out far enough that he wouldn’t be seen for a very long time. Depending on the humidity he might even be able to return for a bite.

Then, satisfied, the man turned away from the scene, changing course entirely. He might have been bleeding a lot, but he needed a drink and a smoke after such a delicious interaction.

Lucifer returned to the rental with the new table he had bought, cleaning up the debris of their lovemaking. He even had help, Nif, who didn’t ask too many questions, mopped the floor and made sure everything was set up how the man would like. She even did some dishes, so that he wouldn’t have anything to worry about just in case the interview flopped.

Lucifer believed wholeheartedly that he had to have done well, though, as hours passed he did wonder what had been taking him so long. If he hadn’t been in the man’s home he would have felt stood up, and as the clock hit half past eleven, he felt nervous. He looked at Nif, who was doing her best not to fall asleep at the new table, drawing on a napkin as she hummed. He opened his mouth, closed it, then looked towards the front door, “Does it always take him this long to get back from his mother’s house?”

“Nah.” The woman finally looked at the clock on the stove, her face tight and awkward, “I betcha he stopped by Mimzy’s for a drink.”

“Mimzy’s?” The devil echoed, hands now in his pockets as he tried to hold himself in place, “Is that a bar?”

“Yeah, a gal who likes to sing owns it. She’s always giving Alastor deals on booze and cigarettes. He usually doesn't smoke, but at Mimzy’s he does.” She reported, sitting back in her chair, “Maybe you should go get him? By this point I’d hate to see my favorite bluenose get lost.”

Lucifer nodded, already planning on going whether she had told him or not, “On it. Tell me more about this bar.”

Alastor’s body laid against the bar, hardly able to finish one cup of gin as he listened to the music in the air. No one seemed to notice or care about the pool of blood below him, and instead they kept giving him more smokes, and offers of different boozes. He finally finished the first, and began to nurse the second. But as it hit his tongue, he heard the door open. He looked back, ready to sprint if it were the cops, but no, instead it was someone much worse.

Standing, he snuck around the bar and into the nearest restroom. He locked the door, and backed himself back into the wall. The pain made him lightheaded from his sudden evacuation. He sunk to the floor, pressing his hand around the knife that still stuck right out of him. The pain mixed with the pleasure as he writhed in private.

His privacy didn’t last, as a knock came through the wooden door, a familiar voice on the other side, “Hey- uh- pal, what’s up? Did they turn ya down? I’m really sorry man.”

“Just leave me alone!” Alastor called back, but he had to stand himself up now, going to the sink to run a cold tap, holding his hands under it before pressing them to the wound in order to act like an impromptu ice pack, “My whereabouts should have never been your business. None of what I do should be.”

Then, suddenly, the door creaked open, a small glow of Lucifer’s fingers telling the man all he needed to know. Just another inconvenient power of the king of Hell, he supposed. Still, the man turned around, acting surprisingly casual despite the circ*mstances. Lucifer spoke as he walked in, “I’m sorry, but you really should go home-” He froze, eyes widening as he examined the wound in Al’s ribs, slamming the door behind himself as he rushed over, “Oh- sh*t! What happened? Why aren’t you at the hospital?”

“I'm sorry, but when did this become our stab wound? Shove off.” Alastor grinned madly as he began to press his own jacket to the wound in order to soak up the blood, hiding just how bad it truly was.

“The moment you made a deal with me is basically when this became my problem!” Lucifer gestured wildly with his hand before he began to force the human's shirt off, almost ripping it as he worked, “sh*t- like excuse me sir radio star, but you won't do anyone any good if you kill over in a dirty bar bathroom.” His tone was mocking, “I like to take care of my associates, but no! Someone has to go and get f*cking stabbed on the way home from his mother's house! Then who in the Hell goes straight to a speakeasy and gets drunk while bleeding out? Are you f*cking nuts?”

Once Al's skin was freed, Lucifer bent down to look at the damage. He realized that the knife was still buried deep into Al's ribcage, and he was amazed the man didn't kill over just walking there. Panic set in as he began to bite his wrist, covering his lips with his own golden blood before he pressed them to the wound. Alastor wanted to pull away, but the warmth spreading throughout his body was much calmer than the cold he had begun to feel. He weakly leaned back against the counter, eyes half lidded as he dared to push his fingers through the devil’s feather soft hair.

He managed to dislodge the weapon, forked tongue lapping up the human’s blood before he simply dropped it and began to administer more angelic kisses on the wound. Finally, with just a scar, Alastor’s chest looked fully healed. He could manage deep breaths again, the high from the pain having worn off. He looked away, ashamed of the help he had received. It had all felt too intimate. He hated how it made his heart swell, and his blood pressure rose, “If that’s all…”

Lucifer blinked up at the man a few times before he simply stood, taking off his coat and offering it to his pet, his own face strangely unreadable to the mortal, “Here… before someone thinks we were in here killing each other.”

Al rolled his eyes, but accepted the gift. He discarded his own bloodied dress before he put on the white and gold jacket, buttoning it entirely to hide his skin. Then, they both left together, unable to think of anything else to say. Though, as they made it back to Alastor’s home, he finally spoke, though he did body block the devil from entering his home as he had, “Thank you. Now stay out. I need my winks before I start work tomorrow.”

Lucifer’s back straightened, smiling wide, “You got the job?”

“Of course I did. I told you that it would be a shoe in.” Alastor responded, starting to close the king outside.

Lucifer shoved his foot in the door, stopping it from closing all the way. Al peered out through the crack, eyebrow quirked, “Are we not done here?”

“I just… goodbye, apple pie. Try not to get sliced open until I return, okay?” Lucifer leaned casually against the doorframe, acting entirely clueless to how he had sounded.

“I cannot promise that… But, yeah, I’ll see you around.” It nearly felt bittersweet as the door finally closed, and Alastor was finally allowed to be all alone.

He pulled off the jacket once more, leaving it on the couch as he began towards the bedroom. Though he froze, turning around, he grabbed it once more, and brought it along. He undressed himself the rest of the way before he climbed into the twin sized mattress, the cloth pressed into his face as he cuddled up to it. He cursed himself until he finally managed to fall asleep.

The next day went smoothly, just as Al had dreamed. Finally he got to speak to the world, his voice carrying on to different homes throughout the closest parts of America. He had an early morning slot as he had been just starting out, and that time was less popular. Once he finally finished his broadcast, he couldn't help but spin around in his hair like a child, giddy with pure and innocent excitement. No one would be able to tell that such a man had ended the life of another just the night before.

Then, once he had finally made it home, he noticed Lucifer sitting pathetically upon his front porch. He opened his mouth to mock him, but then closed it quick as he realized that they were not alone. A little girl laid against his chest, sleeping soundly as she was perched in his arms. Al quietly spoke to the man, not wanting to disturb her, "Is she yours?"

"Oh, yeah... This is Charlie." Lucifer told him as his eyes sparkled.

Great, now the man was meeting the king's spawn. This wasn't going to backfire at all. No voodoo sh*t to be seen here.

Chapter 5: Fine Print


Alastor meets Charlie and decides to take advantage of Lucifer's ever obvious weaknesses.


Hello my lovely readers, thank you for your patience! I will be focusing more on this story from here on out as my other is finally coming to it's conclusion! I hope you guys still continue to support me with your enthusiasm, as it really is what keeps me writing, thank you so much!

Orphaccnt - I mean he won't be the smoothest man in the world, but he definitely won't completely creep Alastor out either. Just a bit awkward since he isn't sure how to approach the potential relationship with our favorite smut writer.
Husky_Fries - Thanks honey :3
AnimeCub - We do love baby Charlie!
Mephilver - No worries, here's a cute one.
Makota002 - I do sneakily add things once I think of them, it is always smart to keep an eye on my tags or summaries hehe.
rejected_bisexual - Thank you for following me over! I appreciate ya!
TheRoseBanshee - That's the plan ;3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor had never thought there would be a child running through his home, and had he known he likely would have put up the lower shelf decorations beforehand. He had heard that children were good at getting into trouble, so quickly he hurried about, trying to make sure anything breakable was indeed above the small girl’s height. She couldn’t be much more than four years old, so it wasn’t terribly hard, though he did worry that she would climb or perhaps even sprout wings if she really wanted to. Being the devil’s daughter made anything seem possible to the mortal man.

Lucifer had given his daughter some juice from the fridge to calm her down while they waited, the little girl sipping carefully from the glass she had been given. Al finally felt a bit more secure by the new placement of his most important items, hands on his hips as he looked between the two devils, questions filling his eyes as he finally could stop long enough to think, “So, uh, what’s with your little copy? I didn’t think Lucifer would have to babysit his own spawn.”

“Oh!” Lucifer stood straight, smiling awkwardly, “Well… her mom hasn’t been very… uh, present lately. She’s busy on a tour in Hell, as she wanted to inspire sinners to- uh- do something? I don’t remember the ins and outs of it, but she didn’t wanna bring Charlie along. Sinners are not the best with childcare, so I brought her along.”

Alastor’s eyes finally rested on the little girl one more time, her little face bashful as she looked away from him. He then managed to ask, “Why would you bring her here? I am not a childcare expert either. Hell, you hardly know me. I could decide to hold your spawn hostage and use her as leverage for a dealbreaker.”

“No, you don’t hurt children.” Lucifer replied matter of factly, “Besides I know you’ve had your fill lately, so I really don’t see you going out of your way to piss me off until your hunger grows again.”

Al blinked a few times, his hands becoming sweaty as he rubbed them together, “Whatever could you mean by that?”

“I know for a fact that you were going to go pick meat from your victim in the woods. Your whereabouts yesterday aren’t a complete mystery my friend!” Lucifer smirked up at the man, eyebrows quirked, “I had to see one of your victims for myself. I never expected you to leave such a mess behind, but based on how badly hurt you were, I know he had to have gotten you back.”

Alastor’s soul spiraled, eyes darting away as he tried to keep any semblance of his composure, “So… you know all of my dirty secrets? Why… why would you bother with such affairs? I shouldn’t be any more important to you than any other sinner, alive or dead.”

“I am the king of sinners, darling.” Lucifer tugged the man’s tie, making him eye level with himself, making him look into his eyes, “I know everything that you do when God isn’t looking.”

Another quote from Alastor’s book. His face flushed a deep red, eyes wide as his lip quivered, “Oh- uh.”

Their lips blushed past each other, making Alastor’s eyes grow half lidded, stomach turning delightfully from the sensation. But, the kiss never happened, their faces pulled apart as Lucifer turned to interact with his child. Al stood stooped for a bit too long, face on fire. After a moment he managed to straighten his stance, tugging at his own collar as he tried to breathe in, knees buckling like a newborn deer.

Lucifer, luckily; did not notice the struggle he had caused, as he bent down to press a few kisses to his daughter’s forehead, “Good girl, go draw in the living room like we talked about, alright?”

The girl nodded, looking up at Al she waved lightly, “Bye bye Alitor!”

“Bye?” Alastor tilted his head, finding a bit of a smile on his lips as the girl said his name wrong.

She then hurried out of the kitchen, leaving the men behind. Alastor fidgeted with his hands again, fingers tapping on each other to mimic the comfort of his typewriter, “So… about that victim… I really should-”

“Already done.” Lucifer smirked, opening the fridge enough for Al to peek inside.

Indeed, the fridge was stocked like he would have done. In fact, it held a bunch more than he had expected. The meats were cut in a way that made his mouth water, and juices as well as a fancy looking assortment of alcohol and creamers were thrown in. More cheese than he had ever seen had even been shoved into the small drawer at the bottom, almost bursting from the weight of the unexpected items.

The mortal couldn’t help but drool at the idea of the banquet he could have, his stomach ever turning and twisting with hunger, but as he began to daydream of his options, one seemed to present itself. He looked at the king, eyes large, doe-like, gears in his head turning as his lips moved on their own, “These look delicious, but I think I have the taste for rarer meat today.”

Lucifer’s face turned into a tight smile, his eyes half lidded as he allowed the fridge to close, “What are you talking about, pet?”

“Seeing as you’re here, and you seem to be open to my suggestion, I hope you don’t mind me getting a little bold.” The sinner crossed the room, looming over the devil with a sharp grin, his soul shaking for Lucifer to see, the devil’s eyes not missing the change in the aura of the man, malicious desires plain to him, “How about I cook you up and eat you instead?”

“Kinky.” Lucifer’s eyebrows shot up, having never expected such a direct question, especially not from the man who seemed somewhat repulsed by their activity, “What do I get out of it?”

“As you already can have as you want from me, how about I promise to complain less next time you cash in our little arrangement? Of course I expect a bite whenever I ask. Plus…” Alastor held up his hand, the snake tattoo spinning in circles as his soul stirred underneath his flesh, like spiders crawling through the interconnecting webs that made up his veins, “I want complete trust between us. If I ask about matters concerning your family or Hell, I want all the juicy gossip. I imagine I am going to be spending a lot of time down below when I am done here on Earth, and I cannot go surprised. I’m sure you understand. You do read my fiction, and you know how carefully I enjoy planning every single detail.” The man tutted, tapping his chin with his free hand as he thought about further installments in their little contract, “For that part, I will let you use this body for whatever you wish, as again, I imagine it won’t be alive for the longest time, given my hobbies. As long as you keep my habits secret, like we agreed before, then this little deal will remain sealed between us. How does that sound?”

Lucifer actually seemed to hesitate a bit, feeling something odd with this little display. A power imbalance with a mortal was certainly unexpected, yet so entirely exciting. No souls would be exchanged, so what would the harm be, the devil had reasoned. Sure it felt like things were becoming complicated, but then again, Lucifer couldn’t help but drool at the thought of Alastor willingly giving up his body to him, the idea of laying him out in more treacherous locations was simply mesmerizing. Without the ability to deliberate anymore, the devil took the deal with great speed, hand grasping onto the mortal’s as the deal was sealed.

“Now,” Al straightened his back, adjusting his tie as he spun around, “I’m going to start one of my famous pots of bread pudding for Charlotte, why don’t you go turn on the radio for the little dear? I’m sure she’ll love listening to Vincent’s voice, it is about the hour he would be on.”

“I’m surprised you’re not cashing in quite yet.” Lucifer felt caught off guard, this human really getting under his skin in some instances.

“I will have plenty of time for that. I imagine becoming friendly with the princess could do nothing but help me. So let’s be a happy family for a little while, no?” Alastor grabbed his biggest pot from under the sink, already filling it with water as he hummed.

Lucifer blinked a few times at the odd display, but he simply shrugged, turning on his heel to do as requested. He turned on the radio to the station it seemed to always be on, the dial looking brand new in contrast with the on switch and volume. Vince spoke abruptly, making the little girl look up from her drawing, head tilted as the man was talking about baseball. She smiled a little, though she looked clueless as to what she was listening to, “Human things are weird, daddy.”

“Agreed.” The devil nodded, crossing his arms as he stared at the contraption.

He knew the device was already on its way out this coming years, as the television was becoming popular nowadays. It seemed Al’s favorite host had agreed, as he briefly mentioned that he was going to be switching to the news station on the television within the coming month. He said that he was going to be replaced with an upcoming star, and Lucifer knew exactly who he was talking about based on the description alone. He smiled at the idea, his favorite little author becoming a big bad radio personality. He began to gush, finding it all adorable. Though a part of him grew jealous when the complements thrown towards Alastor's ability did not cease. It seemed he had become the topic of the show very quickly.
Charlie spat her tongue out at her father, then went back to her drawing. She seemed to be trying to draw Alastor, but as an alligator, which is likely why she said his name wrong, maybe misinterpreting it. Lucifer sat next to her on the floor to watch and wait, enjoying the faint smell of bread pudding as it wafted into the room, the humming somehow sweeter as it reached his ears. That human sure did have a voice on him, he smirked, not being able to help his next thought of bringing out all of his sweet noises.

When Al finally appeared from the kitchen, he held up three bowls of the sweet gruel, passing it out between the three as he also sat upon the carpet, his voice low and sweet as he faced Charlie, “pour la princesse,” Then he squinted at Lucifer, smile growing tight as he spoke, “et pour le pire…”

“I think you’re the worst.” Lucifer replied as he playfully stuck his tongue out, then he tried the first bite of the simple dessert.

The flavor was surprisingly exquisite, a hint of spice in the back, the sweetness of the pudding making it all culminate into a mouth watering experience. The devil was fast to eat another bite, then another, and soon he was finished, hooting for another bowl. Al looked proud of himself, actually standing on command to fetch more for the king, his voice pleased, “As you wish, your majesty. I’m glad my cooking could elicit such a response from royalty.”

“f*ck if you cook like that you’ll get more than just a response!” The devil yelled after him, then tugged at his collar as he looked at his little daughter, trying hard to censor himself despite how badly he wanted to toy with his pet, “Mommy doesn’t need to know daddy is cursing around you again, got it?”

“I do.” Charlie nodded, smiling wide between bites, “But then I get to say f*ck too, like you promised!”

“That’s right, but you already used it, so no more until next time.” The king nodded, biting his lip as the word slipped from his daughter’s mouth, making a show of making a zipping gesture to his own lips.

“Oops!” She covered his mouth momentarily, copying her dad, then without much thought she had gone back to her food.

Alastor happily walked back in, serving Lucifer a bigger bowl of food this time, one of the bigger mixing bowls he happened to keep around. The devil was surprised to get such a large serving, but without complaining, he began to scarf it down.

Al sat back in place, leaning back against his radio to enjoy the vibrations of Vince’s voice as he ate his own food. He listened happily as the man on the other side practically sang his praises over the waves. Ego boosted so high, he looked at Lucifer with eyes that practically sparkled, which made the devil’s own eyes widen, making him double take, then he smiled back, biting his lip as he tried to contain whatever had flashed into the sinful pit that was his mind.

Al knew this was torture for the king, so he continued to give him doe-like eyes, voice coming out small and cute despite how he usually tried to present himself, “Ya hear that, darl’n? I certainly made waves at the station, a complete caper! I’m go’n be a star.”

“Fuh-” Lucifer blushed as though Alastor had said the dirtiest thing known to man, which only made the mortal’s smile grow, as he realized that he really did hold a bit of power in this relationship.

“What’s wrong daddy?” Al purred, mocking Charlie a little, chuckling evilly to himself.

The devil seemed to short circuit, horns beginning to poke out from his scalp, his tail waving furiously as he seemed to consider his options, voice a choked squeak, “You stop that! Not in front of Char-Char! You know I can’t-”

“Oh, I know…” The mortal laughed to himself, enjoying his small victory, “Perhaps the king will have to learn to wait? Or is that too hard for someone at your station?” He leaned forward, lewdly licking his lips after taking the last bite of his pudding, “Royalty never learnt that ya have’n ta wait, huh? Salope impatiente.”

The king feverishly ate the remainder of his bowl, shooting up to his feet he gathered all of the empty dishes, stomping into the kitchen as fire leaked from his lips with defeat. Al loved watching him go, particularly finding the wave of his tail to be mesmerizing to watch.

What am I doing, Al’s back straightened, his eyes wide as they darted away, face pure red. He was using the devil, he shouldn’t be fondly watching him walk away. He felt like he was already getting too deep into this arrangement, so he quietly promised to double down until he got what he wanted, and further, he promised to stop those pesky feelings. He breathed out, then found his gaze drifting towards the child, who was back to coloring as though nothing had happened. She seemed very polite for a hellspawn, and Alastor decided silently that he wouldn’t do anything to ruin her spirit, as even though he was a sinner, he wasn’t a complete monster.

The girl held up her drawing now, showing Alastor, “Alligator here! It’s you!”

“Oh, how… kind.” Al took the drawing despite the nickname, his nose scrunching up a little as he began to stand, “I’ll hang it in my office so that I can look at it everyday. Thank you little princesse.”

Then he began for his office, and once he stepped inside he noted how his window was mysteriously open. He frowned deeply, thinking back to the last time he was inside, which was that very morning. It certainly had not been opened then, as he was far too weary to have bothered, as that particular window was a bitch to open. He hummed and hung the drawing as he had said, pinning it to his workboard beside some of his notes before he crossed the room to the opened glass. He peered out and into the bushes, which reached until a little alley that then had more shrubbery on the other side, then the beautiful house that Niff lived in after that. He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, other than a strange cat walking down the alley, seeming to be carrying a bird in its mouth. He managed a small smile at the sight, as it sort of reminded him of him and Lucifer. He was the cat, and soon the devil would be the bird. He would toy and prod until he would have him where he wanted him. Securing a place in the afterlife for himself seemed like a perfect idea. Especially since the sinner would never reach Heaven with his mother, who would surely be a shoe in with her rigid religious beliefs.

Hell, if she knew he had slept with a man, let alone the devil, she would have likely died on the spot. He shook his head at the idea, loving the theatrics of his mother dramatically reacting to inviting the king of Hell to dinner. It would certainly make a wonderful washboard weeper.

The man managed to get the window closed with great effort, then he turned back around, again scanning his room one more time before he managed to wander back out into the living room. Charlie was now laying her head down upon the coffee table, her eyes closed as she seemed to have gotten bored and fallen asleep. Al admired her ability to sleep so easily, as he certainly hadn’t been able to with such ease without some gin. He crossed over to her, gently picking her up and moving her to the couch, covering her with one of the quilts he usually only used for decoration. The girl cuddled up under it, dozing happily as her little snores filled the man’s ears.

He couldn’t help but actually genuinely smile, finding the little creature to be somewhat cute despite what she was. He wondered if Lucifer had another spawn, though he would never ask unless it would benefit him. Though, if they were young like this one, he doubted they wouldn’t have come on that day, so if he did have others then they were certainly able to take care of themselves. Certainly too old to be influenced into liking Alastor.

The human hummed, shifting his eyes towards the kitchen, noticing how the sounds of the water had stopped. He tilted his head, seeing if he could hear anything, but once he realized that the silence had remained a bit too long, he began to walk towards the doorway. He peeked inside, finding Lucifer to be looking out the window, leaning against the frame, his fancy jacket bundled in his arms as his tail still swayed from side to side. Al could practically cut the air with a knife, with how thick the tension had suddenly felt. He swallowed thickly, keeping on his biggest cheesiest smile in order to cheer the devil up, “I didn’t know the king of Hell could be so edgy. What’s got your goat, oh great one?”

Lucifer jumped a little, peering back with surprise, “Oh, sh*t- sorry I was zoning out. I just… how long was I standing here? Sorry, I cleaned the dishes.. I just…” The man kept babbling, which made Al’s heart skip a beat.

Something about this pathetic display almost made Alastor’s stomach spin, and without much effort on his part, he walked over, and like he had done with his mother a million times when she was upset, he pressed their foreheads together, bracing the back of his neck with gentle fingers as he pressed their heads together, “My mother always says that if we press our heads together hard enough we can share our grief. So, I guess you should just let it out, I can share it with you for a time.”

“I have millions of years of grief.” Lucifer’s eyes gleamed, face reddened entirely as his own hands tangled into Al’s curls, pressing them into a kiss before he continued, “Besides that isn’t part of our arrangement, is it?”

“No, I suppose it isn’t.” Alastor agreed, though he didn’t move, letting the king relax against him.

It worked, the tension melted rather easily. He was such a lonely creature, Al noted. This was going to be so easy, there was nothing that could ever go wrong with this little beneficial friendship. Finally he pulled away, eyes averted as he simply slid his hand to the devil’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly, “I think our trust requires a bit of… affection. If we hate one another too deeply, then how will I know that we can trust like we had agreed?”

“Sounds domestic.” Lucifer cooed, grabbing a hold of that hand, bringing it to his lips as he kissed each individual finger tip, which only made the mess in Alastor’s guts twist worse, almost as though a force was moving them around and toying within him, “Alright, apple pie, I’ll bite. Let’s learn to trust one another. Can't be that hard since I've seen and read your worst.”

“No, I’ll be the one biting.” Al pointed out, smirking sharply as he examined his fingernails on his other hand, actually not seeming to be as bothered by the show of affection for once, despite how his guts reacted to it.

The devil couldn’t contain a snort, laughing pretty hard as he released the man’s hand. He then managed to stand himself up straight, eyebrows raised as he proudly looked over the human’s features, his hands on his hips as again his tail swayed, like a cat looking over prey. Then suddenly the appendage jutted forward, grabbing Al by the neck, pulling him down to Lucifer’s level again as fire sparked in his eyes, “Although, you do need to pay for how much of an ass you made of me earlier.”

“You do that plenty by yourself.” Alastor remained composed, knowing fully that this would have to be coming, “Though, I guess a deal is a deal. I’ll play along, little king.”

With that they were once again pressed into a hot kiss, one that would certainly deny Al's access to Heaven if God had bothered to see.

Alastor’s back arched helplessly as he tried to struggle himself free, but between his own tie being used as a rope to hold his wrists in place, and the apple cane that harshly held his legs up by his bound arms only would tighten as he pulled, he had nowhere to squirm. He had never felt so helpless and yet so scandalous, as they were reenacting a scene from his second book, in which the devil tied up the main character and f*cked them into submission. Al was not one to submit, but he was ready to play his part, despite how much it embarrassed him. How precarious, he bit his lip, looking up at the devil who was taking far too long to ready himself, stroking his own length at the end of the bed as he admired his catch with half lidded eyes.

Al had promised not to complain, but man did he feel like bitching. He bit his lip hard, holding down as much vitriol as he could as he waited. Finally, the king joined him in bed, claws harshly relieving him of his modesty as he tore his pants and shirt off in not so clean sort of fashion, the shreds falling around his lean form as he grimaced, “Those were expensive trousers…”

“I’ll buy you better ones.” Lucifer told him, positioning himself, pressing the cane down into Al’s body, making his legs press flat against his abdomen, his smile only growing thanks to how helpless the human looked like this, “Remind me to tie you up more often. You look so cute like this.”

Al opened his mouth to retort, but then he felt Lucifer’s thick co*ck lay on his opening, which made him bite down on his lip hard, piercing it and causing it to bleed. The devil wouldn’t dare waste, leaning forward, the head of his length pressing in as he kissed the human ruthlessly, and without hesitation, he entered inch by inch, pushing all the way until there was nothing left to push inside. Flush within, fitting so oddly perfect against the human. The squeeze made his head spin, growls slipping out onto Alastor’s awaiting lips.

He sat himself up a little, not yet moving his hips as he admired the mortal below. His co*ck caused such a lewd bump to form on the man’s stomach, showing just how his malnourished form was unable to hide the sheet size of the devil. He adored him for the longest, fingers tracing the scars on Al’s form, and over the bum before they went to his newest wound, the small hiss of pain bringing a jolt of ecstasy to fill the devil’s spine.

He did this for sometime before he finally looked up to Al’s face. The expression surprised him, big innocent eyes had a bit of tears at the edges, his freckled cheeks reddened with rushing blood, his soul again pulsing in interesting ways, something Lucifer had never seen in a human before. Well, other than his first love, but surely this had to be different, he reasoned.

After a long moment, he let out a long sigh, actually beginning to feel somewhat bad, “Do… Do you want to stop?”

“What?” Al choked out, eyes darting away, face buried into the pillow below, “It’s a bit late to ask that, no?”

“I know, I just…” The devil bent forward now, kissing the tears away from Al’s eyes, making him look back towards him, “I can stop if you actually don’t want this. We don’t have to f*ck- I mean I told you that I wasn’t here to pay you for sex, and I meant that. I just… you make me do some crazy things.”

Al watched as the devil again spiraled into his babbling, although this time was so much worse, as he was tied up with the king’s co*ck still firmly pressed inside. He thought quickly, and despite himself, he laid pliantly, smiling sweetly at the devil as he practically sung up towards the man, “If I wanted this to stop, I would have told you to stop. Now finish what you’ve started. I’m getting hungry again, and I can’t have you bummed out while I cut you up. It’ll be a total buzz kill.”

The devil looked surprised, but then his own sharp toothed smirk returned, watching as Al’s soul seemed to relax, the dark form mellowing out, granting him permission to be pushed within. Lucifer took his chance, pulling his co*ck out before he rammed back inside, making the mortal arch his back helplessly as he cried out.

He set up a rough pace, and Al took it all as best as he could. The king bit his thigh, lapping up the red blood that flowed, enjoying the metalic flavor on his forked tongue, and with a purr he increased his speed already, brutally f*cking into his pet’s body.

Al’s eyes rolled back, his face pure red as he uselessly tried to pull his hands away from the restraints, but helplessly he took the abuse, his body accommodating it with surprising ease. He couldn’t do much but take in the entirety of his lover’s co*ck, his own heat welcoming the intrusion with feverish need. Like something within shifted just for the king’s lust, loving the attention it was getting from the lord of Hell.

Lucifer grabbed ahold of the dips of Al’s hips, slapping into him as his own back arched, his voice high, “f*ck! Such a beautiful f*cking hole!”

Al felt his ears burn, his eyes closing tight as his stomach turned suddenly, a tightness forming in the lowest parts of his guts. He felt like he was being rearranged, something Mimzy had described to him before despite how much he pleaded with her to keep sex out of their little talks.

The human couldn’t help himself, as a certain spot was finally hit, eyes glazing over, he moaned out, his drool pooling from either side of his mouth as he called out to his lover, “f*ck me there! Make it hurt f*cker!”

“That’s more like it!” Lucifer loved the sounds of Alastor’s screaming, aiming himself to hit that spot that inspired such noises, “But I think you know what to call me, baby.”

Al’s hazy mind searched for whatever he could be meaning, and finally once he realized, he opened his mouth, letting it roll off of his tongue seductively, “Daddy, f*ck me harder! Please fill me with your f*cking cum you stupid slu*t!”

The direct request was enough to drive the devil crazy, his hips springing hard, his horns grown out entirely as his tail wrapped around Al’s throat once more, squeezing it hard as he f*cked into him with increasingly messy thrusts. Alastor’s body couldn’t contain it anymore, and with a jolt of his spine he screamed out as he covered himself with his own cum, splashing his entire front with his hot seed, and with only a few more movements Lucifer followed close behind, burying himself deep inside as he spat fire, his seed filling his lover’s stomach fully, barely contained as it spilled around his co*ck.

Panting hard, the king laid himself on top of the spent mortal, smirking as he had, “I love it when you call me daddy. Too bad I can’t get you pregnant. I would love to fill you with my hellspawn.”

Al rolled his eyes tiredly, his voice small, “Untie me and shut up.”

“Certainly, but first you gotta tell me how many babies you would want.” Lucifer teased, pressing his hips harder against him.

“None. I don’t like children.” Al grumbled, hissing a little as his entrance was sore, swelling a little from the abuse.

“That’s no fun.” Lucifer pouted, beginning to undo the binds, and once his hands were free, Al reached up, tugging him down by his hair, biting into his throat hard.

The fallen angel stiffened, but did nothing to stop as Alastor drew blood, taking a whole chunk of flesh into his mouth with ease. He human laid back, chewing gleefully as the golden blood drenched his mouth, pouring from the hole he had made. Lazily he opened his maw, letting it pour right in, eyes half lidded with pleasure as he enjoyed every drop. Once the wound closed he looked a little disappointed, but he didn’t let the look linger for too long, as he picked up the cane from below his legs, using it to lightly slap Lucifer’s ass, “Now, get up. We had better get cleaned up before your spawn wakes up needing something.”

Lucifer smirked, following instructions even though that meant he had to pull out. With a shudder he had, then he stood, pulling Al into his arms so that he could carry him. The spent human did not complain, as promised. Instead, and interestingly to the devil, he simply tucked his head into the nape of the king’s neck, breathing in his scent idly as he was cared for. If Lucifer didn’t know better, it would seem that Al had already began to have feelings for him. But that was ridiculous, right?


I did a sinner drawing of the smut scene on my twitter hehe

Chapter 6: Talkshow


Alastor finally gets to work with his hero.


This chapter is lore, lore, lore, worldbuilding, and introductions. So get ready to meet most of the living cast :3

SleepyLurks - Here's another, love :3
Orphaccnt - Here I am, singing this in my head. I am so glad you mentioned Charlie and Lucifer's interaction, I love when my readers pick out little scenes to talk about, it makes my heart flutter hehe.
AnimeCub - Oh mortal affairs~~~
neuroqueer - your comment had me writing this chapter asap, you got me excited hehe

Chapter Text

Words spilled so easily from Al’s lips as he leaned into the microphone, eyes closed as he relaxed into his new position. He did not need the script, and ever conversational, he spoke of local gossip and about a new song that came out from a hometown singer. His voice was a practical hum as he excitedly got to move onto his formal introduction segment, one where his hero, Vincent, had joined him. The younger man sat up in his chair, lips ever close to his own microphone as he spoke, “Wasn’t it a delight everyone? I told you all that we would love Alastor!”

“Awe, you’re making me blush,” Al tutted, scratching his cheek bashfully as his eyes peered over at the other host, “You know how many nights I dreamed of hearing you even say my name, let alone talking directly about me to the whole of Louisiana!”

“You’re slaying me, Al! Don’t act so shy, you know you deserve the job.” Vince leaned forward upon his palm, eyes glued to the newer host as he looked him up and down, “Now, let’s get a little music break in before our next segment. We’re going to be talking about my new television show, so buckle in and stay tuned!”

“Yes, you wouldn’t want to miss this total live wire!” Al sang as he effortlessly moved his fingers, switching the station to music mode and turning off their voices so that the audience wouldn’t hear them over the songs that they had selected for the day.

Both men sat back in their chairs for a moment, drinking some water and straightening their ties as they righted themselves once again. Then, once they felt refreshed, they looked towards one another, almost in unison. Vincent was the first to break their silence, his voice low and genuine, “I am so glad you joined us when you did. I haven’t had such a wonderful time around this place in a while. Almost makes me want to stay.”

“You won’t be far, I suppose.” Al smiled at the man, hands neatly folded in his lap as he lightly moved his chair back and forth on the swivel, “Just next door.”

“Might be a bit far.” Vince scooted his own chair over, pressing his knees into Alastor’s in a cheeky way, eyebrows raised as his blue eyes flared with an emotion Al couldn’t quite read, “You should consider following me over, we could take over America’s television industry pretty easily.” Adjusting his glasses, the host almost purred, “You’ve got the perfect face for the pictures.”

“Ah, I disagree.” Al reached up to touch his own face, cheeks burning from the complement, “I think the public would be upset with my complexion. It doesn’t look right in black and white. Makes me look positively dark.”

“I like your skin.” Vincent’s flirts were now getting to be obvious to the man, making him look away shyly, not really prepared to be hit on by his favorite radio star.

He didn’t know what to say, and Hell it made his stomach twist and turn just like it had with Lucifer beforehand. He fidgeted with his fingers now, tapping them together as he tried to worm his way out of this conversation. He had just gotten his guts rearranged by the devil that morning, as their little playdates were growing in intensity, and he did not know if he really needed to have it done to him more than once in a day. Besides, he didn’t think the devil would be one to share. Alastor didn’t know if he wanted to be like a soup, used to dip bread in and serve around a table of sin. That was a good one, he focused, that could do well in his book.

Vincent seemed to notice that he had pushed a little too hard, and with the elegance of a man who had a bit too much desperation, he leaned forward, face a bit too close to Al’s, “I get it. You’re intimidated by me, I am technically your boss. I’ll take it a bit slower for now, and when you’re ready we can talk about an upgrade. Let’s start with dinner, h’m? I’ll get you in contact with my secretary, and she’ll get us settled. How does that sound?”

“I think that sounds reasonable.” Alastor admitted, not wanting to disappoint the other man.

Vince finally scooted himself back into place, getting ready to start talking again. Al let out a breath he did not know he had been holding, then he turned to his own microphone, silently counting down with his fingers. Three… two… one…

Al walked home briskly, jotting on a piece of paper he had snagged on his way out, messily scribbling out a scene in his book. It had come to him so much easier these days, inspiration flowing rather easily thanks to his little predicament he had found himself in. He reached home, but sat outside instead of going in, slouching in his lawn chair with a huff as he finished the sentence he was on. Then he placed the parchment upon his outdoor table, before he reached underneath the seat, pulling out from one of his few stashes of cigarettes. He lit it with ease, sucking in the poison as he looked off into the forest across the road, finding the haze in his mind to be somewhat comforting as he smoked.

He had not remained alone for long, the king poking his head out as he had heard him shift into the squeaky chair. He blinked at the mortal a few times before he walked over, tilting his head, smiling wide, “Your show was wonderful.”

“I told you it would be.” Al muttered in between puffs, eyes still distant until Lucifer took his cigarette, which made him focus on the devil’s face, his own actually pulling into a frown.

The king took a long drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke spill from between his teeth as he breathed out, “I didn’t think you were in such a hurry to die. Cigarettes are poisonous, and I didn’t know you smoked.”

“An occasional ciggy won’t kill me.” Al grumbled, grabbing another from his pack so that he wouldn’t have to share, lighting it up despite the glare the king gave him.

He breathed in the poison once more, letting his eyes close as he enjoyed the bite that the taste left on his tongue. Though, his eyes would open to find Lucifer crouched in front of him, cat-like eyes glued to his own. The human considered pushing him back so that he would fall down the steps, but decided against it, and instead he breathed the smoke into the devil’s face, letting it cover him. Lucifer didn’t move or really react other than blinking a bit to get the smoke out of his eyes, his voice low, “That Vincent guy is a bit too personable with you on the air. How does he treat you when we can’t hear him? I know he’s a bit of a deviant based on what I’ve uncovered about him.”

“I’m also a deviant, but you like me.” Al pointed out, leaving his cigarette hanging in his mouth as he spoke, “He is a personable fellow. I think he’s just excited to have me take over his position.”

“Are you sure that’s all?” Lucifer sounded jealous, which only made the mortal smirk, finding it to be hilarious.

“I mean, if he wanted to bend me over a desk I would imagine that would just be a pay raise.” The human tutted, rolling his eyes, “Of course I think it would be more productive for me to sit under the desk and-”

“Stop!” Lucifer shot up to his feet, covering his ears with his hands, “I don’t wanna think about you doing that to him!”

“Good, because I am not much for such thoughts either.” Al relaxed his body back against the squeaky chair, delighted to have elicited such a response.

Lucifer opened his mouth to reply, but a familiar voice sang behind him, cutting him off entirely, “Alastor! You dog!”

Al sat up quickly, stamping out his cigarette quickly as he sprang to his feet, nearly throwing Lucifer out of the way as he walked towards the source of the voice, “Mimzy! What brings you to my dumpy little neighborhood, darling?”

“I heard your show and I had to just stop by!” The small woman pulled the much taller man into a hug, her eyes darting over his form in order to get an eyeful of the king, “Who’s that tall glass of water?”

“Tall to you, maybe.” Al chuckled, arm still wrapped around the petite lady as he turned around, gesturing towards his partner, “This is Lu, he’s sort of-”

“I’m his fiancé.” Lucifer winked at Alastor, making his face flare up red.

“Oh! I didn’t know you were queer Al!” Mimzy chuckled, hands now on her hips as she looked between the two men, “Be’n all open and brave about it too. What would your ma say?”

“She doesn’t need to know.” Alastor shushed the woman, raising his eyebrows as a warning to both blondes.

“Well, if Mimzy knows, so will half the town if you’re not careful.” Al’s ears filled with yet another familiar voice, the tall man somehow being missed in their little reunion, the gambler already looking a bit buzzed, likely due to day drinking, his face flush red, annoyance clear on his features.

Al knew this was a sign, his voice very low as he spoke, “What is it that you two could want? I’m not due to do anything harsh for at least a few more weeks.”

Lucifer walked over, sensing the tension growing in the air, looking between the mortals as he tried to decipher the situation. Alastor’s eyes quickly darted to him, winking to dissuade him from interfering. Lucifer took the hint and stopped where he stood, just watching from afar. Al turned his attention back to his friends, still waiting on an answer.

“Well, seeing as you’re the big sh*t around here, I wanted to ask a teeny-tiny favor.” Mimzy gestured, pulling her body to stand in front of the radio host, eyelashes fluttering in order to appear cuter than her soul would say she was, Baby, I want you to play my music on the air. Get me some bulls to graze at our speakeasy, get it?”

“That sounds like a recipe for disaster.” Al muttered, his smile small, politely still on his lips despite how uneasy he felt, “I can’t guarantee you’ll get the type of attention you crave. Might end up with pigs at your door if you’re not careful.”

“I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.” Mimzy assured him, knowing fully that he was trying to look out for her, even if she didn’t want him to, “I’ll even keep your little husband here a secret. Don’t want everyone in your business when you’re just gett’n popular.”

They stared at one another for the longest time before Al rolled his eyes, standing up straight and looking at the aged man who stood next to him, smiling at him a bit wider, “You’re gonna have bum rush the unfortunates that enter the establishment, Husk.”

“I can handle it.” The older man rolled his eyes, suddenly snatching a cigarette from the pack that Al still had sticking out of his pocket, which made Lucifer’s eyes flicker with anger.

Alastor tried not to make things worse, so quietly he agreed to Mimzy’s request, promising to play at least one of her tracks that he had in his home. She seemed pleased, and as her business with the host had been done, she turned on her heel, winking at the devil before she stalked away towards her car. Husk followed behind her, not apologizing for stealing from the man. Once they had vacated, the tension finally melted, and Al focused his eyes on his master, a sigh escaping his lips, “Sorry you had to see that.”

“Why did you let her talk to you like that? Hell why did you let that f*cker touch you? I can literally tear them to shreds if you wanted.” Lucifer growled at his pet, angry on his behalf.

“I won’t have you meddling in my affairs. I have reasons for doing things my way, and even if the pay off doesn’t make sense to you, it makes sense to me.” Al sighed with annoyance, hand going up to brush his hair back and out of his face, exhaustion starting to take over, as the day had been longer than he had expected thanks to this new turn of events.

Lucifer glared at his lover for a long time before he let out a long breath, with his chest puffed out, he simply said, “Tell me if it gets to be way too much. I’m here to benefit both of us.”

Al blinked at him momentarily before he found a grin again, his hand grasping quietly to his master’s shoulder, he directed him towards the porch once more. He had the devil sit on his chair, and without a word, he handed him the few sheets of notes he had taken for his book, prompting the king to begin reading. His eyes widened, and they scanned the pages over and over again, features relaxing as he enjoyed himself. He eventually was able to pull his eyes away, looking up at the human, “I didn’t think your handwriting would be so nice. You’re brilliant, as always.”

“Keep praising me like that and I’ll have the book written by suppertime.” Al hummed, beginning to walk inside with a playful chuckle.

The king rose to his feet once more, following the writer into the home. It was just in time for Al’s phone call with his mother, and gleefully the mortal picked up the line, speaking into the receiver as he had, “Yello, this is Alastor speaking, how may I help you?” His mother’s voice was music to his ears, as she excitedly exclaimed about Al’s show that day. He closed his eyes as he listened, singing back in reply, “Thank you mama, I think I did good as well. Yes I am com’n over tonight to tell ya all the details. Je t'aime aussi. Bye-bye, mama.”

Once he hung up, as expected, Lucifer was standing nearby, listening in as perusal. He figured that Hellspawn didn’t know what privacy was, as he seemed to never get it in his house since the king had taken residence within his bed. Speaking of, he focused his eyes, grimacing as he realized his mattress was laid out in the living room, leaned up against the wall. He glared at the king, groaning, “Why on Earth is my mattress in the lounge?”

“Oh!” Lucifer smiled wide, hands gesturing wildly as though it would help his cause, “I went shopping for you! Ya know, to celebrate your first show!”

“So you got a new bed?” Al muttered, eyebrows furrowed.

“Of course! I felt a bit bad that we broke the frame this morning, and no pet of mine is sleeping on the floor like some hoodlum!” Lucifer over-explained himself, trying to convey his actions as though they were completely natural.

Al dared to walk down the hall, ignoring the new paintings that Lucifer had taken the liberty of filling the walls with, and with a deep breath, he peeked his head into his bedroom, and indeed his bed was replaced alright. The large new frame nearly taking up the entirety of his floorspace, likely being closer to a king size as opposed to his twin frame he had before. The human was flabbergasted, never having seen a bed so big before. He managed to pull himself into the room, finding Charlie sitting on the foot of the bed playing with a doll. He couldn’t help but kick off his dress shoes and climb onto the plush material, the silken sheets feeling like a dream against his slightly hot skin. The little girl stopped what she was doing to look over, smile big, “Hello, alligator!”

“Hello darling.” Al gave a muffled reply, face pressed down into the sheets as he enjoyed the sensation on his cheeks.

Lucifer walked in, enjoying the strange show he was getting, “I think you like it?”

“I keep forgetting that you’re the devil and you can tempt me with linens.” Al grumbled into the mattress, not daring to look up, “They didn’t say anything about that in the bible.”

“I mean, to be fair, they don’t really say much in the bible.” Lucifer pointed out, now sitting against the headboard as he admired his pet’s slumped over form, “Adam was a real stuck-up when he helped the humans write it. Making strange rules that he thought God would like.”

Al simply huffed, not moving from his spot as he felt Charlie crawl over him. She sat on his back, tugging his hair a little, enjoying the texture of his curls, “Daddy, he’s a sheep, not an alligator!”

“Baahhh…” Alastor sleepily made a sheepish noise, finding the tussling of his hair to be so comforting that he nearly began to doze off.

Lucifer couldn’t help but chuckle, watching two of his most favorite beings interact. He knew bringing Charlie here wouldn’t be a mistake. He knew Alastor would be a natural at child rearing. The thought brought more sinful ones, as his eyes began to drift more towards Al’s backside, making the king bite his lip to bring himself out of it.

Charlie continued to mess with the man’s hair until he finally did fall asleep, and once she realized that he had, she laid on top of him, curling up to also take her midday nap. Lucifer decided to let them sleep, quietly pulling out one of Al’s books from the nightstand that he had packed with his own property. He wanted to do some research for plans he had made for later that night, as he didn’t want to skip any story beats while enjoying reenacting scenes with his pet author.

He couldn’t forgive himself if he didn’t remind the writer everyday how much he loved his writing.

Chapter 7: Dinner Party


Alastor goes to dinner with his mother, but he isn't alone.


I got excited and just kept writing. This chapter has some more lore included, as long as some fun! I'm excited to see how you all react to this one hehe

TheRoseBanshee - Charlie is very baby, and Al is very good with babies even though he hates them.
Livelovelaughapps - Yet here is another :D
GummiMato - ;3
Orphaccnt - More soup for you
Arianna - Vince (Vox) surely likes to stick himself into situations he probably shouldn't hehe
SleepyLurks - SURPISE, another update today! gotta have more jealous content to feed ya.
neuroqueer - Lucifer doesn't realize the hole he is digging himself into
Cutei3kitty - I can't wait to see your drawing, darling!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Alastor’s trip to his mother’s house was calming, uneventful like it was meant to be. Though a certain devil had followed not so far behind to make sure he would not be ambushed again on the way. He seemed to be trying to hide himself in the trees, but as Al had become acutely aware of the king; his tactics were quickly to be considered rather tactless.

The mortal smiled though, finding the care taken to be entertaining at best. He wondered if he would always have a guardian angel now that he was sleeping with the devil. Again his fingers tapped against each other, as he wished to write it down. He then reached up to clean his useless glasses, having replaced the lenses with clear ones as his eyes still worked perfectly since his first encounter with the king. He would have to wait to write, as he could never bring any of his work into his mother’s home, just as he could never tell her that his eyes were miraculously healed.

Momentarily he had stopped and stood where he had previously been attacked, eyes scanning the location to see if the devil had left any evidence. Nothing remained, like the attack had been washed from the face of the Earth. He briefly wondered if it had even occurred, although his still healing stomach was an obvious answer to the question, the sting of which made drool pool onto his tongue. Then he stopped reminiscing, and instead began for his childhood house once more.

When he finally arrived, he spared a glance out to the trees, noting how the movement he had sensed had ceased, like the devil had tucked himself into a perch. He would likely wait for the dinner to end, and perhaps act like he had just so happened to have found Alastor when he started home again. Maybe they would walk together, and maybe they would hold hands. The cheesiness made the human laugh to himself, his body moving into the unlocked front door and into the savory smell of his mother’s home, “Ma, I’m home!”

“Ah!” The woman stopped chopping onions, her smile wide as she faced her son, aging eyes glimmering with delight, “Bonjour mon bébé, comment vas-tu?”

“I’m good mama,” The man replied happily, though his eyes quickly caught onto a suit jacket hanging on one of the chairs, the familiar embroidery of it making his stomach turn, “Do you have company?”

“Aye, yes!” The woman hummed, “He’s fresh’n up. You were right about how handsome he is, mon amour! Such a charmer!”

Al’s mouth became unbelievably dry. Vincent was here, in his childhood home, with his mother, his hands became increasingly sweaty, and feverishly he rubbed them against his pants in order to hide the fact, “How did he…”

“Alastor!” Vince walked in with casual ease, hands on his hips as his eyes gleamed, “I decided that our dinner date couldn’t wait, and your gracious mother agreed!”

Like a dying fish, Al opened his mouth and closed it a few times, then finally his mind caught up to the situation, and he managed to string a sentence together, “Impanience can make you look like a total bird.”

“Well, as I like to chirp, I suppose that’s quite alright.” Vince’s eyebrows quirked as he took a hold of Al’s shoulders, leading him towards the table as though he owned the place.

The man had him sit in the chair next to the one that held his jacket, and without hesitation, he filled that one with a pleased grin, making sure that his leg touched Alastor’s despite how uncomfortable the contact made the mortal. When his mother wasn’t looking, Al turned to the man, tugging his tie forward so that he could talk sternly with him, his voice a whisper as he had, a small warning not to be careless in front of his only family. Vince smirked widely, enjoying the proximity despite how tense the air between them had been, “I promise not to out you. I’ve been doing this kinda thing for a while. Although,” The man bit his lip, looking Al up and down, “If you keep pulling me close, you cannot blame me for wanting to take this further.”

Releasing his grip immediately, Al scooted himself as far away as he could without looking suspicious, which seemed to work as his mother hummed and just filled the table with plates without knowing what she was interrupting.

Then even more suddenly, the front door opened behind them, almost making the already frazzled man nearly jump out of his skin as a familiar devil walked right in, smiling largely as he looked at everyone in the room.

Alastor would’ve dropped to his knees and prayed to die as he had before if it weren’t for his ma being right there. Said woman wiped her hands on her apron, crossing over the old wood floors to look at the uninvited guest, “Oh, bonjour! Who might you be?”

“Hello Rosa, I’m one of Alastor’s friends. He wanted me to come meet you! Might I say, you’ve got quite the home here!” Lucifer laid on the charm, taking one of her dainty hands, pressing a kiss to the backside of it as he introduced himself, “My name is Lu, I am an old friend of your son’s. He is quite the gentleman, he knew I was down on my luck and so he invited me over to enjoy your wonderful cooking! He talks nonstop about it!”

The aging woman let out a soft laugh, enjoying the attention she was getting, and much like her son, she was a sucker for compliments, “Ah! The more the merrier! Viens t'asseoir!”

“Don’t mind if I do!” Lucifer went to the table, winking at Alastor as he picked a seat, making sure to sit on the mortal’s other side, which really squeezed the man in between the two bimbos.

The woman noticed that he had understood her French rather quickly, and was impressed, so much so that she kept talking to him in her native tongue. Lucifer nodded, using a few phrases himself, actually managing to keep up with the woman’s conversational skills. Alastor, on the other hand, sat dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. He was stuck between two hard places, and honestly he feared for his mother’s interpretations of his sexuality, which had previously been a blank slate as he had never dated before, would be completely shifted.

Vince seemed to notice Al’s dilemma, as even he looked bewildered by the interruption, “Who’s the stiff?”

“My… friend…” Alastor lied through his teeth, smile large and completely fake, “Don’t worry, I didn’t actually invite him here either.”

Vincent then smiled, as though him saying that had opened up his options yet again. Al simply melted in his seat, over stimulated and frankly done with this little gathering. How he wished to perish. He prayed quietly to himself to be struck down, to just disappear. Anything to save him from the sheer embarrassment that he was sure would come. But God was ruthless, and throughout dinner he remained perfectly alive. Listless, he picked at the meal with his fork, nearly choking every time someone spoke.

The table said grace, which was especially awkward for Lucifer who joined hands with everyone while his eyes shifted around uncomfortably, only relaxing once Rosa said "Amen."

Lucifer, unfortunately, was very talkative afterwards, and he seemed to love getting to know Al’s mother. Vincent seemed more concerned with Alastor himself, as he kept his eyes on him, smiling fondly as he tried to make small talk. Al tried to keep up, though he found it nearly impossible to concentrate.

Finally, dinner had finished, and Al shot up to his feet, gathering the dishes like he usually did, going to the sink to clean up for his little mother. The woman sat back, looking completely satisfied, “Ah, how nice it is that my boy has new friends!”

Vince momentarily watched Al walk away, eyes glued to his rear in a not so subtle way, “He’s a pretty amazing and handsome gentleman. I couldn’t imagine he would not be popular amongst his peers.”

“I mean, he is pretty great.” Lucifer cooed, his own eyes glued to the same thing, though he even watched happily as Alastor did domestic tasks, finding joy in watching him wash up, though he did peel his eyes away to stare daggers at the other man.

Rosa smiled between the men, not fully understanding what they were on about, although she seemed to catch onto the attraction in the air, as it was blatant. She giggled to herself knowingly, as unbeknownst to her son, she didn’t care who he loved, as long as he was loved. She knew exactly what this all was, and silently she gave her blessing for the men to pursue her son, though she hoped neither would end up hurting his feelings too terribly in the end. She stood, joining her boy, helping him clean up. As she stood next to him, she looked up, voice a low whisper, “I think I like your boyfriends. You should bring them more often.”

“Ma!” Alastor nearly cried out, his face flushing red once more, “They’re not-”

“Shh… Je ne suis pas né hier.” The woman smirked at her son, “I give my bless’n. I think God can forgive all of this love.”

Alastor felt the irony dawn on him, like a speeding train running him over. Yet, he smiled, feeling uplifted by the acceptance, his form bending down to lean upon the woman, their foreheads pressing together. A third member joined them, Lucifer snooping as always, joined his forehead as well, chuckling as they looked at him, but didn’t pull away, “This looked like fun, so I had to try it. Ya know, you are a wise woman. Al says this takes your sadness away, and man does it make me feel better!”

The woman laughed a little, petting both the men’s hair lovingly before she spun back around to finish up. Lucifer touched lightly where her hand had messed up his hairdo, but he didn’t dare stick the hairs back into place, admiring the gentleness she had displayed instead.

Vincent now stood over both of them, looking a little annoyed as he wasn’t included, “What’s the meeting about?”

“This just in, my boss followed me to my mother’s house and wonders why he hasn’t been invited back.” Alastor threatened idly, smirking at his co-host, “Just get your stuff together, we got to start leaving soon before it gets dark.”

Vincent swallowed thickly, opening his mouth to argue, then he simply let it close as he went to put on his jacket. Lucifer glared at him, then looked at his pet, “I think we should uninvite him from our affairs.”

“You weren’t invited here either, so I don’t want to hear it.” Alastor tutted at the devil, though he couldn’t help but smile at his frustrations.

Maybe he would let the two interact more, as it was getting to be entertaining now that he knew his mother simply didn’t care if he was a little gay. Speaking of his mother, he hugged onto her form, kissing her a few times on her cheek as he said his goodbyes. They spoke in French for a moment, laughed about the boys, then they parted. Happy, Al began for the door, not waiting up for either man as he made his exit.

Both followed quickly, nearly getting stuck in the door frame as they fought to stand beside the wandering man. Ultimately, as both were stubborn, they both squeezed through, and Lucifer pushed the tall host to make him get away from him. Vince nearly toppled over, but managed to keep his footing, hurrying to link arms with Alastor with a sharp grin, “Well, now that I’ve met your mother, and we’ve finally had dinner, how about that upgrade?”

Lucifer ran up to be on the other side, grabbing ahold of Alastor’s hand in a rough hand hold, “He’s much too busy to go on dates with his boss. Besides, you're pretty stale for a talk show host. Al would fall asleep before you could wine and dine him.”

Al opened his mouth, but Vince spoke over him, taking Lucifer’s bait too easily, “And who are you supposed to be? Some poor sap who happened to get a crush on Alastor? What’s with that freaky f*cking makeup?”

Again Alastor opened his mouth, and again he was talked over, “It’s not makeup, bitch, and for your information, I’ve gotten more than a crush out of Alastor.” He lewdly spat out his tongue, which enraged the man, and if it weren’t for Al, they likely would have started to fight, the man just barely managing to keep the two men apart.

“What the f*ck do you mean? You can’t seriously try to make me believe you got to f*ck Alastor with that gaudy git-up! He has too much taste for that!” The man’s blue eyes spiraled, and Lucifer saw as his soul thrashed about, his obsession becoming obvious to the king.

“Oh, he tastes me alright.” The ruler of Hell stooped lower and lower, which made Alastor give up, side stepping, which allowed the men to fight over him.

He stood watching as they practically tore into one another, and with a long sigh, he backed up, beginning to walk home without either of them. After they bickered for a bit longer, they realized that they were being left behind, so both men hurried to again catch up to the mortal. Al’s hips were tugged back, and as he looked back he realized it was Vincent, who pulled him against his own hips, pressing himself against him, “Please tell me it isn’t true. I know you’re your own man, but I wanted to tear into you first.”

Alastor had enough of their bickering, and he certainly wasn’t going to air his dirty laundry for everyone to hear. So, instead, he looked at his master, eyes serious as he spoke, “Just drop it, you know this argument is getting us nowhere.” Then he looked back at his coworker, eyebrows quirked despite how entertained he had felt, “And you… I will let you know if I accept your offer. I am not easy, so you had better prepare for war. Especially if you want what he's got.”

He then pulled away from the man, leaving him behind finally as he thought over his words. He knew it would not be the end of his boss’s flirtations, but he knew this was the best way to keep his master from killing the human.

Alastor didn’t even dare to talk until they made it home, and once inside he nodded towards Nif who was seated on the mattress that still sat in the living room, greeting her; as she had been reading a bedtime story to Charlie, who was peacefully dosing on the twin cushion.

When he entered his bedroom, he waited for Lucifer to join him, then he closed the door, locking it. He turned towards the devil, peeling off his suit jacket, then unbuttoning his top, eyes serious, mouth pulled into a tight grin, “You are in trouble.” He sang.

“Am I?” The king watched with big eyes, not expecting Alastor to be so forward all of a sudden.

Al stalked over, hungry eyes piercing into his lover’s exterior, “I’m f*cking starving, I didn’t get a single bite to eat and now you will pay.”

Before Lucifer could find a reply, he was pulled into Al’s bare chest, his collar ripped open, the buttons giving up thanks to the sharp tug, popping open and revealing his throat. He swallowed thickly as he looked into his lover’s eyes, watching as his soul grew ten feet tall, glaring hungrily into his eyes. Unforgivingly, Al bared his teeth, forcing them into the king’s awaiting veins, piercing it with relative ease as the devil nearly melted thanks to the ecstasy the pain brought him. Eyes rolling back, Al held him in place, biting deeply until the flesh filled his maw, allowing him to chew and swallow, then his tongue began to work the open wound before he bothered to bite again as the flesh restitched itself back together.

Lucifer whimpered, claws dragging down Al’s chest as he heaved with delight, his eyes full of stars as he grew hard from the biting. He couldn’t handle it anymore, and with great need, he ripped his own shirt off the rest of the way, then went to undo his pants with frustrated groans. Al grabbed his hands, stopping him from freeing himself just yet, tongue lapping up his neck and to his ear, where he bit the shell momentarily before he hotly spoke against it, “Let me, daddy.”

Lucifer dumbly stood frozen, his horns growing out all of the way, tail standing at attention as Al bent down in front of him, tugging down his trousers as he was level with his hardened co*ck. Lewdly, he stuck his tongue out, mouth open for the king, the mix of saliva and blood making his mouth nearly golden in appearance. He could barely hold himself back, but with large eyes, he watched, breath catching in his throat as his thick co*ck filled his lover’s mouth. Al continued to look up at him, and with more confidence, he gripped the fallen angel’s hips, shoving him far back, hitting the back of his throat with only a light gag with each movement. Lucifer grabbed ahold of his hair, pulling it hard into himself, making Al moan into his pelvis, which in turn only made the sensation more Heavenly.

The king growled as he thrusted into his awaiting throat, his knees nearly buckling as he chased pleasure, but then he suddenly pulled out, making Al’s lips pop, and the king pant into the cool bedroom air. He spoke harshly, fire leaking from his lips, “Get on the f*cking bed, now.”

Al smirked, standing he followed the directions, as he spoke hoarsely, abused throat scratchy, “Someone’s impatient.” Then he threw himself into the silk sheets, feeling a little bad that they would tarnish them, “Goodbye beautiful sheets, we will miss you.”

The feeling of Al’s pants being tugged down distracted his apology, his backside freed to the cool air he was made to stand on all fours, and without warning, Lucifer smacked him harshly, leaving an angry red mark upon the cheek. Al hissed, hands twisting as he gripped the sheets beneath, “f*ck, a warning would be nice-”

Again he was interrupted as Lucifer’s forked tongue licked up his entrance, the devil’s eyes full of hunger and want as he began to work on his lover’s ass. He whimpered, burying his face into the bed below as he helplessly leaned into the bedspread. The king pushed his tongue in and out, coating his insides with his saliva before he pulled away, admiring his lover for a moment before he climbed up onto the bed, co*ck now pressed between his perfect buttcheeks as he prepared to ruin them. Then with a swift movement, he buried himself all the way inside, claws dragging long cuts onto Al’s hips.

The human buckled below the king, his knees giving up as he flatly laid until the mattress, but that did not stop the devil from f*cking into him, and with a hint of desperation, the king wildly f*cked into him, claws now burrying themselves into the human’s back, marking him up, making him more obviously his property. Then, laying his form onto Alastor’s, the king did something unexpected as he howled with lust, “I’m going to remind you why you want to belong to me! Not that stupid f*cking human!” his teeth sunk into the human’s throat like Al’s had before with his own.

But this felt different, and as his guts felt extreme movement and pressure, his mind suddenly grew blank, and it felt like Lucifer increased in girth, the base of his co*ck hardly able to be pulled out as he rammed into his hole.

Alastor climaxed harder than he had ever done before, reeling entirely from the sensation of the bite, his body getting hot, feverish, his eyes rolling back entirely as his tongue uselessly lulled out into the air, his voice louder than he had ever intended with his friend in the other room, “Daddy! Ah! f*ck! When did you get so f*cking big?”

The dirty words were enough to drive Lucifer crazy, he pounded into his lover’s ass, their lewd sounds filling the room entirely. He bit down harder, and with just a few slams he couldn’t help but fill up his lover’s body, seed spilling into him, yet he still moved, a tightening in his lover’s guts making him milk himself until he was entirely spent. Arching his back, Lucifer pressed deep within, the tightness making him unable to move anymore as he harshly huffed and growled against the nape of his lover’s throat. When he came down from his high, he released his bite, lazily licking up the mess he left behind, skin crawling with pins and needles, face on fire.

Al was much worse for wear, his body trembling as the pain still made him reel with need. Clouded, he moved his hips a little, the stimulation being the only thing that appeased the daze he had suddenly began to feel, his voice a low whimper, “I… what’s happening to me?”

“Hard telling.” Lucifer muttered in between licks, “This felt… different, huh?”

“Entirely.” Al managed to breathe out, finally settling his stomach a little once he was able to press the king into the right spot within him, “Jealousy certainly has its effect on you, my lord.” Al grumbled, the ache in his body terrible as it caught up to him.

“I can’t move.” Lucifer admitted, hands rubbing tiredly into Al’s sides.

“Neither can I.” Alastor replied, although he was actually unwilling to even try.

Al focused on his stomach once more, it felt like Lucifer was still filling him a little, each twitch of his co*ck adding to the load, and with the expanded girth of his co*ck, the liquids stayed in place, the hot seed bringing a strange sort of comfort with its temperature. Both men felt high, and despite the turn of events, neither dared to try and separate. Instead, they simply relaxed where they were, and Lucifer used his magic to conjure a fluffy blanket over them, nuzzling into his lover’s spine as he settled in for the night.

Today had been such a mess, Al admitted as the king’s snores filled his ears, the weight on his back comforting him more than anything ever had. The agony that followed their lovemaking only eliciting further excitement. The dull pain of the bitemark made his heart swell, and strangely he couldn't help but feel his emotions cling to the marking, like it had been a silent vow in a way. His eyes drew to a close, and he wondered idly what life would be like from then on. Between Vince and how different everything felt after that bite, he couldn’t wait to see the chaos that was sure to follow. He was going to bring Hell to it's knees, just as he would with the king. He finally drifted off to sleep.

In the morning Lucifer woke up alone. Al had managed to pull himself together enough to hurry off to the studio for his job, and the devil cursed his free will. His eyes spun as he thought about the secret conversations he could be having with the other host. Jealousy was certainly a hardcore drug as he licked his teeth, remembering the taste of his lover’s blood, and longing to taste it some more. Bitterly, the devil brought himself to his hooves, wanting so badly to keep Al within his grasps. He just needed to figure out how. Or rather, needed to figure out what his deal was doing to fulfill his deepest desires.


This chapter had a bunch of rewrites, as this could've gone a million ways. There's many alternatives to the walk home, some bloody, some more saucy hehe

Chapter 8: Ambrosia


Alastor finds inspiration to write after work.


Hello my lovely readers! The response to the last few chapters has me swoon! practically giddy! So, here's another to celebrate all of you! Thank you all!
Maxx - Vince is just a little obsessive, nothing to see here ;3
SleepyLurks - some more fast content for one of my favorite readers :3 more jealousy coming right up.
Toothy_Mutt - *takes a straw and sips your puddle*
Mephilver - I am excited to see your ideas, you can message me on twitter if you so wish hehe, and thank you again and again for constantly keeping up with my loony stories, I appreciate you!
Mephilver - Alastor loves the attention, but he doesn't want it to show hehe. She loves her little boy, and she'll beat anyone up who treats him poorly. Thanks, love.
Peony_Soprano - Oh no, gee, I came up with more.
Lany1516 - thank you :D
Livelovelaughapps - You're very welcome !
neuroqueer - Always ~~~
Moodyscoot - eat up!
Husky_Fries - I think you'll like this one
Orphaccnt - could you imagine how they'll all act in Hell? Oh the possibilities.
AnimeCub - that is the biggest compliment!

Chapter Text

Sitting was terribly uncomfortable, body full of a dull ache that simply refused to go away. He still spoke with utmost confidence, but the burning in his lower stomach made him keep thinking back to the previous night, and how rough his master had been. His fingers kept going up to trace his bite mark, the bandages doing little to cushion his own harsh prodding. If the devil kept playing with him like that, then surely he would become undone.

His co-host seemed to have noticed the gleam in his eye, so he tried to sit still, and tried to look professional, but he failed pretty quickly once he scooted himself forward, as the friction of the chair made him bite his lip hard, splitting it in between talking points. Vince’s eyes widened, and he quickly made an excuse to cut to music, and once their voices were turned off, he rolled himself over to the man, looking him up and down, “f*ck, you’re a mess today, what’s been eating you?”

“Lu has.” Alastor chuckled under his breath, smile crooked, “He certainly wanted to take a few chunks outta me after our little squabble. I’ve been meaning to thank you for that.”

“sh*t- I mean…” Vince gently began to wipe the man’s lip with his handkerchief, becoming a bit of a mess himself over his co-worker’s wellbeing, “I didn’t peg him as someone who would hurt you. I am going to bump him off if I see him again.”

“Mmm…” Al purred at the possibility of them meeting again, having to press his legs together thanks to the possibilities, “I happen to enjoy a little bit of roughing up. It makes things have a sort of agency.”

Vince stopped his fussing, his eyes going wide as he looked into his co-host’s features, scanning for sarcasm when none had been present. After a moment, gears in his mind turning, he smiled wide, gaze sparking with intrigue, “Woah- I didn’t… You’re into that sort of stuff? Man, I am one f*cking lucky bitch.”

“You are certainly a bitch.” Al agreed playfully, sitting back so that their faces weren’t too close, “I can only imagine how tortured my… friend… is at home. Probably worried you’ve got me under the desk doing some not so safe for work sort of things… Although that would be my fault, as I did start that line of thought.”

Vincent sat up entirely, pressing the bloodied cloth to his lips as he licked the fabric boldly. The display made Al’s stomach flip, as he had to avert his eyes in order not to accidentally give too much away about his sudden interest. He would not play his cards all at once. He craved the chaos between the two other men, as it made an ember he had never ignited blaze with renewed passion. He would have his apple and eat it too, even if it was to the detriment of the f*cking devil himself, or the death of his favorite talk show host.

How he enjoyed stirring the pot, especially after the meal it provided the night before.

The weather had turned, the beginnings of fall becoming evident around Al’s walk home. Something about the season always brought him great peace, even with the latest events taking most of his attention. He breathed in the scent of fallen leaves, the cold air making a mess of his hair as he strode home. He felt like a much younger man in this type of weather, as his muscle aches did release a little.

He knew he wasn’t alone, the familiarity of Lucifer’s gaze made him only walk slower, as to make him frustrated with the wait. He loved toying with his master, loved tilting the deal in his favor even more. Little did he know that his soul would be staring right at the devil, watching him with big eyes, and an even bigger grin. Two faced, one calmly enjoying autumn, the other enjoying the meal of Lucifer’s anguish.

Al finally made it home, and smiling over at Nif, who was raking some of the fallen leaves already, he stopped walking, postponing entering his abode, “Hello, dear, is your husband not home again?”

“He’s got a big boy meeting today.” Nif confirmed, leaning against her rake as she hummed, “He sure didn’t leave me all alone though, his brother’s here, being such a pill.”

“Ah, how frustrating.” Al spat out his tongue, hands on his hips, “Are ya sure we shouldn’t just eat him?”

“I thought about it, but big daddy would be pissed.” Nif giggled happily, as though what he had said came across as completely sane and normal to her, “Although… I did start making some of that salsa you like. Maybe I can bring it over?”

“Ah…” Al hated her cooking so much, he dreaded how sour it would surely taste, “I would love some, but Lu promised to make us some tomato soup tonight, and I would hate to mix tomatoes.”

The girl laughed again, dropping her rake where she stood before she began to trudge over, having trouble stepping over the pile she had made, “Can I have some soup?”

sh*t, he should have seen that coming; Nif was always up for free food, “Uh, maybe once it's actually made, I suppose.”

“But, it’s already dinner time!” The small woman looked up at him with her big eye, her hands tugging on the bottom of her dress innocently, “Hasn’t he started on it? Should I help him in the kitchen? I didn’t know your new boyfriend would be so dumb at taking care of you!”

Al let out a soft sigh, looking away from his friend awkwardly, “He’s just figuring it out, I assure you. I’ll bring you a bowl once he’s finished, sweetheart, I swear.”

“You have better.” The girl crossed her arms over her chest, pouting now, “I gotta see if he’s a better cook than me.”

“Oh, Heavens no, no one can beat your cooking.” Al lied through his teeth, smile large and totally fake.

Luckily, Nif never picked up on social cues, so she just became giddy, bouncing on her heels as she excitedly exclaimed, “Damn right!”

Then, as Al opened his mouth to speak, he noticed that Nif’s brother-in-law had been watching them from her porch now. He closed his mouth again, eyes shifting to the girl to indicate to her that their conversation would be cut short. She looked back at the man, looking upset, but she pulled away, not wanting any sort of cheating allegations to come about again, as the last time her eye had been the victim of unfortunate circ*mstances. Al wished she would just let him off her husband, and possibly that pesky brother of his, but seeing as he had promised not to do anything too rash until she said the word, his hands were tied. All because of a baby she never had, and a nursery that would never hear the cries of new life. How disgusting, the man grimaced.

He slowly backed away from the scene as the woman grabbed her rake again to finish one of her many duties. Once he walked onto his porch he noticed that an envelope was taped to his door, so he took it. Having completely forgotten about the game he had been playing with the devil, he simply walked in staring at the paper, hanging his jacket on the hook next to the entrance as he closed the door behind himself.

Little Charlie was playing with blocks in front of the radio, listening to some of the music that the third host played. She always had a more soft romantic swingers type music playing, which was a distant genre from the more crass jazz Alastor often let play. Vincent was always playing the newest biggest hits, so altogether, the listeners always had blocks of time for whatever they desired, even if Vince’s choices could be total crap. He had somehow convinced the third host to play a few of Mimzy’s songs, as they fit her style much better than his own, and like she had wanted, the response was positive to say the least. She was a star after all, or at least that’s what she kept reminding him every time he would come around the speakeasy.

Al sat himself next to the child, huffing lightly as his backside stung, gritting his teeth momentarily before he got comfortable. He watched her idly for a bit, listening to her hum as she built a little tower. Eventually he parted his lips, voice small and sweet, “What’s that you’re making?” He shoved the letter in his pocket as he asked.

“A hotel.” She replied, her tiny hands hard at work, “Daddy, and you, and momma live here. I’m the princess of the hotel.” She said, building her little story like she built the blocks, “We let in everyone, and they have fun all day.”

“I see…” Al had forgotten about the girl’s mother, the idea of her made him uncomfortable, a bit of jealousy actually rising in his gut, “It’s nice that everyone is invited.” He knew how it felt to be secluded, as a man of his skin tone had sometimes been left out of things thanks to unnecessary prejudice.

Hell, if his publisher had met him in person, then he would have never published his first book. The company had a strict policy on colored skin, though as he was under an alias, they eventually released their rules as long as he sold copies. Sold he had, as gay fiction had not become wide spread quite yet, and so it fit niches that media rarely did at the time. He had felt happy that he was not a woman, as like his mother, he would have never had gotten a job with his tone, and would have found it impossible to find comfort without great sacrifice. Of course, with him being only half had actually helped a lot. Plus father’s death had benefited both of them immensely as the house was left to his mother and his money was left to Alastor.

“Alligator?” Charlie had turned now, tiny hands on the man’s face as she spoke up to him, “I want you to sing for the guests, okay?”

“Oh, certainly.” Al smiled at the girl, snapping back to reality as he pet her golden hair, “Any requests?”

So, with a soft sigh, he would sing a little to the little princess, every song she asked for was on the table as long as he knew the lyrics, and she didn’t mind the improv in the songs where he slightly didn’t know the words. She listened as she sat against him, making one of the little dolls she had dance to the tunes. The smell of cooking did fill the air, as the devil had likely snooped on his conversation before. So, Al was able to relax himself completely, and enjoy the gentle moment, something Alastor had greatly needed. Especially with the looming anxiety surrounding his competition that had begun to build within his stomach.

Alastor’s fingers typed furiously, story beats after story beats being released from his brain in a beautiful display before him. He had never felt so confident in the words spilling from him, but something had taken effect. He couldn’t help but write like he used to, passion reignited.

The tomato soup, in which Lucifer had made while he played with Charlie without the man asking, sat to the side, untouched as he was far too busy to think about eating. He had finally taken time to open the letter he had found, but inside there was just a scribbled drawing of a snake, and a bit of powder that uselessly fell upon his chest once the paper had been freed. It smelled perfumy, so he thought that it was some strange way to enhance the paper.

Around that time Lucifer had transformed himself into a woman in order to deliver a bowl of soup to Nif’s house, as to not get her in trouble.

With itching fingers shapeshifting was getting a huge segment in the chapter he was on, drool pooling in the human’s mouth, as the inspiration was set by the devil’s ability. With new life experience came bigger and better smut, but soon a third party had joined the thunderous love makings between the main character and the devil. Said king of Hell had transformed into the third party, and together they began to tease the poor main character.

The mortal hardly recognized his own words once he had to pull the sheet free from the carriage of the typewriter. It had been emblazoned in a way he had never seen. Breathing out hard between his teeth, Al had to pull out his other hidden pack of cigarettes, lighting up one as he pressed the butt between his lips, breathing in the smoke like it was essential to him.

He was overstimulated, his body heaving with exotic need that he had never felt before. The heat of which made him puff the cigarette like he would die without the bitter bite of it. His fingers couldn’t help but tear off his bandages, and fingernails scraped against the scarring flesh of the bite mark he had hid beneath.

Alastor finally decided to admit the truth, his breath a low moan, shame growing on his features. The drama has been driving him crazy, the excitement of the two of them fighting had inspired him to do things I couldn’t have imagined I would have ever done. Sure, he’s written smut before, but this was more than ever, and his body found that it was also craving things it never wanted or needed before. That’s why he must keep pushing the two of them together. It was all part of my duty in the deal, and part of selfishness that he was sure all humans possessed.

Breathing hard, Al pushed himself back from his desk, hands now working on their own, rubbing his throat and scratching into his own chest. He couldn’t breathe, something surely unnatural was really overtaking him. He gripped his own throat, squeezing until he became dazed, his other hand quick to grab onto himself through his pants, beginning to feverishly play despite the confines of the cloth. His fingers now covered his face, and without hesitation, he bit into his own flesh, eyes rolling back as he heaved against his skin.

Desperate, Alastor stood shakily, still biting his own hand, dropping his cigarette and stomping it into the carpet, he hurried himself into his bedroom across the hall, though as uncoordinated as he had become, a picture fell from the wall as he bumped it with his shoulder, shattering it behind him. The noise caught the attention of the just returning devil, who came quickly to investigate.

By the time he stumbled upon Alastor, the man was laid spread across his bed, his nudity plain, desperation clear as he furiously shoved fingers into himself, clothing shed upon the floor haphazardly.

Lucifer’s eyes opened wide, and he hurriedly closed the door behind himself, his brain hardly able to catch up as he went to his pet’s side, enjoying the show up close, “What’s gotten into you?”

“I-I don’t know-” Al cried out, his back arching uselessly against the silk sheets as he tried to get his fingers ever deeper, “I was writing- f*ck- I can’t-”

Lucifer blinked a few times, not complaining about the display of lust before him as he began to undress himself. He took his time admiring the writhing mess before him, his horns already poking out of his scalp as his co*ck touched the cool air. The devil grabbed a hold of Al’s hands, forcing them up and above his head as he aimed his hips. The human whimpered and cried, his flesh completely feverish against the king’s.

Lucifer finally lined himself up entirely, pushing the head of his co*ck into his lover’s heat, enjoying how impossibly tight he was, though as he slid all the way in, a scent filled his senses, making his cheeks redden as he spoke lowly, “How the Hell did you get a hold of ambrosia? They only sell that stuff in the back alleys of Hell…”

Succubus often used it when their powers were weakened, as it made humans and demons weak to sexual suggestion, and apparently it also worked on the Sins, as Lucifer was having trouble fighting the temptation that filled him. It worked based on pheromones usually made by higher ranked Succubi. The accursed scent alone was enough to make the king’s horns completely freed, his tail rigid as it swayed, and another surprise that Alastor had not expected to flutter from his back, all six wings curling around them as the king gritted his teeth.

“Oh lord, you have wings.” Alastor muttered breathlessly, his knees tickled by the feathers as they brushed past him.

“You need to tell me where you got it.” Lucifer growled, trying to remain composed despite the position they were in, his hips stiff as he tried hard not to f*ck into his lover quite yet, “I need to know, this could have been dangerous if I hadn’t come home.”

“I…” Alastor choked out, body trembling as more need coursed through his veins, his soul becoming flush pink, the man’s legs wrapping around the king’s back to make him move, “I don’t know! Just f*ck me already!”

“Not until you spill your guts!” Lucifer ordered, holding firm despite the daze in his mind.

That was enough for Alastor to start hitting where it hurt, to show his advantage in their relationship as vitriol spilled from his lips, “If you don’t f*ck me now, I will go to Vincent and let him have his f*cking way with me! He wouldn’t make me wait! I refuse to wait!”

Fire spilled between the king’s teeth, his claws digging into the mortal’s wrists, letting blood ooze from the wounds, his face thrust forward, like his hips, teeth clattering as he yelled into the human’s surprised features, “Don’t you say his f*cking name while I am inside of you! I am your master, and I demand that you f*cking beg!” The topic was forgotten, the ambrosia winning out over reasonable thought.

Al’s back arched helplessly, the co*ck inside him suddenly swelling so much bigger like it had before, the sheer size of it making his head spin even worse, his tactics paying off entirely, yet in his own way Alastor was still able to hold onto a bit of his sanity despite the pheromones in his system, “Then give me a reason to beg, daddy…”

That was enough to edge the king completely, his hips began to ruthlessly move, the wetness of Alastor’s underside pooling thanks to the drug. It felt like a smooth slick, something humans would never produce on their own. It indicated a high dosage, something that could kill a human if he were not to be bred. Lucifer was able to recognize that fact, but he found he would’ve done this regardless of the outcome. The way Al’s back completely arched up, making his chest press into the king’s, and the way his eyes rolled back, his tongue lulling out without a care, it drove the devil wild. He never wanted something so badly, his teeth sinking into that precious throat, reopening the wounds with ease as blood pooled into his maw.

Al’s body became rigid, already painting them in his cum as he weakly screamed out, tears filling his eyes as his legs wrapped even tighter around the devil’s hips. Lucifer took the bait, he pounded himself into the human, co*ck reaching new depths as he growled against his flesh. The sounds of their hips connecting filled the room, wet and hot, sweat and cum mixing with the smell of the ambrosia, making both men’s minds spiral.

Alastor finally lost his mind entirely, his voice rising above the noises of their love making, his eyes glowing pink as he began to beg, “f*ck, don’t f*cking stop! Daddy please, harder, make me bleed! Make it hurt, please!”

Lucifer followed the orders given, snapping his lips forward without pause, teeth clenching hard, claws now dragging down the human’s sides, until they reached his the dips in his hips, grabbing ahold, using them as handlebars as he finally released his teeth, bloodied maw pressing harshly against Al’s own mouth, kissing him deeper than they had ever before.

Saliva and blood mixed, their tongues fighting for dominance as one of Al’s hands tugged at Lucifer’s golden locks, the other reaching up to pull at his feathers recklessly. Alastor’s teeth cut into the king’s tongue, now allowing both of their blood to mix as he drank deeply, the ecstasy reaching brand new heights as his body reached yet another climax. This one hit him hard, his insides grasping impossibly tight, body trembling harder with each thrust, until, finally, Lucifer couldn’t hold himself back anymore, thrusting up deeply into his lover’s pliant body, the heat and delicious moans into the devil’s lips having left him helpless, as he flooded the human’s insides with his seed. His hips spasming every few seconds as he drained himself, until finally he couldn’t move anymore, their bodies unable to try and pull away despite the anger that still lingered in their kiss.

After Lucifer was able to relax a little, he tried again to pull out, but he was actually stuck, something that he had never experienced before. He pulled away from the kiss, breathing hard as he tried to reason with the situation, “You need to loosen up…”

“Can’t…” Alastor panted, eyebrows raised as he laid spent against the mattress, “You have to get out. I can’t possibly relax with it in there like that.”

“Well I can’t take it out until you do.” Lucifer tried to reason, though he knew it was a losing battle, as between them it was kinda his fault.

Al looked down, the bump on his stomach huge compared to how it had been in their previous interactions. He reached down and felt it, finding it remarkable that his body could accommodate something of that size. Though it was lewd, he knew it was great research for the chapter he was on. He bit his lip, a pulse shooting cum into him, making his cheeks redden even more, “I guess we’re just stuck, huh?”

“For now.” Lucifer confirmed, watching with big eyes as Al felt him through his stomach, the sensation making his hips tighten as more of his seed spilled into the human, “It… I don’t think it’ll last too long. I mean, this morning you were able to get me out.”

“Indeed.” Al rolled his eyes, now just relaxing as best as he could where he laid, “I don’t want to think about it. You made such a huge mess.”He then grumbled, crossing his arms, “Hell, you weren’t even this big yesterday, what’s up with that?”

“I mean, when emotions run high…” Lucifer nervously tapped his claws together, tail curling, “I can’t always control how my shapeshifting reacts to certain situations. It’s like fight or flight, but instead of flight it’s f*ck.”

“I… see…” Alastor’s eyes finally looked back up at the wings, finding great interest in them, “When were you going to tell me that you had wings?”

“I guess if it ever came up?” The devil shrugged, not really seeing the big deal.

“I don’t know how that would have ever come up.” Alastor slowly sat himself up, straddling the devil so that he could sit in his lap, hands reaching up again to touch the feathers.

The king shivered, tilting his head as he felt himself spill a bit more into his lover, “What are you doing?”

“Your feathers are a mess.” Alastor replied simply, as his fingers began to pull and break apart pins, “My ma’s co*ckatiel takes better care of his wings than the king of Hell does. Don't your countless lovers ever take care of you?”

“I don’t…” Lucifer bit his lip, enjoying the sensation of his feathers being preened, “I don’t go around f*cking everyone, despite what you may think.”

“Okay, then what about that wife of yours? I know the wedding band isn’t for show.” Alastor pressed, eyes focused as he worked.

“She’s busy.” Lucifer said plainly, then he tried to change the subject, heart in his throat, “Now, onto other matters, how did you get the ambrosia?”

“I actually don’t recall ever getting my hands on anything.” Al replied honestly, still keeping himself busy, “I did receive a letter with a strange powder inside. Perhaps that’s the culprit?” He suggested lazily, not as concerned as Lucifer had been about it, as his needs had been met, and no real harm seemed to have been done.

“Don’t touch it until I take a look at it, alright?” Lucifer warned in a gentle voice, as he realized that in Al’s heightened state he likely had no conceivable way to convey his findings, and instead was acting out in desperation.

The human would not be told how close to death he could have been. Instead, the devil decided to keep a closer eye on things. Even if it wasn’t likely that the other human had poisoned his lover, he would be keeping an eye on his pet, ever close, not letting up until he knew things were calming down.

“Fine.” Al nodded, pulling out an especially old pin as he had, releasing the glorious feather from its keratin, “Belle salope.”

“I think you’re much prettier.” Lucifer smiled at his pet, petting his hair mindlessly, enjoying the curls on his fingers, “Especially when you’re full of my cum.”

The mortal grimaced, pushing Lucifer’s face away with one of his hands, “Shut up, you’re making me regret agreeing to sleep with you.” Then he went back to picking at the feathers.

Lucifer chuckled, and instead of making Al groan more, he rested his chin on his shoulder, breathing in the remainder of the ambrosia as it was soaked into the man’s skin. It likely wouldn’t fully go away for a few days, but at least Al’s body seemed to have stabilized. Silently the king took stock, closing his eyes so that he could hear the inner workings of Al’s body. When his heartbeat filled his ears, he smiled, eyes opening again so that he could look into the man’s soul. It still writhed, influenced greatly by the drug. The mortal was great at putting on a brave face, but his soul did little to hide his pain, wishes, needs, sins, well, everything. For such a terrible sinner, his soul sure was a pretty little thing. A creature of prey, in a way. Like a rabbit or a deer, it was easy to read its distress.

“Don’t look at me like that either. I’ll f*cking eat you and leave your head on my mantle.” The man threatened the devil.

“Awe, you would keep my head?” The devil cooed with a small laugh.

Alastor’s face turned beet red, but he didn’t fight back, instead leaning into the king as he kept up his work. It was strange, the devil spared the thought as his hands carefully caressed the man’s hips again, how much this felt like love at times.

Chapter 9: Party Like the Angels


Alastor finds that he has become lonesome once Vince moves onto his television career, and once Lucifer withdraws from him thanks to the mysterious letter. This is until he gets his way.


WOAH, this chapter is certainly a bunch of something! Drama, sex, cute sh*t, it has it all! I hope you lovely readers can keep up ;3

GummiMato - who knowsss
Cutei3kitty - still excited to see that fanart!
Peony_Soprano - You're gonna meet something holy alright, hehehe
neuroqueer - now here have more of them :3
Toothy_Mutt - wait no more!
SleepyLurks - Obsession vs possession is very important distinctions for me, so I like to showcase both in love triangles like this hehe. More tasty meals lie ahead of you ;3
Mephilver - I am still working on a concept from your suggestion, I think it'll end up pretty spicy, and I'll even add some OCs to make it fun!
Orphaccnt - Anything can happen in Hell hehe
Livelovelaughapps - here's another ~
TheRoseBanshee - definitely for reasons we will understand soon
Husky_Fries - How will you react to the chaos of this one, I do wonder~~~
AnimeCub - It is what he's good at, isn't it?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lucifer had withdrawn after that night together, the letter was burnt to a crisp, and he seemed ever distant despite the eyes that remained on the human.

Alastor didn’t mind the peace, though the sudden withdrawal of affection was certainly noted. He wondered if he had done something wrong, or if Lucifer had simply lost interest. However, the devil still read his stories, and still found time to eat breakfast with the sinner and child.

As the days wore on, the distance grew, and like two mountain peaks, the men were separated by a great distance that was made of thin air. Alastor felt somewhat numb, as even Vince had busied himself with his new career as a television host, so he would oftentimes sit alone in his studio, speaking his mind about current events to the empty air. He even added a segment about love, telling short love stories that the other host had him read every weekend. She was a sucker for such things, and so they grew close thanks to the fact.

Her name was Rosie, and she reminded the man a lot of his mother. Said woman was off on a short trip herself, as their far off relatives had needed her north. So, Alastor by all definitions, had been all alone if not for Rosie.

His time slot ended, and with a soft goodbye to his listeners; the mortal shut off his voice and put on transitional music for the folks at home. Sitting back, Al’s eyes closed, his fingers massaging the bridge of his nose as he shook a bit of a pressure headache. Once he felt a little better, he stood from his chair, making sure to tuck it back in neatly before he left. While walking out he made sure to greet Rosie, who was sitting in the lobby drinking her daily tea. She smiled up at him, a glamorous yet motherly grin bringing him a strange sort of comfort that he had been missing the past few days, so he returned the smirk, eyes half lidded and relaxed, “You’re on sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Al, I’ll be in soon. Are you running off to that lover of yours?” Rosie asked, not afraid to get into his business, as they gossiped amongst themselves quite often these days.

“No, I think I’ll take a walk.” Alastor replied, humming as he cutely tilted his head, “Might find myself a nice hole to bury myself in. Depends on how I’m feeling.”

“Ah, someone’s been in the studio too long!” Rosie tutted, giggling as she stood.

She was quite tall for a woman, as his eyes did not need to be downcast to look into hers', in fact, he found that on days like these he had to look up a bit, as he felt a little crooked, “Yes… well I better remedy that, h’m?”

“Have a wonderful day, dear. Don’t stress. He’ll come crawling back to you before you know it.” The woman winked at him before she strode right past, going to her own studio, flipping on the ‘On Air’ sign before she sat down within.

All alone again, that familiar bitterness grew.

The cool air hugged onto Alastor’s form, yet, he allowed his jacket to slide down his arms, and hang by his elbows so that the breeze could consume him. He hummed to himself, undoing his bowtie as he let the air onto the crook of his neck, the bite mark stinging still with the refreshing air. He let out a shaky breath, finding a nice tree, he sat beneath, making sure his jacket would be under him so as to not ruin the pants Lucifer had just bought him.

He took a few deep breaths, eyes closed, tilting his head so that the mark could feel the full force of the winds. He shivered thanks to the sensation, fingers beginning to prod at the wound once again. It would never heal thanks to his fussing, but he didn’t care. He was too simply enamored by the pain it had caused.

Nearly drooling, the man let out a sharp breath, as he tried to regain his senses. Sure he was alone, but there was no reason to act so uncivilized in public. He bit his lip, buttoning his collar up so that he would be less tempted to touch, retying his bowtie so that the mark had padding once again.

Once he had settled his stomach he focused on the forest around him. He did not feel Lucifer’s presence, which was odd, but he did notice eyes on him. He blinked a few times, trying to discern who it was before he jumped to accusations. Once he realized who it had to be, he actually relaxed, patting the grass next to him, “Are you going to join me, or just be a creepy bitch?”

“You don’t have to be so crass about it.” Vince peeked out from behind a tree.

For as long as he surely had stood there, he came out rather easily. He likely wasn’t expecting Al to acknowledge him, which made the mortal certain that Vincent had been doing these things nearly daily, as even his footsteps towards him now were completely and utterly silent. If he hadn’t been attuned to silence, Alastor would have never known he was around, but his silence was different in a way, like the sounds of an ever buzzing television.

The other man sat down, looking confident in himself as he proudly began to brag about his ratings. Al knew that the average consumer did not own a television quite yet, but even he had one stashed away in his bedroom. He had only turned it on when he was desperate for that buzzing. As it had some type of hypnotic ability to help him sleep. Something about Vince was equally as calming, even if his advances had made Al’s stomach twist in the worst ways.

The tv personality had leaned into him, not really seeming to understand personal space, his voice was low, as though he was telling some big secret, yet, everything he said, Al had heard him say before. From the flirtatious jokes, to the promises of a great upgrade between them. “I’m just looking out for our future, Al, imagine how much money we could make if we both appeared on the pictures! No better duo has existed!” Of course, he was still on the idea of turning Alastor into a television star, again ignoring the obvious problems with it.

Al sighed, eyes wandering around for a moment before he got an ungodly idea, a smile sneaking onto his face. Vince was still Alastor’s boss, and all things considered, Al certainly liked the idea of punching up in his time of desperation. He scooted himself quickly, making the other man fall into his lap, and with big eyes he looked up at Al, who grasped his hair tightly between his fingers, his voice dripping with heat, “How about instead of all of this endless talk, you actually do something? I’m sick of listening to it.”

Vince whimpered, the hair pulling almost enough to flip the switch as he tried to remain composed, “Then what will you have me do?”

“I would have you talk to Lu.” Alastor chuckled, again tugging to keep his attention, “You will tell him that I deserve attention. Just like you’ve been saying this whole time.”

“You do…” Vincent was quick to agree, devoted to his perceived lover, “Has he not been entertaining you, dear? Do you need me to kick his sorry ass to the curb?”

“No, nothing like that.” Al lied, actually liking the idea quite a lot, as it was sure to spark controversy, “Instead, I think I know how to… how do you say… win this battle.”

Vincent didn’t know what battle he had meant, but remembering that his love would be like a war, he felt his chest puff up, smirk big, “I’ll do anything if it means the war can be over.”

“It’ll never be over.” Al leaned down now, pressing his nose to Vince’s cheek as a foe kiss, eyes closed with a sort of delight, “But a victory might be yours tonight.”

“Deal!” Vince agreed quickly, face pure red, body uselessly lying beneath the somewhat loving gestures, “Anything for you!”

“Good boy.” Alastor purred, actually pressing his lips to Vince’s cheek this time, something in his soul still stirring as its eyes faintly glowed pink, lips feeling a soft jolt of electricity once they connected to Vince’s inner self.

Al noticed how quiet his home had become. Sure, Charlie was still playing amongst the dust bunnies on the floor, but her father wasn’t dancing around, singing about things that mattered very little. It felt dark without him. Empty.

Alastor crossed the room to check on the child, who was trying to read one of Alastor’s encyclopedias. He crouched down to watch for a moment, trying to figure out what she was stuck on, “Learning?”

“Nope.” The girl replied honestly as she ran her finger over the ink, mimicking how her father read books, “I can’t read.”

“Oh, that’s a shame.” Al couldn’t help but smile at her, “You could find some pretty interesting stuff in that one. Perhaps I’ll go pick you up some more age appropriate material later?”

“I still can’t read!” Charlie chirped, her tiny body sitting up to flail her hands about, like she was trying to emphasize her point, “What does minerals gotta do with it?”

Alastor chuckled now, picking her up into his arms, fondly petting her messy hair, trying to free any snags that she had, “Materials and minerals are different. You’ll figure it out.”

“I don’t know.” She then copied one of his gestures, looking dramatically annoyed as she threw her hands together and fakely prayed, “Dear God, please teach me how to read, and make me more bread pudding, because it was nummy.”

“I can make you bread pudding, you don’t have to ask God to do it.” Alastor laughed, carrying her towards the kitchen, setting her on the counter so he could get out a small pot for an individual serving, his appetite being terrible lately, “Now, I might try to teach you how to cook a bit. I believe your daddy would just show you how to burn things.”

“He’s really good with fire.” Charlie agreed, nodding knowingly.

Al pulled his face into a tight smile, and began a simple lesson on bread pudding for the girl, just in case Lucifer left and she needed the recipe. He would even sing certain parts so that she would be more likely to remember, and once she sang along, he felt like his plan worked. Soon the girl ate happily, kicking her tiny hooves as she chirped and cooed at her simple meal. Pride actually swelled within Alastor, loving the sensation of cooking for someone else. Especially someone he had grown to care about.

Lucifer had eventually joined them, looking more tired than ever as he wearily sat at the table. Al gave him the pot, which still had some remnants of the food within, instructing him to eat it carefully so as to not damage the metal with the spoon he provided. The devil stuck out his tongue for a moment, making Al hope he was being playful, but instead he used it to lazily eat the food, following directions in his own way.

Alastor huffed, hands on his hips as he watched, disgust filling his features pretty easily. Disappointment was conveyed through his soul, it’s stirring making Lucifer look up from his meal, “You- uh- the ambrosia is still bothering you, isn’t it?”

“Ah, so you can act interested in me.” Alastor replied dramatically, rolling his eyes, “I’m feeling fine, I don’t know what you’re on about.”

“I can see your soul,” Lucifer replied dryly, eyebrows furrowing as he had trouble looking into the human, as the soul had tried to hide beneath his flesh again, “It still doesn't wanna sit still…” He bit his lip, eyes looking a little teary, like something was weighing on him, “I’m sorry.”

“For?” Alastor asked, eyebrows now quirked as he listened.

Lucifer stiffened, but he simply declined to answer, instead finishing his little meal and beginning to get up to leave. Charlie even seemed to notice the tension, her big eyes scanning between the men, her face filling with worry as she spoke, “I hope you two can be friends again soon. I like it better that way.”

Al let out a soft sigh, demeanor calming as he spun around to the girl, picking her up with a fake smile, “Don’t worry little diable. We are just having a sad day, but luckily those never last. Like the rain, it goes away, and we play in the puddles, yes?”

Lucifer froze where he stood, looking at Alastor with the widest eyes, like something he had said had triggered something within him, his mouth slack. Then he straightened his back, trying to look more composed as the door being banged on had caught his attention. He strode away, trying to feign the confidence that only the devil himself could possibly have, “I’ll get it!”

Al smirked, watching him go, knowing that the day was about to become interesting. Charlie looked up at the man, her tiny hands grasping his button up in order to get his attention, and when he finally looked down at her, she smiled, kissing the tip of his nose, “Daddy has been happy here. Don’t let him trick you. He likes you lots.”

“I sure hope so.” Alastor admitted, petting her curls momentarily, “I think you’re my favorite person in the house… well besides myself.”

“Silly alligator.” Charlie giggled, her hands now slapping his cheeks lightly as she cooed.

He enjoyed the playfulness for a while until he heard a commotion at the front door. Knowing what was up, he gently carried Charlie off to the bedroom to let her lay upon the plush mattress, having the forethought to even gather her some toys and drawing supplies so that she wouldn’t be tempted to wander. He even turned on the television for her. The machine roared to life, the buzzling shaking his stomach as he turned to leave, shaky hand remaining on the door knob longer than necessary as he gathered his nerves. Then, once his high had come down, he told Charlie to stay put, and enjoy the tv to her leisure. She agreed, eyes glued to the screen.

He finally walked into the living room, watching as the two grown men tussled with one another on the floor, Lucifer definitely winning despite the effort Vince had put forth. Al took his time to watch before he broke it up, and he had only done so because Lucifer’s horns began to poke out, and to hide his identity, the mortal pulled his master from the other human’s form. Vince sat up, scooting himself back into the couch, sitting back against it as he breathed hard, “You’re a f*cking psycho! You didn’t even give me time to tell you why I’m here!”

“I don’t need to know, I just know you need to leave, now!” Lucifer threatened, eyes shifting as he tried to calm himself, hugging onto Alastor as though he had not been ignoring him for nearly a week, “He’s mine, you sick f*cking stalker!”

Vincent stiffened where he sat, eyes serious as his mouth pulled into a tight frown, “I- I’m not a stalker!”

“Then why do you follow my pet around like he’s a delicious meal and you’re starving?” The devil prodded, stepping closer, and being pulled right back to Al by his hips to keep him in place.

“To be fair…” Vince gestured towards Alastor, as though that was the full response of his question, and based on the smug look on his face, he felt like his answer had landed.

Al couldn’t help but blush a little, looking away with his eyes as he spoke, “I think perhaps we should hear him out, Lu. He’s been very non-problematic lately.”

“Lately!” Lucifer echoed, “Lately he’s been working in a different building than you, so of course he’s been well behaved!”

Vince finally found it appropriate to stand on his own two feet, and brushing his pants off, he spoke with that smug confidence that only a talk show host could possess, “Look, I’ve just become aware that Alastor isn’t being treated correctly. I am here to remedy that.”

“How dare you-” Lucifer began, but Al put his hand over his mouth, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek to calm him.

The devil was surprised, and instead of lashing out, he spun around, grabbing the human’s shirt, eyes big with adoration, “That was adorably hot!”

“Shh.. listen to the man and I’m sure we can have a little alone time.” Al winked at his master, making the smaller man’s spine quiver with need.

They hadn’t touched each other since the incident, and with how active they had been before, it had felt like it had been forever. The devil seemed to consider his words for the shortest possible time, as he again turned to look the human in the eye, trying to stand as tall as he could in order to appear more imposing without use of his powers, “Okay, fine, what do you want?”

“I want Alastor, of course. But for the benefit of all three of us.” Vince began, his smile only growing, his eyes full of indescribable lust, “We will share his body, and we will spoil him. He deserves it, after all.”

Lucifer opened his mouth, then closed it, eyebrows furrowed, “What would I even get out of sharing him? Why would I…” He then looked back at his lover momentarily, something sad flashing in those big eyes of his as he thought it through, his voice oddly low, oddly serious, “If he wants… I guess I could share for tonight.”

Alastor did not expect him to accept the terms so easily. Infact, with how his tattoo on his finger spun, he had been certain a deal would have been made. This was terribly easy. Something was wrong. The devil winked up at him, his voice low enough for only him to hear, “Just like your book, right?”

Al caught on quickly, eyebrows shooting up with surprise, “Oh! Of course! I forgot… are you sure it’ll be okay? You won’t rip him apart if anything happens?”

“The moment you stop consenting to him is the moment I will tear him limb from limb.” Lucifer smirked, now speaking loud enough for the other human to hear, “The moment you feel disgust, I will be there to make it better. Let’s have one last fun night, before I have to head home.”

“Wait!” Alastor’s eyes widened like a pray stuck in the maw of a predator, his hands grasping onto either side of the king’s face to pull him closer, “What does that mean?”

“I have to go back home to my wife.” Lucifer’s voice cracked, eyes completely unreadable to the man, “She summoned me back. So, let’s make tonight count, and let’s party like we’re angels.”

Vincent eagerly rushed over, suddenly hugging both men to himself as he giddily sang, “That’s more like it! Let’s get drunk, and f*ck Alastor up!”

“How… crude…” Alastor felt sick, sticking his tongue out despite his persistent smile, as he no longer wanted to do this.

He didn’t want Lucifer to leave, Hell, he was just getting used to the devil. He couldn’t imagine waking up alone now. He couldn’t even think about the lonely nights, especially with how sleepless they surely would be. Dread, that’s what overtook his heart, and as they were led towards the kitchen, in which Vince had no business in knowing exactly where it was; he decided to make the king change his mind. He was going to give this his all, even if it killed him.

Drinks were poured into mugs, and then down throats, more and more, the liquor flowed. Alastor was the first to feel the effects, as his mortal body was no match to Lucifer’s, and Vince had obviously been drinking himself under the table more than once in recent months. Once the liquid courage had truly taken effect, Alastor sat himself on the table, remembering how they had broken the last one. He wondered if this one would last.

The man loosened his bow-tie, letting it hang loosely around his shoulders as he began to unbutton his top buttons, letting the bite mark breathe in the cool air. Vince was quick to rush himself over, excitement leaving little time for foreplay as he messily tried to help Alastor out of his pesky shirt, and once it laid around his hips on the tabletop, the host stood straight, admiring the smooth chocolate skin beneath. He had felt emboldened by the alcohol in his system.

Al looked towards Lucifer with his eyes, seeing if he had been giving any sort of reaction. He was indeed looking angry, and his horns again threatened to escape his scalp as he averted his gaze. Alastor couldn’t stand him not looking at him, so he decided to dial things up, and stir the pot.

He laid himself back, legs pulling Vince’s hips towards his own as he lazily hummed, “Usually Lu has my pants ripped off by now… don’t tell me that you want to take it slow.”

“What-” Vincent didn’t expect such a forward response, his hands wrapping around Alastor’s thin waist, pulling him down to be flush against his hardened pant line.

Lucifer finally walked over, on the other side of the table, he grabbed a hold of Al’s hands, pinning them up and over his head so that he couldn’t move, “He likes being played with. Don’t be scared to bruise him. He’s a sick f*cker when you get him going.”

Alastor didn’t expect his lover to give the other man such advice, but it did pay off, as Vince began to roughly undress the man, tugging the pants off of him with ease, humming in delight to see Alastor’s body react positively, as his own co*ck stood at attention in the cool air. Al blushed immensely, hands grasping Lucifer’s in order to bring himself comfort, but the demon simply watched, eyes burning holes into the host, like he was about to pull him apart.

That was when Al had to really think fast. He leaned his head back, now having it hang off the table a bit, and with a coy smile, he spoke, “I have other holes if you don’t wanna share.”

Lucifer’s face turned bright red, but he couldn’t help but smirk himself, as he snapped, making his clothes disappear. Vincent looked up at him, eyes wide, “What-”

“I’m a magician.” Lucifer lied, “Now get to the pleasure before I kick you out and f*ck my man in peace.”

Vincent took the threat to heart, as he quickly unzipped his pants, his hands working his own saliva into his need until he aimed himself towards Al’s entrance. Alastor bit his lip as the head pushed into him, then breathed out as the rest followed. He was big compared to Lucifer’s usual state, but nothing compared to how big Lucifer had been ending up. Still, the size did make him shiver, his head thrown back with a startled moan.

Lucifer took advantage of his vulnerability, his own co*ck thrusting up and into Al’s open mouth. The mortal stiffened, gagging from the sudden intrusion, his eyes closing tightly as both men began to move in and out ruthlessly, his hips torn into by Vince’s fingernails as Lucifer pulled his hair at either side as to use it for leverage as he f*cked himself into Alastor’s mouth. Each time he hit the back of the human’s throat, he could feel his consciousness fade, but he would snap back thanks to the sensation of his lower half being filled right back up. Uselessly, Al’s body shook, and he tried to touch himself, but one hand was grabbed by Lucifer, the other by Vincent. He was stuck, being f*cked mercilessly by the men.

The overstimulation made his soul shake and tremble, the ambrosia’s lasting effects starting to show as his eyes began to glow pink, his legs spreading wide as his tongue lulled out lewdly to let both men get more access. Vincent slammed into him, his back arching with each intrusion, eyes spiraling, “Fah- f*ck! Who knew he was such a little whor*!”

“Daddy’s little whor*…” Lucifer breathed out, biting his lip hard as he again slammed into the back of his pet’s throat, “such a good f*cking boy…”

Al choked out a moan, the praise making his stomach twist, his mews, which were released as Lucifer finally pulled out were near whimpers, his co*ck’s wet length pressed against his cheek as the king smirked down at his body as it was being used. Sitting in a nearby chair, he called for the other man’s attention. Vince hardly was able to stop himself, but he slowed as best as he could manage, and once they gave each other a knowing look, it was all over for Al, his body unceremoniously lifted, still pierced onto the host’s huge need.

Then the man was carried flush to Vince’s hips until he felt Lucifer’s co*ck press against his back. Al looked back pathetically, eyes large, “Whatever could you two be planning?” His voice was hoarse thanks to the throat f*cking, lips swollen and red.

Lucifer lifted him a little, then, without warning he thrusted himself up inside of Alastor’s hole, joining Vincent. The pain, the ecstasy, the sheer torment. It swirled as his body released his cum, the sheer force of it all making him paint Vince’s stomach in his seed. But it did not stop, no, the other two were not done with him quite yet. They moved out of tune with one another, f*cking up their little toy as they both groaned encouragements and names, “My f*cking princess… Such a good f*cking boy!” Lucifer’s tongue hung out of his mouth as he slammed up into Al’s body, holding him in place with claws dug into his hips.

“Scream my name baby.” Vincent purred against the mortal’s throat, biting into the unmarked side, his canines tearing into the flesh, one hand now sliding down to play with Alastor's hardened nipples.

Al’s moans reached new heights, his own fingernails clawing down Vince’s chest as his eyes rolled back, the bump on his stomach constantly moving in and out. Again, he shuddered, and again he came, and again. Three times, he was spent, but the men kept moving. Ruthless, they toyed with him, Vincent biting his throat so hard that blood filled his mouth, while Lucifer’s claws continued to rake across his hips.

It was blinding. Alastor became undone, his voice higher than it had ever been, “f*ck! Please, please, please fill me up! God-damnit! f*ck me up, boys! f*cking ruin me! Bite me harder! Let me f*cking get pregnant! Breed the f*ck out of me! Please!” He had lost it, inner desires spilling like the two men’s seed, as his body was filled with the rush of ooze.

Twitching, Al’s body reeled, his hands going down to press into his rounded stomach, drool dripping as he rode out the high, his body shifting to continue to milk the king and host until he couldn’t move anymore. When he finally began to come down, he blinked, face flushed pure red, “I… I didn’t say any of that business.”

“I didn’t hear sh*t.” Lucifer cooed, now gently rubbing the man’s hips as he eased himself to just sit upon him.

Vincent didn’t want to pull out and leave the king inside by himself, so he kept his hips pressed into his new lover’s body, his own fingers swiping tears from Alastor’s vision, “I happened to find all of that, certifiably f*cking hot as Hell.”

Alastor grumbled, flipping the man off before he could finally relax.

Both men had to eventually give up and pull out of Alastor’s body, though it took a lot of time, part due to Lucifer’s special ability, and part due to stubbornness. Eventually Al was able to be laid on the couch, and both men laid with him, Lucifer behind, and Vince in the front. Alastor wrapped himself lazily against the other host, who had fallen asleep rather easily thanks to the liquor. However, Al fought sleep, not wanting to miss a moment with Lucifer.

His constant looks towards the devil had been obvious, and his composure had been shattered like his ability to sit normally certainly was. He had so much to say, yet, the words never left him. He wanted to apologize for pushing boundaries, or try to beg the king to stay, despite himself. He wanted to threaten himself. He wanted to threaten him. He just couldn’t find those words, so weakly he just enjoyed the hug between them. Little did they know that in this lifetime, it would be the last. The kiss being the cherry on top as Lucifer sighed into the sinner’s skin, “I am not leaving to punish you, pet, I am leaving because I must. I am not going because you wanted options. I am letting you enjoy the options until I return. It won’t be forever. I can’t stay away from my favorite author.” Lucifer’s eyes sparkled, tears threatening to escape them as he pressed another kiss into Alastor’s lips.

It was their first actual kiss. The reality of it crashing down, making Alastor’s body shake, tears freely flowing from his eyes as he held on tight to the unconscious man beside them. His own mind was slipping with ease, everything catching up to him. But he tried so hard, he tried to keep his eyes on his king. He tried to remain awake, and to wait this out. But, the spell of the gin had caught up to him. The last thing he saw was Lucifer’s lips moving, like he had said something. But it was gone. He would be gone.

When the morning came, Al reached over for the warmth of his master. When he felt a body next to himself, he scooted towards it, nuzzling into his chest with a soft breath. It had been a nightmare, surely. He would make coffee when he willed himself out of bed, and he would hum as the king danced around as he made his overly sweet breakfasts. Yes, everything would be normal.

“Mmm… good morning doll. My, you look hot with your little bedhead.” The voice was not Lucifer’s, and the dread again filled Alastor’s senses as he kept his eyes closed.

The reality of the situation hit him hard, and part of him wished to die. He didn’t want to face this. He wanted to melt and stain the carpet like the burn had. He could barely breathe, let alone function. He would only decide to start to move when Vince had hugged him too closely, the hair on his chest alerting the man, making Al’s eyes snap open as he peered up at the surprisingly muscular talk show host, “There’s my guy. Are you doing alright?”

“He’s gone?” Alastor asked, trying to ensure he wasn’t being crazy, although their position on the couch had sort of answered the question in itself.

“Yep, so now you’re all mine until he decides to show up again.” Vincent rolled his eyes, “That’s what happens when you f*ck a married man,” Vince sighed happily, still not believing how luckily he had gotten that previous night, “They always leave and go back to his family like nothing happened.”

Al’s face pulled tight, his usually polite smile was gone. Vincent seemed to notice, and with a gentle hand, he began to brush out Al’s curls with his fingers, taking time to pull certain ringlets apart so that they wouldn’t tangle, “Ya know, maybe this was meant to be this way? That f*cker sure helped me convince you to take me in. I’m also not going anywhere any time soon. So we can continue to play as long as you want. Or we can go back to war. Whatever you may want.”

“I don’t want to be touched anymore.” Alastor replied blatantly, tears beginning to spill from his eyes, as he now sat himself up on the other man’s lap, “I don’t want hugs. I don’t want your false encouragement.”

“Then what do you want?” Vince asked, not pushing his luck any further.

“I…” What did he want, “I want…” What could he possibly want, “I want… I need to be taken care of. Please…”

“I can do that.” Vince nodded, gentle hands on Al’s hips, squeezing the little bit of fat he had just managed to gain thanks to the king’s cooking, “I will do whatever you wish.”

“Good.” Alastor focused now, his eyes finally meeting the host’s, his soul growing inside, powerful, imposing, full of rage and lust, eyes turning from pink to a deep scarlet within, “Then… I wish for you to devote yourself to me.” His trademark smile grew, his fingernails carving into the man’s chest, making him hiss with delight, “I am your God now. You will bow to me.”

“Amen.” Vince purred, not knowing what he was getting into, the sort of deal he had just made, as the serpent on Al’s finger spun in circles, biting into its tail listlessly.

The devil would have to come back. Alastor was going to double down. He was going to put all of his cards on the table. He was going to misbehave.


I have also uploaded a LOT of lewd drawings to my twitter, @MADHSEFUNHSE
so feel free to drool along with me friends hehe

Chapter 10: Party Like the Sinners


Alastor misses Lucifer, and begins to lash out, hoping to get his attention. Once thing leads to another, and he ends up helping Mimzy in one of her devious get-togethers.


A big warning on this chapter, as it is extremely bloody. Like more than usual. Like really. I used to write horror exclusively. You have been warned hehe.
Thank you to my readers for your love and appreciation! It took me forever to get this chapter just right for all of you. I even had to edit the tags as I went.
Peony_Soprano - We love cheese hehe
Kovitay - WHERE?
Arianna - This one might get a little sad
Lany1516 - Thank you!
neuroqueer - Thanks lovely ;3
Husky_Fries - Attempted murder, you say?
Orphaccnt - get ready to cry I suppose :3
Mephilver - Al belongs in Hell for a reason hehe
DecayingSweetness - I appreciate youuuu
Livelovelaughapps - You're very welcome~
OakMerchant - Spin away darling
QueenLemon - Oooo, here's what happens next hehe
DarkFoxKirin - it builds character ;3
Cutei3kitty - He had a queen to return to sadly
SleepyLurks - Here I am spoiling the Vincent fans a bit more

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The mug felt odd against his lips as he drank the hot coffee, not letting it cool so that it would burn him, as the last person to use the cup had been Lucifer. He pressed his lip to where the devil once did, closing his tired eyes, trying everything to feel some sort of connect where there was none. Vince had already left him alone, as he had work, and he wasn’t one to coddle his lovers after a night of excitement. Bow down to, yes, but cuddle and give aftercare to? Not a chance in Hell. He did not even spare a moment to share a cup of joe, as he said he would drink some in the office.

Once Alastor had managed to get himself up from the table, the memory of the night before burnt into his body, lips still swollen and hips on fire, he crossed into the hallway, then into his study, sitting at his typewriter. He had written all morning, filling page after page of work. It was his day off, yet he worked to make a story that Lucifer would surely return for. Days would turn into weeks of this, and soon the story was coming to a close.

He was onto the last chapter. The main character was getting married to the devil, their wedding ending in a night of passion, and now an epilogue, one that would surely mean a fourth book. Their child was now an adult, so their story had to begin, as the two lovebirds remained in their honeymoon phase in the background. He typed the first paragraph, fingers moving swiftly as he pressed into the keys, and once the words had left him, he straightened his spine, a noise catching his attention.

The man scooted back from his work, startled. He stood from the machine, and as he left the study his career was effectively ruined, as he would never be able to return to his typewriter ever again.

He walked himself outside, following the commotion as he had, the sky gray, snow actually falling in a surprising twist. It had only started to get cold, yet, the snow was thick enough for him to have to trudge through it, picking up his boots an inch or so each step.

He made his way to his shed, where forbidden to most, yet, it was open, noises of metal scraping filling the man’s senses as he peeked inside, hand inside of his shirt where he kept his pistol, just in case things had gotten dicey. Though, he soon relaxed, smiling with a sigh as he leaned against the frame, trying to act casual despite the annoyance that filled his stomach, “Mimzy! Oh my stars, you had me jumping at shadows!”

“Oh!” The little woman spun around, surprised to see Alastor home in the first place, “I didn’t know you were home, sweetheart! I could certainly use your expertise!”

“H’m?” Al walked inside, closing the door behind of them for privacy, as he knew she meant in the killing sense, as she had asked for his services beforehand, “What stiff has stood you up now, my dear?”

“No- I mean he did- and I stabbed the sh*t outta him.” The woman began to babble about all the horrible things she had done to the man in question, “But- hey- I’m a piece of work, and any man, cop or no, should know that it takes more than macho to get under my skirt!” She began to pace, her furious ramblings only growing in intensity, “He won’t even f*ck’n die! I stabbed the bitch like a million times!” She swung her hips back and forth, her voice vile to Alastor’s senses, “He threatened to shut me down if I didn’t sleep with him. Can ya believe it?”

Al rubbed his hands together, a familiar longing rising in the pit of his stomach. Chaos, murder, blood, flesh, he couldn’t wait to watch life fade from someone’s eyes. He had held off for so long, too focused on his lost lover, and too preoccupied with writing. He bowed to his little friend, happily singing, “I guess you do need me. I know best, after all.” He pecked her forehead, calming her nerves as he often did back when they were younger, the sins about to be committed were certainly enough to summon the king of Hell back to him.

“f*ck, yeah!” Mimzy cheered, “Good to have Alastor the f*cking terrible back! Let’s go roast that pig up, and maybe we can toast after?”

“Sounds délicieuse, make sure to get the Jägermeister ready.” The man stood straight now, soul stirring darkly beneath his itching flesh, his hand grasping his throat to hold down his arousal, the ideas he had nearly making him drool, “I have to fetch a certain devotee so he can see for himself what I do best. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll be added to the menu.”

“A two for one deal? Oh, Al, you shouldn’t have!” The woman fawned.

He turned the dial up, the static within his soul building, the tattoo on his finger spinning as he daydreamed, his body turning swiftly to make a hasty retreat into his home. He had to call his favorite host, and gather much needed supplies. It was going to be a bloodbath, and how Alastor loved to soak it all in.

Vincent didn’t know why he had been invited to the middle of nowhere. He just knew that Alastor sounded rather sinful over the phone when he told him about the date.

Vince had hoped that Al was planning on finally having some one on one time with him, the man having been building up a wall a lot recently. He knew he was still hurting, but it had been nearly two months since Lu had left. He couldn’t see why a married man held such a high status in Alastor’s mind, but Vince tried to be patient. The wait only made him want to pray to his fixation, bow to him, kneel and do whatever he wanted. Just as long as he would get his Heavenly rewards.

The house was slightly unassuming if Vince had not heard the rumors about its business. He had asked around about it when he started pursuing Alastor, and he knew they had a speakeasy in the basem*nt. Following Al’s directions, he followed a little stone path into the back, the cellar door opened with ease, as he made his way down into the depths. He grabbed a mask left for him on the way down, as it hung on a stray nail at the entrance. He put it on, like he had been told, his excitement growing. The music was the first thing to catch him, a song he had heard before, Maurice Burkhart’s song, At the Devil's Ball.

He stopped in his tracks once he reached the bottom step, eyes darting around the dark, when he finally saw him, in the middle of a small crowd sat Alastor. But this was different. The man sat back, wearing a beautiful gown that brushed the floor with its length, the reddish hue of the glitter adoring him in a stary sort of way thanks to the spotlights. His face was mostly covered, a mask, black and sharp looking, covered his features. The antlers of which, jutted out menacingly upon the crown of his head. If Vincent hadn’t known the other inside and out, he would have never been able to guess who he had been. Vince’s mouth hung open, his stomach turning, his eyebrows quirked up, he had a hard time peeling his eyes away from the sight of his love, his excitement only escalating past a point of no return as he began to rush himself forward, wanting to rip into his lover’s dress, and take him in front of the crowd. But he was stopped, a few other patrons holding him still as Alastor stood from his dainty chair, his smile sharp, his gloved hands running under the man’s chin as he caressed him, “Tonight, we will feast. But you must show how willing you really are to play along.”

“Anything for you.” Vincent again did not know what he had been agreeing to.

Alastor clapped his hands together, which made the doors behind him burst open. A small woman, who Vince did not know, wheeled in someone who was slouched over, the wheelchair beneath him squealing with effort as he was pushed inside. The bag on his head heaved as he had, his voice shrill, hands grasped as he begged, “Release me… I won’t tell, I promise. Forget I said anything. I’m sorry.”

“M darling, you didn’t gag him well enough.” Al turned to take the chair, pushing up and to his toy’s legs, pressing the knees of the victim into his as he spoke towards him, “You want to show your devotion, no?”

“I will do everything for you.” Vince again said, though his eyes flashed nervous, hands rubbing together nervously despite the ecstasy that had begun to fill his gut.

“Kill him.” Alastor prompted, reaching back to the dipped line of the back of his dress, pulling up swiftly, a blade was produced, awaiting the need for its deadly purpose, other hand bringing up his glass of vodka as he sipped it with a purr.

Once the blade had been offered, Vincent took it into his hand. He hesitated, eyes on everyone in the room, then back down to the instrument, “I didn’t… Have you done this all before?” Of course he had, it was obvious with how organized it all was.

Alastor’s large smile was his answer, his body moving swiftly to pull the bag off of the man’s head. He was simply delighted to find that he knew this victim. He was Nif’s husband.

Who knew he was doing so many terrible things while supposedly working? Well, Al had a hunch, and he was so relieved to see he had been right. There was no going back. Vince knew now that he was a murderer, and Nate, Nif’s husband; had seen the true nature of the small circle of regulars of the speakeasy. It was too late, and now Vince held his own life in the balance, alongside the officer’s. Based on his decision now, would mean life or death to the host.

The mortal stood frozen for the longest time, and Alastor faintly worried that he would chicken out. That he would instead plunge the knife into him. But, that time did not come, and instead, Vince, ever the people pleaser, walked up, grabbing the man’s hair, tugging it so the victim would have to look up at him.

The cool metal was pressed to his throat, in a way that made it obvious that Vince was overcompensating for his lack of experience. He was shaking, but he did not stop. He followed his commandments, and followed through with the slice. The blade dug into the man’s throat, piercing into it unceremoniously, getting stuck on his spine as he tried to retrieve it. He struggled momentarily, his eyes wide, face pale as the victim struggled against him, crying and screaming into the mostly uncaring room.

Alastor purred, grabbing the handle around Vince’s hands, helping him pull it out, then sink it back inside. Again, and again. The eyes of the victim rolled back as his life faded, gurgling, the blood flowing everywhere. Sensual movements continued, and soon they sawed the head from the shoulders, severing him from this mortal coil ever so gruesomely.

Now, Al took the blade, bringing it up to his lips as he sucked the fluid from the weapon. Then he ran his tongue up the sharpened end, cutting into it, the pain making his brain spiral as he desperately leaned down into his pet’s frame. Vince stood frozen for the longest time, not believing what he had just done, but the high from the adrenaline was also influencing him, as he grabbed the knife back using it to cut into his own tongue, and despite the pain, he only winked, sticking it out so that Alastor would get the message. He did indeed, pushing their faces together as their tongues battled, knife dropped into the puddle beneath. The other cannibals gathered round, beginning to rip at the body, or watch the show that Alastor was putting on. They did not know who he was, but they had never seen such explicit sin by one of their leaders before.

The sinner pushed Vince away, breaking the kiss before he spun himself against a nearby table, ass in the air as he braced himself, face flushed red beneath his mask, order leaving his lips before he could even think twice, “f*ck me, now!”

“Yes, my lord.” Vincent groaned, unbuttoning his pants, releasing his hardened self for all to see.

Al waited impatiently, shaking his hips as he felt his dress being pulled up and over his bottom, and his panties being tugged down. Once he was bare, he was fast to be filled, Vince taking no care to prepare him as he thrusted up into his awaiting heat. The sins were piling up, Alastor’s body arching harshly as he screamed in pleasure, hands grasping so hard into the table beneath that his fingernails dug into the wood.

f*cking like wild animals, a full blown orgy was risen around them, but they were in their own world as they tangoed. The table toppled, Alastor’s form fell onto the floor, but Vince didn’t stop, pressing the sinner’s face into the floor by the back of his head as he growled. Not a single competent thought would be shared, as Al simply slammed himself back into the man’s awaiting co*ck, filling himself over and over, impaling his deepest areas with desperation. As the pool of blood finally reached him, he smeared his hands into it, bringing up the bloodied glove to his maw as he lapped it up, like a thirsty creature. He was suddenly flipped over, dress tugged the rest of the way up and over his head, sitting behind his neck as his legs were spread by his devotee, the other man slamming back into him, taking the blood into his own hand and using it to lube up Al’s co*ck, stroking it feverishly in between increasingly uncoordinated thrusts.

Al’s overstimulation grew, his back tense as his eyes rolled back, his mouth hanging open as he became undone, his tongue hanging out as his body quickly finished, his cum drenching his stomach and chest, mixing with the blood that Vince pressed into the tip, “What a f*cking whor*, you liked it that much? Taking the whole f*cking thing like that?”

Then he was emptied, laid panting against the tile, until he felt hands grab ahold of his hair, tugging his face forward, open mouth filled with Vincent’s hot dick as the dominant party sat upon his chest, pinning him down where he was.

Al didn’t have time to breathe before the co*ck was pushed all the way to the back of his throat, making him gag and choke, his fingernails digging to the assailant’s thighs as he tried to push himself away. But it was too late, his throat being f*cked raw as he was forced back and forth on the shaft. He couldn’t breathe, the spiraling sensation made his anxiety rise, making his body respond with vigor as he stood hardened again, “Ah, you like having my co*ck in your throat, you little slu*t! Keep moaning like that and I’ll have to f*cking choke you on it!” The man above growled loudly.

Vincent didn’t stop, he kept f*cking into his awaiting heat, filling his throat up nearly completely with each movement until he began to ram into him, merciless as he found his end, the cum shooting down the other man’s throat, making him choke on it as he pressed himself as deep as possible, the asphyxia increasing the pleasure ten fold as he drank up, “That’s right… f*ck… all for you baby.”

Alastor was finally freed, his head snapping back as he gasped for air, fingernails digging into his lover’s thighs hard as he bared his teeth up at him, “N-Never do that again!”

“Aw, someone doesn’t like giving up his control, does he?” Vincent purred, tugging the man’s hair as he breathed into his ear, “I think your lips look divine when they’re wrapped around my dick. So, no, I think I’ll do that whenever I wish.”

Al opened his mouth to retort, but the co*ck was again pressed against his lips, making him kiss it as precum leaked onto him. He let out a long sigh, dragging his nails down momentarily before he gave in. He was the one who invited Vincent out. The king of Hell, despite all of the depravity he had been a part of, had not shown up. For the rest of his life, he would be sucking his boss’s dick. So, he would have to get used to the dynamic, even if it made him feel a little sick to his stomach.

Besides, he had made a murderer out of the man. So he sort of owed him a few favors.

The party wined down, the cannibals taking what they wanted from the body, picking him clean in some places. Alastor stood to the side, dress back on in a more appropriate way as he watched people begin to file out. He looked down at Mimzy, who had also had her sh*t rocked by three or so men, her hair a mess, her eyes full of pleasure as she leaned against the wall, smoking until her heart was content. They were both certainly a mess, perhaps that was why they made such good friends? He didn’t know.

When the room was empty, other than Alastor, Mimzy, Vincent, Husker, and the body, they discussed disposal. All eyes again fell to Al, who had been the one to do so in the past. The ache in his backside made him want to refuse, but he simply walked over, beginning to wheel the chair towards the stairs before he would pick it up over his shoulder, not minding the blood that drenched his back, his voice low, “Fine- fine- but I cannot be your garbage man every time, my dear.”

Husk rolled his eyes, taking off his own mask, straightening up his tuxedo despite the bloodstains that covered the front, “I dunno, you look like a plenty fine trashman.”

Mimzy chuckled darkly at her employee’s joke, hands on her hips as she winked at Alastor, “Thanks, dear, you’re the best!”

Vince ran over to help, as he was the one to end the person’s existence. However, looking at the body now that he was satisfied sexually had made him extremely repulsed, and he had to turn away when Al offered the cadaver to him. Humming to himself, Al spoke, bemused, “You can drive a knife into a man’s spine, but once he’s dead you get squeamish?”

“I- uh-” Vince was looking for excuses, trying to come up with anything that would make him look better.

“Poulette…” Al grumbled, beginning up the stairs, “Don’t wait up for me, darling. It may be a while if I decide to take a few bites to go.”

Vincent opened his mouth to reply, but the cellar was closed too soon for him to get the chance. Instead, the sinner began to trudge towards the forest, ready to cross the acreage until he reached a little swamp on the property. That was where the bodies would often be dumped. His dress did little to protect him from the elements, but he simply took the skirt into his free hand as he wandered further in. He hummed to himself to fill the silence, letting the ache in his body fill him finally. Letting the sorrow in his soul take him over.

He felt tears in his eyes, and freely he let them fall. He missed Lucifer. He would have never done this again if he hadn’t missed him so much. He made him do this. He was ready to stop killing and simply enjoy his king’s flesh instead. He would have never had to have slept with Vincent, and he would have never joined in the cannibal orgy. Something he always saw himself above. He felt his stomach twist, and turn, then he felt something more sudden.

First it was pain, then a flash, the noise filling his eardrums as he lost balance. Landing face first, the body cast aside, he uselessly could feel himself leaking into the snow. He couldn’t think, his insides pouring out, the darkness encroaching, the rustling of twigs and leaves filling his ears as the marksman hurried over, “sh*t- Oh god, I didn’t mean to-”

Then he was turned, body heaving as he struggled to breathe. The mask kicked from his face as the form above took a better look. He didn’t recognize him at first, but once he got a better look, he realized the man was Nif’s brother-in-law. He was in his uniform, a large dog alongside him. He bent down, empty eyes gleaming with a sort of lust as he watched Alastor bleed, his gaze shifting from the headless body to Alastor’s dying form, tone completely changing as he took in the scene before him.

The feeling of cool metal on his forehead made him involuntarily shiver as he tried to plead, “S-stop… Please…”

“I knew you were a sick f*cker. Look at you, dressed like a woman, killing people. My brother was right about you. He’ll be so happy that you’ve died.” The man’s voice was hardly audible to the sinner, as his mind numbed.

Al tried to move, he tried to save himself, but even as the dog began to bite into him, he couldn’t do anything. It was ironic in a way. He had helped to kill this man’s brother, and he had eaten him. Now their dog was eating him as the brother prepared to end his suffering. The drama would have been delicious if it weren't his.

The gun clicked, and he flinched, but the bullet never came. The hammer was again pulled back, like it had misfired, and now it was ready again. Dread filled Alastor now, as he knew he was completely ready to end him. He didn’t actually want to die. Though, part of him knew he deserved this. He deserved to go to Hell. He belonged there. Though, part of him worried over what his mother would think or do. He wondered if the officer would even tell anyone that he had ended his life, or if it would be a mystery. He hoped the latter, so that his image in his mother’s mind would not be tarnished.

A flash of his friend’s faces all filled his senses. But, by the end, he just saw Lucifer. He would be waiting for him. Yes, he would welcome him into death with open arms. He would love him like they both desperately needed. He would-

Bang, the Earth swallowed him whole.


Then he died, hehe
I drew the dress because I can

Chapter 11: Death and Renewal


Earthly friends die, and Alastor is trapped in Hell. Someone had to come save him.


This chapter was a big wow, extra wow, I'm excited for you all to read it, as now I know you are all pretty chill with whatever I do. So no more holding back, let's get twisted, loves hehe.

Dekinaiii - thank you :3
GummiMato - He was indeed pretty in his dress
Lost_Scarecrow - Or can he?
neuroqueer - you guys love monsters though.
Mephilver - aye aye captain! I guess I am awakening kinks in you folks, and I plan on doing worse, so be prepared. I'm glad you liked my drawing ;3
OakMerchant - more death you say?
PanPanPanda_Express - the audacity of that police officer, am I right?
Husky_Fries - I feel like this chapter will satisfy a lot of things you've been looking for. I am glad you liked my drawing!
Livelovelaughapps - Thanks my love!
iofmanyships - Drama bomb incoming!
Lany1516 - Thank you :3
Orphaccnt - I find cults to be very alluring hehe
DecayingSweetness - the high of killing plus the high of f*cking, tis good sh*t.
SleepyLurks - to be fair he ended up not finishing the final chapter, which is even more depressing hehe. He won't be alone forever.
DarkFoxKirin - I don't believe in mercy, love ya!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Desperation, tiny body dragging itself in the snow, breath hot, melting the ice beneath as she crawled. The door, safety, she reached up, trying to push it open, but it did not budge. She tried again, and again, and again. Her consciousness was fading. She tried again. It did not budge. He never locked his door, why was it locked now? Again. Nothing, she began to knock. Nothing. She propped herself against the unbearably cold frame, clinging to it, banging her fist into it until she could no longer will herself to move. She laid back onto the porch, the roof above being the only thing she could focus on. He never came to save her. He was always there for her, but not that beautiful snowy night.

Nate’s brother had come home, drenched in blood, and Nif, being nosey; had asked him what had happened. He didn’t reply, and instead he went into the kitchen to clean himself. But she pressed, as she often had, and he hit her. Yet, being herself, she pressed again, and again, until he pulled a knife from the sink, and with a few jabs had thrusted the blade into her abdomen. Her apron stained quickly with the blood, and she tried to escape. She tried to reach Alastor, as he always knew what to do.

She heaved, panted, trying to stay awake. Her hands ran over the cuts in her chest, drenching in the never ending blood flow. She sobbed, until her eye could no longer produce tears, the cold freezing them. It was over.

When Al had awoken he had found himself in the middle of a warzone. Death, and blood, and guts all lined the unfamiliar streets, and he hardly had time to sit up before a few creatures began to run towards him. He screamed, getting to his feet before he tried to get away, in which he fell, as his stance was off, and completely different. Like a newborn deer he couldn’t retain his balance.

Desperate, he tried to crawl away, but then he was held in place by his hips, the creatures surrounding him as they looked down at his pathetic display, all smiling with sharp teeth as he struggled, “Look boys, fresh meat.“

One took off his tie, and without hesitation he wrapped it around Alastor’s head, keeping him from seeing what they were doing as he begged to be let go. They did not listen, and Alastor was soon sure he had made it to Hell.

Sharp teeth, chewing, terrible wet noises. Alastor couldn’t see, but he could feel it all. Something ate at him, their maws filled with his flesh, and even as it was detached from his bones, he could feel it. He was thrown onto the brimstone, his back pressed against the heated Hellscape as he was torn into. He tried to move, tried to fight back, but he was held down, unable to do much of anything other than whimper. Even as his body regenerated, it was picked clean, and he felt like he was going to die all over again. His dress was pulled up again so that whoever could get access to his ribs and guts, pulling organs out that weren’t meant to see the daylight.

Rosa and Rosie had banned together to try and find Alastor. But the police, after having found Nif and the various meats and written materials in the man’s house, had little interest in locating the missing man. In fact, they said that he had run away to escape punishment, and said that wherever he had ended up would be forced to deal with his sins.

Rosa sobbed, trying anything to get something done, but they would say she was just hysterical, and even threaten to take her into jail if she did not calm herself down. So, with little options, both women would begin to search for themselves. They asked around, handing out an older photo of the man, but no one would give Rosa the time of day thanks to her skin tone. Those who would, had never even seen Alastor in person, and only knew of his voice.

Vincent had joined them at some point, having not known that Al had gone missing for a few days after, as he had just thought he would be going through a dry spell again. He kept their activities on his last night a secret, though he knew a lot of the man’s deeds were already spilled. He decided that the day he found him he would keep him in his basem*nt, away from prying eyes. He would protect him from the law, and from whatever had snatched him away.

Days turned into weeks, which turned into a year. He was nowhere to be seen.

Alastor was finally allowed to sit up these days, newly departed cannibals having taken his station as the lowest on the food chain. He still got torn into while they were healing, and he was still bound by his ankle to a wall, only comfort a cushion on the floor and a stuffed demon to keep him company.

The dark room told him little about where he was, or what he had turned into. He had not seen himself since he had presumably died. He figured this was the punishment for cannibals, as it was fitting for him to be eaten day by day to make up for the sins he committed.

Stretching his legs uselessly, he tried to regain some feeling in his feet, though they were so different now, he couldn’t feel toes anymore, but instead something more hard, and when he tried to massage them, he would pull his hands away quickly, not knowing what he was touching. His dress hung like a curtain over him, as he had lost considerable weight, the mask had been lost long ago. He had not been allowed to bathe, so he smelled of death constantly.

Another punishment he found to be terrible, worse than being eaten, worse than his body being different, was the unending hunger. His stomach always rolled, growling, wanting. He was never satisfied, not with the scraps he had been given, and not with his own flesh that he had bit into. He trembled as a wave of hunger again washed over him, and like a pacifier, he shoved her arm into his awaiting maw, biting himself, taking off flesh, chewing it slowly to savor it. Then again, and again, until he hit bone. Shivering, he moaned, the pain making his mind spiral. He was going mad. He needed to get out of here before it was over. The third and surely worst punishment was that he would begin to spiral into a heated binge about once every few months, lusting for sex and touch, and desperately reaching for the nearest warm body, or rather any body if he had access to it. He could feel these symptoms coming, but he couldn’t stop them with how weak he was. The cannibals seemed to enjoy those times, though none ever participated. They just used it to cut into him more easily, as he was much more submissive under this particular punishment.

He couldn’t withstand these punishments anymore. He cursed Lucifer’s name. He cursed the one who killed him. He cursed himself. He promised to find a way out, to find a way to get revenge on those who wronged him. He promised to see his mother and Lucifer again. He promised himself a lot of things in that hot dark room.

Then the door forced itself open again, another man coming in to tear him apart, the light absolutely blinding to the captive. Al bared his teeth at the demon, his tail, oh god he had a tail; stood on end, his body pressed against the wall as he desperately tried to stay away, his ears perked up at attention. The man stalked over to him, he looked different than the other sinners who would come in for a quick bite. He knelt in front of the fresh meat, seeming to be appraising him. Then he stood again, voice low, eyebrows raised, “How would you like to see the sunlight again, little doe?”

Vince stood alone in his small home, hands firmly holding onto a photo he had gotten of Alastor. He had kept it with him at all times, but as the years wore on, his hope had ebbed entirely.

Alastor’s mother still searched, but nothing ever came from her looking. Rosie had left town, returning home, Mimzy had been killed in a shooting at her club, and no one had heard from Husk since. Vince had continued to do his broadcasts, but the radio station had to be shuttered, as there wasn’t enough personality in Louisiana to keep the doors open any longer.

Vincent took a long swig of his vodka, leaning himself against the wall to his bedroom. He bit his lip, as he had blamed himself for Alastor’s sudden disappearance. He had truly pushed too hard, and he had ruined the best thing he had going for him.

Then came the second great war, which Vincent was still young enough to be drafted into. The letter itself had sat behind the photo, and as he began to pace wildly, he could feel his nerves fry. The anger, the anguish, it all washed over him, and in the moment, he turned and kicked, his foot going right into the screen of his television, shattering it into a million pieces. He stepped back, eyes big, the anger, delight, it reminded him of his long lost lover. He smiled, dropping the paper onto the floor, as he began to destroy his home, tearing things apart, ripping the curtains down, ripping open his pillows, kicking, thrashing, tearing things with his teeth.

This was the most exhilarated he had felt since that night, he couldn’t stop. He ran around, breaking mirrors, tearing books apart. Then as he ran to exit his bedroom, he felt his shoes give way, the slick photo paper sliding readily on the laminate as he face planted, neck snapping unceremoniously as he rammed his head into the television, the glass of the open front stabbing up into his awaiting throat. He struggled, trying to pull himself away, but it only dug the shards in deeper until he too had passed, the Earth certainly making a meal of the television star.

Alastor was finally away from that accursed room, the sunlight ever blinding as he was allowed outside into the streets. Cannibals had torn into each other with recklessness, no law intact as the demons ran around. Shell shocked, Alastor looked up at the demon who had bought him, the rope around his neck leading him towards him. He looked different than the pale and black eyed demons he had become accustomed to. He wondered briefly if he looked like them, but he saw that other than being a little pale, his skin tone was intact, and his hands had become furry, ending in little red keratin tips, his feet were the same, looking more like hooves. It was surprising how much he had looked like an actual depiction of a devil, at least compared to the devil he had previously been sleeping with. The tattoo on his hand had gone, likely because as he had a different body now, it had voided the contract between him and Lucifer. He would have been happy to see such revelations when he had first fallen into the deal, but now it just made him bitter. He no longer belonged to his beloved devil. Who was he to him now? Why had he not been the one to come save him?

“Get in.” The limousine stretched out before him, the door opened to allow access, and briefly Alastor hesitated before he followed orders.

He had no chance of getting away, as he had relatively little say in much. He knew if he tried to run off he would have surely been recaptured. He was bought by this man after all, and any man worth his salt would keep his assets in line. He sat on the plush seat, the ache in his legs and hips relaxing ever so slightly, though he kept his guard up, especially around the third person who sat across from him, her tall frame and devious smile making him feel awfully small.

Once the door was closed, and the car had been started, she leaned her head towards the window, her voice sickly sweet, her violet eyes piercing into his soul, “Welcome to Hell darling, I’m sorry it took so long for us to find you. Those cannibals can be quite sneaky when they find someone they enjoy.”

“I don’t think we’ve met.” Alastor tried to act strong, tried to be his old self, but the rope around his neck was an ironic way of displaying just how powerless he truly was.

“Oh, yes, of course.” The woman nodded, holding out her hand, “I am Lilith Morningstar.”

Al took her hand, kissing the back of it like he would have done in life, the name ringing alarms in his mind, but he couldn’t quite place why, “It is a pleasure, my lady. My name is Alastor Sauval.” He felt all eyes lingering on him, making him feel so terribly small, “Say, why would you bother looking for a little sinner such as myself? I don’t appear to be worth much in the grand scheme of things around here.”

“Well, you see darling,” The woman took her hand back, smiling at it with a bit of a giggle, her voice venomous, her eyes like poison as they looked into Alastor, “You’re worth much more than you could know. So, I’ve granted you freedom in exchange for a deal…”

“A deal?” Like with Lucifer, the man bit his lip, again looking where the ring used to be, but again it was still gone, “What sort of deal do you have in mind?”

She smiled sharply, again offering her hand, her horns flourishing from her head, darkness swirling around her as she spoke, “Give me your soul, and I will give you power beyond your imagination. You will no longer be used without your consent, and your goals will be within reach, but…”

“But?” Al leaned in, ready to take her hand, the idea of power making him drool.

“But, you must do everything I require, and with a smile. You will gladly be mine to command.” She smiled wide, “With us together, your potential and my power, we can surely change a few things around here.”

Alastor hesitated for the longest time. He was going to be the pet of some woman he hadn’t known, but the power she released from herself was nearly enough to make him vomit. He knew that she was honest about the sheer amount of things he would gain from this. He didn’t fully know the gravity of the situation, but he understood that selling one’s soul could be a huge deal. His mother’s books had some information on the topic, and prying into his mind, he remembered what he could. Perhaps he would even get Lucifer’s attention with this new power. Perhaps he would be able to get past his punishments, and perhaps he would see his mother again.

He took her hand, and he felt his body empty of his soul, sucked from him from her hand, her claws digging into the flesh of his wrist as she pulled him in, voice against his face as she spoke, “You’re mine, Alastor. Thank you for your patronage.”

He had done something bad. The power swirling in his stomach, his form contorting, shifting, changing, his antlers, god he has antlers; grew, nearly stabbing into the ceiling as he screamed. The pain, it was unbearable, he couldn’t control himself. He couldn’t see, and he couldn’t think, static frequencies escaping his head as he arched his back. He then only felt nothingness, short circuiting, as his consciousness faded, and as he laid slumped against the queen’s hot embrace.

When Alastor had regained consciousness he was laid in a large bed. He sat up, body burning with hunger, limbs weak, and head spinning. He looked down at himself, he was nude, the dress he wore likely having been torn off of him during the deal, so he sat nude. He sighed, glad to have been freed from the fabric for the first time in forever, though once he realized he had been bathed, he felt a little less appreciative. He did not like the idea of someone touching him so much without his permission. He bit his lip, feeling violated all over again. So much for this deal making everyone follow his consent. So much for his comfort.

A shadow now appeared before him, making him jump a little, moving away momentarily before he realized that it looked an awful lot like him. He sat in place, tilting his head at it, and it returned the gesture, smiling crookedly at him. He realized that his own face was in a full force smile despite how he had felt, and feeling his cheeks, he tried to relax himself, but it did nothing to help. His newly razor sharp maw stayed turned up in a huge grin. He clattered his teeth, trying again to frown, but he couldn’t.

Service with a smile, he supposed. He looked at the shadow again, speaking to it despite himself, “Are you here for me?”

The being nodded, coyly crawling onto the mattress, laying on it, looking up at Alastor with what could be taken as big eyes. He stared at his counterpart, pulling his knees to his chest as he spoke, “Are you… a part of me?”

It nodded again, adoring him in its own way. He could feel the power in his veins, and how it was manifesting the shadow before him, but he also knew that the entity was its own person, separate from himself. He opened his mouth to continue questioning the being, but it simply silenced him, pressing a finger to his lips, then it sat up, pulling itself up towards the dresser on the other side of the room. It picked up a letter, melting into the floor, it suddenly appeared next to the newborn demon, holding the paper to him. Alastor awkwardly took it, scanning it with his eyes. It had said that he would be left to his own devices for a while, and once he had felt more accustomed to himself then he would begin his purpose. A picture of a creature, a demon, was attached, name written in red, the back having more information. It was an overlord, or so he had read, and he was going to have to kill him in order to prove himself to Lilith.

Clattering his fangs together again, he felt anxiety and excitement build in his stomach, bubbling to the surface through his smile, he was a new man, and he was going to use his abilities to benefit himself.

As a small chuckle left him, the shadow opened the closet on the other side of the room, a smartly tailored red suit hung from the door, an offering to the demon. To the future overlord hunter. Music played from his aura, his body bustling with refreshed vigor. This would be the beginning of the radio demon.


Lilith has joined the battle, hehe!

Also Vince died in a somewhat goofy way because I thought it would be hilarious. I was correct.

Chapter 12: Gambling


Lucifer decides to visit his favorite human. Alastor decides to visit his favorite sinner.


Woo! A sinful double feature today, enjoy it, this one was a delight! Very lore, much story telling.

monoceros__caeli934 - reactions are important hehe
OakMerchant - *winkwonk*
PanPanPanda_Express - here's more brobro
Arianna - I am apparently more than fine hehe~
GummiMato - you could say he has the smell of both of them on him.
Husky_Fries - Al just ignores his feelings more than he should tbh. Alastor is never done writing, just like meeee
Livelovelaughapps - Thanks for the awesome comment!
MrsLym - sammmmeee
Mephilver - you're making me blush, like, hardcore! Al certainly needs a leg up on his competition, now that leg could be on Lucifer's shoulders if he ever finds him...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The house stood vacant, and stepping inside, bypassing the old and tattered police tape, the devil numbly walked around. Things were trashed, possessions stolen, and a familiar mug broken upon the hardwood floor of the kitchen. It was hot inside, summer sun making the air smell putrid as the food in the fridge had surely spoiled, as the electricity had been switched off, and everything had been left to rot. He numbly wandered into the hallway, down towards the bedroom they had shared, and inside, like with everything, it was empty.

He pulled his face into a tight frown, he had only left for a few years, yet, everything seemed to have stopped the moment he had. Nothing had changed other than the age of the furniture, and the stains soaking into the floor. He spun, walking into the office, somewhere Alastor had not let him into too easily. He looked around, the picture his daughter had drawn hung on the wall, and the various writings of his love still collected dust where they were pinned. He took the chair into his hand, and with a heavy sigh, he sat down, fingers lightly tracing the keys as he examined the pile of paperwork next to it. The manuscript, folded neatly, nearly finished, yet abandoned. In the carriage still was a half typed idea. Final words never put to paper.

“What happened to you?” Lucifer spoke out loud, hands trembling as he again traced a few letters, spelling out Alastor’s name again and again, although not pressing hard enough to actually type.

Then a sound roused him back to reality, and quickly he turned to face the noise. He stood, ready to fight, ready to demand answers, but then he relaxed, eyes wide as the small much more elderly woman stood before him, her hands nervously clasped together as she peered in at him, “You’ve come back for him?”

“Yeah.” Lucifer smiled a little, walking over to the woman, bending down to give her a chaste hug, “Where has he gone?”

“We don’t know…” Rosa sighed, her body trembling as she held in her tears, “One day he was here, writ’n his heart out, the next… we looked for him ever’where, but the police were no help. They called him so many terrible things… He wasn’t that bad… he was just broken… like his father.”

“He wasn’t broken.” Lucifer pet her hair gently, body filling with dread, as her words hung in the air, a hunch chilling his spine, “He was just… different. You know that.”

“I do…” She began to cry, she couldn’t hold back anymore, “Je sais…”

Now they stood, and Lucifer tried hard to comfort the woman. He knew he had been gone for too long, but to him a few years was nothing. He had forgotten how time worked on Earth. How time would change things, tarnish things. He bit his lip, feeling pity, shame, and ultimately depression as it filled his core. Where was Alastor? Where could he have possibly gone? He blinked a few times, trying to remember details from before he had left, grasping at straws, “Vincent- he was supposed to take care of him for me… where is he? I’m going to be giving him a piece of my mind-”

The woman shook her head, wrinkled hands grasping either side of his face to get his attention, “Vincent, he died. Il est mort il y a des années.”

“Years ago?” The man echoed, eyes wide, “How long have I been gone?”

“Sept ans…” She replied sadly.

“Seven years!” The man couldn’t believe it, he had left his pet for seven f*cking years, and only now had he realized.

He was the worst, he had abandoned the human, left him to die, and worse yet, something actually happened to him in this time. He began to spiral, feeling weak in his knees, his soul burning as he tried to reach the deal he had made with the human, trying to find him anyway that he could. Then he felt a jolt, pinpointing where he was, his eyes wide, his body pulling away from the aging woman, “I have to go. Please take care Rosa.”

“Au revoir, diable.” The woman replied, waving after the man as he fled.

The king had run into the forest, towards the speakeasy’s location. He hurried, jumping over fallen logs, and trying his best not to get tripped up. Then, once he reached the familiar house, he found an unfamiliar for sale sign in the front yard. That was another one of Alastor’s closest friends gone, no one was truly here to watch him, and the king turned on his heel, running into the woods, towards the weakened source of his own power. He hurried towards it, hoping, praying that he was wrong, and this wasn’t going to be what he had feared.

Then he nearly fell into the bog, the waterline hidden beneath the tall grass. He froze, scanning around, ordering his powers to press into it, to search, then he found him.

He jumped into the water, wading through it, pulling himself forward. Then he stopped, a small embankment getting his attention, and as he squinted, he could see the form of someone in the mud. He bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed, and he forced himself forward.

Horror, terror, numbness, he was dead. The mortal was no longer within his own body, his skull having a hole blown into it, yet his skin, pale and greenish in tint had remained partially intact. The swamp preserved his beauty in that final moment, making him look more asleep than dead.

Lucifer stared for the longest time, not used to the concept of mortality. He never dealt with the living, and now that he had, their life had ended before it could flourish. He felt himself move without any prompting from himself, his face pressed into the man’s chest, the glitter on the dress digging into his cheeks, the putrid smell making him shiver. He cried. Sure, he knew that Alastor was likely waiting for him in Hell, but he couldn’t shake this. He couldn’t forgive himself for the human’s death.

The gift of life was one thing he had worked so hard to give mortals, the gift of choice, and now he had none of that. His mortal coil had been snapped, the spring by design meant to be broken, yet it felt so terribly devastating that it had. It felt worse that Alastor looked so beautiful the night that he died.

Lucifer stood a little, looking over the body, adiriming the dress, adoring the broken mask that adorned his face. He wondered how they would manifest in the afterlife once he had finally found his lost pet. Though he gripped the dress between his fingers, letting the stones on the fabric cut into his flesh, he worried Lilith would find him and she would forebae their relationship.

When Alastor had found the Ambrosia, it had been left by Lily for Lucifer to find, as a message to basically f*ck and get it over with since she had returned home to an empty mansion. She had not meant to poison the human, though she certainly did not mind the results, as the fact that Alastor had survived seemed to spark interest in her. She said it was the highest dosage a human had ever lived through. In Fact it had been double, seeing as she had made the mixture herself, using her own power.

Lily had been stern on their little rendezvous after that, which is why he had to stay home so long, as she had to get some things in order for them, saying something about potential for a sinner like that. He wanted to visit before then, he really did, but now Alastor was in Hell.

This would complicate things worse. Lucifer was free to f*ck humans, hell he was free to f*ck whoever he desired, but chasing a human to the underworld looked bad. Super bad. The politics of it was terrible, his wife would certainly become suspicious that their relationship had grown serious. He would have to be careful to not be caught if he decided to pursue his writer.

Though part of him did worry said sinner wouldn’t want to see him anyway.

Alastor had begun to get ahold of his power, the shadow had helped him along, and indiscriminately he killed. He soaked himself with blood on the day to day, rising in power with each murder, and coming up with the idea to broadcast his hobbies for all to hear. He was able to get a cane made by his patron, one that allowed him to broadcast himself throughout the pentagram, and as he killed, he could tune into the screams for all to hear. His name was a whisper beginning to be spread, much like a scary story told to children to make them behave.

He had decided that his overlord business would start peacefully compared to his indiscriminate murder, and he would try to play a bit more nicely as he basically killed the demons who dared to anger his mistress. Besides, even though he was indeed powerful, he still did not fully understand his own shadows. He couldn’t possibly do anything too outlandish quite yet. No, that would have to wait.

On this day, he had decided that he was ready to try his luck. He stalked up to the gambling hall, ears perked, smile large as ever as he let himself inside. The atmosphere was gaudy, sinners and imps gambling their afterlives away, their money and souls being given out like candy. It was almost enough to make Alastor drool, the desperation in the air reminding him of a time not so terribly long before.

Then he found him, his target. He crossed over to him, sitting at his booth, hands collapsed together over the green carpet of the table as he tilted his head, “My, I didn’t think I would ever get to see you again.”

The overlord spun around, eyes wide, his cat-like appearance doing nothing to hide how confused he was, “Al-Alastor? f*ck, I didn’t think… you already said that. What’s go’n on? What brings ya to my bar?”

“I heard you like gambling.” Alastor hummed, music playing from his teeth as they clattered, “So, I am here to play.”

“Oh, right.” Husk looked around at the empty tables around them, then he raised his brow at his previous acquaintance, “So go gamble. I’m too busy for ya these days.”

“But, Husker…” Alastor fluttered his eyelashes, his attempt at mimicking Mimzy, “You owe me, I died taking out your trash, after all!”

“That wasn’t mine- you two were the sick f*cks who wanted to eat him, I was just the bouncer!” Husk slammed his hands down onto the table, trying to scare the man away, yet he did not flinch.

“How about we bet more than money?” Al smirked, cleaning his claws casually as he leaned back, “As you know, my name is starting to gain traction around here, and I am quite skilled at what I do. I’m sure I have something you would want in exchange for… let me see… your immortal soul?”

“The f*ck?” The man backed up, wings up defensively, “I am not going to gamble my soul away!”

“Oh, so you don’t think you will win?” Al chuckled, shadow overcasting his face as he glared at his old friend, “I dunno, I have never won a hand of blackjack in my life. The odds are ever in your favor.” He sang.

“Oh, I’ll f*cking win!” Husk pointed at the man, teeth bared, “Then you’ll have to give me those shadows of yours! I’ve heard of all the weird sh*t you’ve been doing with them!”

“Oh, so you want my power?” Alastor hummed, leaning forward, being oddly flirtatious, said shadows stirring around Husk’s form, “Someone doesn’t shoot for the stars.”

“Well, your soul is already gone.” Husk bit his lip, looking Al up and down, a hint of interest in his eyes, “So I can’t own you. So instead, I will make you powerless.”

“Fine…” Al sat back up, hands folded together once again, his coyness coming off as a sort of foreplay to the dealer, “Let’s play. Your soul for my powers, whoever wins gets to be in charge.”

“H’mm… yeah…” The cat purred, beginning to bring out his favorite deck of cards, remembering the last night he got to witness Alastor’s sins, and how he got f*cked into the floor like a wild animal, excitement building in his lower stomach, “I think I’m go’n to enjoy keep’n you as a pet.”

“Likewise…” Alastor winked and stuck out his tongue playfully, before he was dealt his hand, letting the games begin.

Vincent had trouble finding footing in this world, he could barely run from the creeps he happened to have spawned with, obsessive and vile sinners, as his head was heavy, and nearly made him topple over as he tried to get used to it. He had gotten better over the years, but he still felt stiff and slow.

He sighed, his screen flickering a little as he heard a radio power on in a nearby shop. He hurried over, pressing his face to the glass, excitement overflowing as the voice of his desires filled his ears, Alastor sang a good morning, and a welcome to his show, his voice as sweet as ever.

“Hello and good morning my darling sinners! This is your favorite radio host speaking, and today I have some spectacular news!” The dials turned up so that his voice would sound as clear as possible, no mistakes, how Vince admired his work, “I have officially become an overlord, sinners rejoice!” The man sang, though a sinister overtone filled the static behind him, as the sounds of chains being tugged had flowed from the speakers, “I have won the soul of overlord Husker, and I mercifully decided not to end his wretched life. As I’ve hung up his Chicago overcoat for today!” He paused momentarily, papers shuffling, “Sorry for the lack of screams, but sometimes the deals we make are more important than the hunt. I’m sure you can all agree.” He seemed to be talking to the other party before he turned back to the mic, “Go ahead, tell everyone how much you’ll love being my pet, my old friend.”

“I- sh*t I don’t want to-” The sounds of the chains clattering came again, and a shriek left the gambler as he struggled momentarily, then finally defeat, “I am so happy to announce my resignation. Alastor is now the owner of all of my assets, include’n my soul.”

“Husker…” Al warned.

“All sinners rejoice.” The cat finished with finality, following the script.

Then Al hummed with delight, beginning his sign off, the broadcast short and sweet as he had things to surely do, leaving everyone with a sweet, “Ta-ta for now, enjoy a little hot-band I found down here to calm your nerves.”

Then the broadcast ended, music instead playing, like it had whenever Alastor was in a great mood. Vince couldn’t help but cheer in his head, his body bouncing with glee as he stood back from the window, “f*ck yeah! Alastor is so amazing! An overlord already!” He then froze, starting to feel numb all over.

He needed to find him already. He couldn’t be hiding all that well with all the carnage he had caused. But, how? How would he find Alastor now? What did he look like now that he was in Hell? Maybe his head was a radio, like Vince’s tv? Though, part of him hated that idea, as he would surely miss those dark deep eyes of his. He wouldn’t be able to tug his hair anymore. Hell, he wouldn’t be able to kiss him ever again. He shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts before they overtook him, deciding he had to keep looking and find out for himself.

Al sat back, relaxing himself as he looked down towards the former overlord before him. He pressed his hoof to his forehead, playfully rocking him back and forth, “Thank you for your participation, Husker.”

“I am go’n to kill you.” Husk threatened meekly, tail laying flat, wings downcast.

Al stared at him for the longest time before he stood, walking around the cat before he suddenly bent down pushing him to the floor, face down, and straddling his backside. Husk feared the worst, thought he was going to take this further, and punish him for similar vile thoughts he had about the deer before. However, instead, his wings began to be cleaned, steady and skilled fingers picking out pins. He huffed in surprise, eyes wide as he looked back, not daring to try and crawl away, “What the hell are you doing?”

“I need practice.” Al hummed, enjoying the sensation of preening wings once more, “I happen to have an… acquaintance… whose wings get to be in a bad way when he’s not around me.”

“Well then practice on him! I don’t need you gett’n so intimate with me because of it!” Husk growled, hissing at him in warning.

“H’m… but you wanted to be intimate earlier?” Al pointed out, eyebrows quirked despite how focused his eyes were.

That shut the cat up entirely, his face red, his ears pressed back. He was defeated, and with no fight left, he pressed his face into the cool floor. Despite himself, he purred, letting his wings be stretched and massaged, and cleaned. He hated losing, he hated being owned, and he hated embarrassment. But he didn’t hate this.

Alastor had sent Husk home eventually, letting him keep one of his sh*tty apartments as he did not care to house the sinner in his little home. He hardly had room for his own exploits, and he certainly didn’t need the cat breathing over him as he slept. Especially with the tension they ended up having by the end, as the demon had almost seemed to want to tear his clothes off when he had finished preening his wings. But that wouldn’t do. Alastor had another he was waiting for.

Laying down, he undressed himself on the bed, taking time to fold his beautiful suit as he laid it upon the nightstand. Now nude, he laid upon the duvet, enjoying the softness of it before he felt his stomach twist a little. He rubbed it, knowing he had been hungry, but as he had not hunted that day, he had nothing to satisfy that everlasting need. Instead, he ran his hand down, stroking his hip, then moving he began to touch himself a little. He had not bothered to do this since he had died, well other than during his heat cycles, as Lilith had called them, as he had no interest in carnal pleasures if they did not include Lucifer.

Even now his body did not react like it would normally, his stomach hurting more, and his shadows creeping towards him, like they were trying to stop him. So, he simply laid flat, giving up easily as he stared at the ceiling. His breath had hitched a little, eyes dilating a bit, but overall, his own hands had little effect on him anyway.

Then he felt the shadows close in on him entirely, his other self on top of him, looking down with curiosity, something odd for a manifestation of himself to possess, “What?”

It never answered, but it did begin to rub Al’s hips like he had before. The man stiffened, looking away from the act, “I am not interested anymore.”

It continued, like the shadow knew he was lying. Then it changed it’s form, moving and shifting until it looked much more pleasing to Alastor’s eye. It had known too well what he wanted, as it now looked like the devil in shape, smiling deviously as it pulled Al’s hips into theirs, rubbing it’s ghostly appendage into the sinner’s need.

Al whimpered, grabbing a pillow and burying his face into it, his voice small as he tried to reason with what was happening, “I don’t want to… I told you I have no more interest. Leave me alone.”

The creature did not listen, and instead it began to push into him, filling him the most he had felt in years. He shuddered, body reacting in unforeseen ways, producing slick like it had when he was under the influence of the ambrosia, or his heat. Shivering, he arched his back as he was filled entirely, his smile firm despite how wrong this all felt.

The shadow waited now, watching him with it’s eyes as it seemed to wait for confirmation, and f*ck, Alastor found he did not actually want to stop. He wanted to be ruined so badly, to let loose again, and to be loved by the devil once more. So, he pretended that the shadow was who he wanted it to be, and shifting himself to straddle it, he began to rock his hips, riding the creature with a startled moan.

The shadow watched with delight, claws digging into Al’s hips as it seemed to encourage his sins. The sinner cried out, crashing down into him, his voice small as he tried to reach the high he craved, “I need it to hurt… please… I can’t do this all over again…” He was babbling with need, frustrations and desperation plain to see on his face.

The shadow followed the orders given, slamming Al back down onto the bed as it moved it’s own hips. It was merciless, and it made itself bigger, making things hurt in the best of ways. He cried out, legs wrapping around it’s hips as he had, his face flush red, ears standing on end before rotating and pulling back as he was f*cked into. The shadow wasted no time exploring what it could, pressing kissing into the man’s chest, licking it, then it paid special attention to Alastor’s nipple, biting it feverishly.

Alastor cried out, claws digging at nothing as he tried to cause pain back, but nothing he did would dent his henchmen, and instead just emboldened it, as it ravished his chest, it’s ghostly co*ck twitching in delight as it hit deeper and deeper.

Their bodies twisted together, intertangled, and as the heat finally hit him, Alastor couldn’t hold back anymore. He cried out, his back arched against the being as it hit his most inner need, hooves spreading, tongue lulling out, he finished, covering both in his hot seed as he spasmed. The being did not stop, and just kept rutting into him, kept biting, kept marking him up, over stimulating him terribly until it too seemed to climax, something nearly burning filling his gut as it slowed, tongue trailing up his throat until it licked his lips, asking for access. Al opened his mouth, and soon their tongues fought as it moved for just a bit longer, milking whatever it was deep into him with what seemed to be desperation. Then, once it had finished pleasuring itself, it pulled out, melting into the bed like it hardly existed to begin with.

Al laid still, shivering as the liquid leaked from him freely, and slowly he willed himself to sit up to investigate himself. He was marked all to Hell, and the familiar ache of his hips did indeed signal that he had just been f*cked. He bit his lip, bringing a hand down to touch the liquid, pulling some of it up and towards his eyes so that he could see it. It had a similar consistency of cum, but it was pink in color. He found it odd, but he figured such oddities would happen when you partner with your own shadow. That made shame wash over him, and he sat looking like a troubled child, ears pressed down, stomach twisting as more seed leaked out of him.

Then he was brought back to reality as the bathroom door opened, the being smiling at him as it beckoned him in. Damn, the shadow was even practicing aftercare, Alastor found himself somewhat impressed if not disturbed.


The post nut clarity is certainly something Alastor is getting sick of hehe. Who wants to see a little husk love in the future? Who likes the shadow getting a little action? I might add more or less based on reactions given.

Chapter 13: Reunion


Alastor gets his second assignment.


Hello my lovely readers! This chapter took me a while to figure out, and with a poll on twitter, the fate of the story had been decided, for good or bad, we will find out later! Either way, thank you all for the support, and I know you will all be very happy with this one hehe

RestlessCoffee - The shadow is a silly dude
HonestCritic - Thank you darling!
Camry72 - I wrote a separate one shot between Alastor and Husker on my account if you are interested, but he will receive love here too eventually, hehe.
Circus15283 - aye aye captain!
Sonikku27 - he just knows what his master needs
GummiMato - ding ding ding! Alastor his still heavily affected by the ambrosia since he died with it still in his system.
Arianna - Things will only get more suspenseful my dear!
Emmojigurl - Don't worry, the shadow shall get more f*cking done in the future
Lany1516 - Who knows, thank you for your comment, lovely!
Mephilver - I guess my job is revealing kinks you guys did not know you needed?
Saturn_96 - thank you! He really did hehe
SleepyLurks - I feel like you'll have a lot to say about this chapter, my love ;3
Livelovelaughapps - tis my job to make you like pairings you didn't think you would hehe
TheLegendary29 - questions, questions hehe
Orphaccnt - Husk is in Hell for a reason
neuroqueer - oh but there will be radiohusk, just not yet, we gotta build up to it
Husky_Fries - Charlie is in fact a very spicy child atm
PanPanPanda_Express - Oh the drama will be top notch when we get there
OakMerchant - keep fussing and I'll just have to keep posting!
DarkFoxKirin - hehehehe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Albert, the next overlord who’s name was on the list, the cannibal king; the one who had imprisoned him for all of that time. A fitting next target for the rising overlord.

Alastor felt relieved to have heard from his mistress, as it had been a whole month without word. He worried his gentle treatment of Husk’s soul was frowned upon, but instead, she congratulated him, sending a fine wine and an even finer cut of venison. He hadn’t had the flesh of a deer since entering Hell, and so he cooked up his favorite meal, jambalaya, using the tender flesh from the creature instead of pork. The note had told him how pleasantly surprised Lilith had been, saying that his tactics made sense, saying that he surely used the powers she had given him in his own way. He didn’t quite understand what she meant by his own way, as he had used his own charm to worm his way into a deal, and not the powers per say. Either way, the praise was appreciated.

Alastor felt that celebrating his first year outside of the room he had started Hell within would be marked beautifully with the death of the other overlord. He would make it slow, and he would savor his blood as he had savored his own. An eye for an eye, in a more literal sense of the phrase.

He drank the bottle, finished the rice, and sat back with a long deep sigh. He briefly remembered the feeling of small hands tugging on his pants, tiny voices cooing for more bread pudding. He felt numbed, smile tight as he tried to refocus. But, for a moment, he lost himself in memories. Little Charlotte, she would certainly be a teenager about now. He wondered if she ever thought about him, or if she had forgotten him completely. He felt bad that her drawing had been abandoned, and he hoped that the little things that she had left behind had been cherished by another child.

It made his head spin, as looking down towards himself, he realized why he was feeling this way. His heat was approaching again. He was feeling sentimental, hormonal, and frankly, he wanted to rip something apart. He weighed his options, knowing that once his first symptoms appeared he would have a few days before he would lose his mind. Running his claws into his thighs, feverishly cutting into them, he thought it through as best as he could.

Then the shadow appeared next to him, peering into the nearly empty pot he had been eating, smiling between the pot and Alastor, as if it was asking why he had stopped eating. Al sighed, turning towards the creature as he held up his arms. It regarded him momentarily before it lifted him, carrying him to the couch bridal style, it’s ears alert as it placed him gently upon the cushion, again tilting it’s head in question.

“I want to kill Albert, like Lilith has asked.” Al said, voice low as he thought out loud, “But I fear I will not have time unless I do something drastic.”

It’s smile drastically changed, growing wide with innate bloodlust, the creature crawling on top of Al’s lap, tail wagging happily as though it was trying to encourage the thought of violence. Alastor took the hint, pressing his palm into the being’s cheek, rubbing it lightly, “Fine, fine, we will do this fast, and we will be efficient. Let’s spill some blood, darling.”

Lucifer worked in his room for a long time, trying to wait out the clock of the extermination, as it ticked ever closer to its bell ringing out and the angels impending assault as they would rain down death upon the sinners. He had one more day before it would chime, but his stomach twisted in knots like it had every year.

Charlie had hidden herself in her own room with her pets, closing out the world and the terrible fate of their subjects, while Lilith acted normal. She still sat on her balcony and she just watched the tower with her large eyes.

The devil had tried to hide his work from her, as she was never fond of his toys, but today she had been especially harsh towards his hobby, telling him to man up and put his playthings away. He still felt tears stinging his eyes, her hash words never landing well with him as he hardly had it together to begin with these days.

Finally, he finished the duck he had worked on for the day, the tiny creature resembling a certain writer. He bit his lip, tucking it in his chest pocket to hide it, deciding he would dump it when he had the chance. He needed to get out of the past. The demon would want nothing to do with him after so long. If he was still in Hell, that is. He could have been taken out by the angels by now, as he always seemed weak in direct combat. The chances of Alastor surviving even the first year felt slim to none. The cannibals had acted as though they had not ever heard of him, and so he assumed the worst.

He began to step towards the door, deciding that one more walk before the bloodshed wouldn’t be the worst idea, although his eyes did see the ring Lilith had discarded upon their nightstand. It hurt terribly, but he tried to push everything down, for Charlie; as she deserved a happy and fully put together family.

Anything for his little girl.

Alastor couldn’t decide if he was lucky, or if he had simply stepped into a parallel universe. The streets were mostly empty, and his walk was uninterrupted for the most part. He danced a little to his own music, bobbing his head around as he craned his neck, looking for a single cannibal that could point him towards their leader. When he finally walked to the familiar mansion, he had seen little to no one. Using his fingers, he straightened any wrinkle in his dress, having it remade for the occasion, though with more extravagant detail. The cannibal king has always said how much he enjoyed his expensive looking attire, so he made sure to spend as much as he could on this one. A fine dress to drench in the blood of an overlord.

When he threw open the front doors he had expected a fight, but instead, the hall was empty. His hooves clattered upon the floor as he stalked inside, and with the aid of his shadow, he began to search, voice a low growl, ears scanning around in order to hear even the faintest movement, “Albert? Where, oh, where is Albert? I’m ready to let you taste me, my lord…”

The suggestion had caused a rise in someone nearby, and with a twisted grin, Alastor followed the noise. He climbed the stairs into the more high ranking cannibal lofts, and found himself in unfamiliar territory, a room he had only been in once or twice when the overlord had graced him with his presence, the room where said cannibal had tried to come onto him and tried to offer him things that sounded way too good to be true. He never accepted those offers, and now he was the one who held the power in this situation.

Sat upon a gluttonous throne of skulls, the overlord smirked at Alastor, sitting so tall and proud, fish-like face full of a sharp toothed grin, “You even wore a dress… How stunning…”

“Just for you, sweetheart.” Al purred, walking closer, eyebrows quirked, hips swaying in a way he had delicately practiced, now standing merely inches away from Albert, Al’s form leaned forward as he slowly sank to his knees, heart racing, his smile painted on, and very large.

“What in Hell made you change your mind?” The cannibal took Al’s ears into his hands momentarily, enjoying the forbidden fluffiness of them, getting personal pretty fast.

“When in Hell, do as the demons do I suppose.” Alstor’s eyes rolled sassily, face flush and red as he tried to keep his composure.

The cannibal looked pleased, leaning forward, he moved his hands down Alastor’s face, then further, gripping his neck briefly before they kept traveling, then he grabbed ahold Al’s shoulders, and began to pull down the straps of sinner’s dress, his fur on his chest freed to the air, “I always wondered how long it would take before you wanted to give yourself to me. I’ll have to bargain for that soul of yours…” He bit his lip as he got an eyeful of Alastor’s bared flesh, admiring him, “But… between the two of us, we will surely make an amazing power couple. Won’t you agree, dear?” Shark-like teeth clattered together as he spoke.

Then just as the straps reached Alastor’s elbows, he finally focused his powers forward, tentacles of shadow hardening behind the distracted sinner as they struck him, picking him up from the floor and nearly to the ceiling, the chime of bells in the air as he was crucified by Alastor’s powers. The blood oozed out with ease, and ever the opportunist; Al bathed himself in it, covering his chest and body with the blackened viscera.

He opened his maw, drinking it heavily, becoming high from the metallic taste, his hormones spiraling terribly as he watched the overlord struggle, his hands running up and down his own body as his excitement grew.

Al eventually had to tear himself away from the puddle, circling his victim, music reaching its peak as he admired his catch, enjoying the show before him, “A power couple needs at least two powerful people to be a part of it, love. I don’t think a dead fish could ever make the…” Al’s tongue pressed against his teeth as the final word edged its way out from his lips, “cut.”

Then, using the base of his staff, he thrusted it up and into the awaiting body, the metal used in its making had made quick work of the sinner, and forced his wiggling to stop. Al found himself on his knees once more, practically worshiping the sight, the blood and gore spilling forward onto his silhouette. He stuck his tongue out, eyes rolling back as he feasted.

Lucifer froze when he heard the bell, eyes shooting up towards the golden tower from the street he had wandered into. Oh, no, he had been a day late. He had lost track of the days again, and today was the day of the extermination. He felt himself grow pale as he hurried to go home, but it was too late, carnage beginning to happen around him as the exorcists rained down upon the denizens of Hell. Lucifer himself would be spared, as the deal between him and the angels still stood firm, but the poor sinners around him had been pulled from hiding places, killed in the most horrific ways.

He tried to shield himself from looking, running blindly as he tried to escape the reality of the situation, but then he felt something odd. Something completely unexpected. Why would Lilith be in town during the extermination? Why was she in that way? Confused, the king changed his direction, running towards the familiar spark of power, hoping his wife was alright amongst all of this death.

Lucifer had recognized his surroundings after a while, realizing that he was indeed within cannibal town. He grimaced, thinking again about his little writer. He shook his head, trying to focus, following that spark. Then he found the destination, the power within seeping out into the street. Lily had to have been in trouble, for her to be so freely releasing her essence like this. He swallowed thickly, throwing open the doors, he stepped within, the smell of blood hitting him before something much… sweeter did.

The king walked into the darkened building, stomach flipping, eyes large, hands shaking. He crossed the long hallway, up some stairs, and into a large elegant dining room. When his eyes settled towards the middle, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A demon sat stuffing his face full, a heart bitten into, pink eyes rolled back, ears fluttering, as he feasted. Lucifer prepared to pull away, to escape the sight, but then something made him stop, made him take a closer look, “A-Alastor?” He never thought the name would leave his lips again, and man did it sound great to his ears.

The sinner released his bite from the heart, smiling toothily at the king, drunk with hormones and power, eyes pink with the influence of ambrosia linked heat, “Ah… my king… you look like sh*t…”

“Says the sinner drenched in blood,” Lucifer smiled, face pure red as he looked him up and down, “You look-” The devil took a deep breath, eyeing the ruined dress on such a slender frame, reaching out for his bloodied sinner, “Beautiful…”

Then the room began to shake, and reacting quickly, Lucifer wrapped himself and the demon in his wings, protecting them from the blast as the bricks of the building flew. The floor gave out, and soon they toppled to the floors below until they reached the ground, and still the king clung to his writer, face buried into the clotted chest. The hit hurt, his wings unwinding to see what had happened, Lucifer peered up, sitting on his sinner, pinning him in place so that the attacker would have to go through him, and seeing who had hit the building , he was glad he had made that call, “Adam, this one isn’t for you to kill!” Blood began to seep from his right top wing, as it had been nicked from falling rubble, the golden ichor falling onto Alastor’s already blood covered chest as he fluttered them.

“That’s no fun…” The angel’s eyes darted between the sinner and Lucifer, looking confused, angry even, “That isn’t part of the deal, bitch. You know well enough that I can kill whoever and whatever I want, don’t be a c*nt!”

“I won’t move from on top of him, so you’ll have to hurt me to get to him!” Lucifer warned, eyes flashing red, horns sprouting out, tail thrashing about.

Al stared up at him with large eyes, body shaking, hormones flaring worse than ever before thanks to the blood and adrenaline. He was in heat. It started now of all times, and he could barely see straight, barely stay still and try to behave. The lustful act of murder, and the intensity of the attack on them had stressed his body out enough to begin the flow of slick.

The inside of his body yelled at him to undress and beg for the king’s seed, and beg to release the tension he had built from his murderous acts, but another part of him could sense the gravity of the situation; even if he could not comprehend it. He had not been through an extermination before, being locked up during the ones that happened before, he did not know what the creatures above had wanted, but even in his confused state he knew that he had to lay low. He had to let his king take charge, and gladly he submitted himself to the devil.

Adam flew closer, his mask glitching when he got a bit too close, catching a whiff of Alastor’s pheromones. He backed off, covering his face with his hand, display turning off momentarily before he began to retreat all of a sudden, hitting his mask to make his face reappear, voice higher in pitch as he left, “f*ck this! I have plenty of sinners to punish, so keep your f*cking c*nt ass girlfriend!” He threw up double middle fingers over his head as a goodbye present, mistaking Alastor for a woman in his current attire and slightly elongated hair.

Lucifer did not expect him to retreat so easily, but he was glad that he had, letting his shoulders relax. He looked down at his long lost lover’s form, smiling at him as he petted his cheek, “Where have you been all of this time?”

“Now isn’t the time for talk…” Al whimpered, burying his face into the devil’s hand as his body shivered, pheromones freely flourishing from his writhing body.

Lucifer did not catch on very easily, still rather dim when it came to divine punishments such as heats, although he did look heated, the smell making him dazed just a tad, “You’re right, we gotta get you somewhere safe.”

Before Al could argue, Lucifer stood, holding out his hand to the taller man. The sinner took it, standing himself up, trembling as his body tried to take over again, legs being drenched under his skirt. But he steadied himself, following orders like an obedient puppy, as he was just so glad to even be in the presence of the king once more, let alone be able to feel the embrace of his hand within his own. He almost felt alive as they ran and weaved through the carnage of the streets.

As they approached an alleyway, the scent finally caught up to the king, his body shuddering as he spun around suddenly pinning the sinner to the nearest wall, clawed hands pushing Al’s own to the wall on either side of his needy form. He buried his face into his neck, tongue lapping up his sweat and the dried blood, body getting covered in the leftovers as he desperately tried to ease his sudden symptoms, “God I missed you so much…”

Alastor moaned freely, head rolling back as his tongue lulled out, letting himself be ravished, unable to think straight enough about where they were to stop what they were doing.

Lucifer then pushed his hands up and over his head, holding them in one of his own as the other reached down, tugging the dress up, pushing it up around the deer’s hips, tearing off the panties that would only be in the way, letting his slick drip upon the street below. Alastor whimpered, wrapping a leg around the king’s thin frame, then his other was picked up, making him straddle him, his hard co*ck pressing him through his pants, and quick the king rectified that, unzipping his pants, and letting himself free from the confines, aiming with sloppiness, as he pushed completely inside.

Alastor’s tail stiffened, his back arched, stomach bulging out as he was filled out, the king's co*ck bigger than he remembered. His shadows surrounded them, his other self happily leaning down to rub the devil’s hips, trying to spur him on with its big pink eyes that mimicked Alastor’s own.

Then the king began to move, began to f*ck into his lover’s body, reaching ever deep as he jutted forward. Al let out noises he had not made in a long time, his cries and his trembling whimpers making the devil high with lust, tail wrapping tight around the sinner’s throat, choking him a little just to enjoy the sounds of his intake of breath.

Once the pace was set, their bodies rammed into each other with moist and feverish noises. The deer cried out as he felt his insides be rearranged, claws digging into the hand that kept him in place, his legs tightening around the king’s hips, wanting him in even deeper, wanting him to fill him entirely like he had before. The noises the king made had only made him want him more, his growls and groans like music to the radio demon’s pulled back ears, his antlers grown out fully, body having trouble maintaining his form as he was f*cked into, Lucifer’s voice almost driving him completely mad, “f*ck, I f*cking missed you… I can’t believe you’re all mine again… I’m going to f*ck you every day, until you can’t f*cking move, and you’ll f*cking have my babies, you sick little freak…”

The dirty ramblings made Alastor’s body tighten, he was ever close, and he was ready to burst, “F-fill me up, please… I want you to f*cking breed me! Fill me up or I’ll f*cking eat you!”

Lucifer bit his lip hard, pushing them to the side, he threw Al to the ground, pulling his legs up and over his shoulders, he kept at his blistering pace, slamming into his heat, his hands pressing his claws to the ground as he f*cked into him, they both began to reach their ends, Alastor’s body shuddering as he reached his climax with complete swiftness, something inside being hit over and over again, making him drench himself, his dress, and his lover in his hot cum. Then his insides were spilled onto, the king’s seed quickly filling up all available space, his shaft entirely thrusted inside, and unable to be pulled free again as it twitched with delight, voice hot as his eyes dilated, "Such a good f*cking boy..." Then he bared his fangs pushing them into awaiting flesh as Lucifer bit the nape of his neck hard, blood rushing onto his tongue as he marked his lover, following instincts he did not know he had possessed.

He breathed hard against the wound once the fireworks had stopped going off, eyes returning to normal as he blinked a few times, lapping up the remaining blood as he rubbed his lover’s hips gently. Alastor let out a shaky breath, voice low, eyes focused on the sky, “I need to go home before I start the next heat wave, won’t you take me home, darling?”

“Of course…” Lucifer slowly sat up, admiring the mess below him, mind spinning still, “I didn’t intend on… f*ck- I couldn’t stop myself- I didn’t know you were in heat- I hope you won’t be upset with me.”

“Never.” Alastor lied, as even this morning he had cured the king’s name as he had ever morning since the day that he had died, legs uselessly released to lay at either side of the king’s hips, “But, I don’t know how we’re supposed to get anywhere until your… friend calms down.”

“You just make it do the strangest things.” Lucifer blushed darkly, feeling a little embarrassed as his co*ck still twitched inside, “I can carry you.”

“Good, because there is no way in Hell I am walking after all of that.” Al actually chuckled, his ever glued on smile large and pleased.

Lucifer found a smile on his own face, emotions swelling in the pit of his stomach, swirling around. He found him, he found his little writer, but man he had a million questions. Why did he think he was Lily? Why would he possess her power? Why was he outside during an extermination? What was he doing? Who had he killed before? Why? He shook his head, trying to think straight, the smell was already filling his nose again. He knew he had to get them to safety before the next cycle hit, so, with the aid of Alastor’s shadow, he pulled them up, glad that Alastor’s dress would at least cover their decency a little as they hurried off. Although, he doubted any news would be brought from the king of hell just f*cking a rando on the street, especially during the mass re-death that was happening. There were bigger fish to fry, so he felt relatively safe, even if he had a hunch that someone who shouldn’t have seen, had seen everything.

But that was ridiculous, right?


Reunited, and I'm sure it feels so good ;3
Wonder how this will turn out, as Lucifer certainly cannot wait around for an entire heat cycle, can he?
Also, what's up with Adam? Only God knows, I suppose hehehe~

Chapter 14: Reruns


Alastor makes his feelings known.


This chapter was a lot of research and lore building that I simply had to write with care, so I hope you all enjoy the worldbuilding I put into this one hehe
Cuwpcakke - worship away ;3
Queen_of_Plot_Twists - Alastor is sooo pissed
booksnooksbooks - for a minute
DarkFoxKirin - Oops
PanPanPanda_Express - Boy got a lot of post nut clarity to work through
Moodyscoot - I think you might like this one? I'm still not sure what you're doing here hehehe
Livelovelaughapps - Thank you for reading!
Lany1516 - :3
Husky_Fries - This one will make you think hehe Adam certainly isn't immune to Ambrosia, and he might have thought he was looking for Lilith once he also felt her power coming from the mansion...
Saturn_96 - Thank you lovely!
GummiMato - lots of options!
Orphaccnt - not for too long I suppose
SleepyLurks - I did promise more blood and gore now soo hehe
OakMerchant - I am glad to hear it!
Nyash*tani - He's gotta get that body count up!
neuroqueer - I am certainly having a great time writing this one :3
Mephilver - So many options, and yet so many answers, hehe
Iconsumethings - He has a lot of goals, but f*cking your way to the top is certainly the way that he's choosing to go.
xobuziness - You had better make your bed and fold your laundry before reading this one.
novak_feathers97 - I really appreciate your support! I fan-girl over comments like this!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Static, it filled the room along with the dizzying scent. The king laid still, blinking up at the unfamiliar ceiling, wondering briefly where he had ended up, wondering who he had ended the night with. He tried to focus, but the smell made it difficult. He bit his lip, the pain making him shudder, but it helped him focus immediately. He finally stretched, sitting up, cracking his back a bit as he arched it, then he dared to look next to him.

Gleaming red fur caught his eye at first, a form curled up as static emitted from his aura. He furrowed his eyebrows, scooting closer, but something grabbed ahold of him, keeping him at bay. Looking up, the shadow had pulled him against it’s chest, covering his mouth so that he wouldn’t wake the sinner. Lucifer knew based on his knowledge of shadow beings that it was only trying to benefit the caster, so he did not fight back, and instead stood away from the bed, putting on his boxers he followed the creature into the small kitchen off to the side. It directed him to the fridge, showing him that they had plenty to keep him busy until the sleeping demon had joined them. Lucifer, remembering now where he was, and who he had just cum into more than seven times, began to pull out ingredients for a breakfast that would surely start them off on the right hoof.

He got everything switched on, the gas stove top taking a minute to light; then he turned to start the coffee maker. Searching the cabinets, he found a few mugs, setting them to the side for later, filling his own with plenty of cream and sugar, while he only put milk in Alastor’s. He remembered he did not like most sweets, so he was careful to only make a savory meal to accompany the coffee, frying the leftover venison and some eggs. Seeing as Alastor had lost a lot of weight, he figured that he would be the one who could change that for the better, at least if Alastor would let him stick around that long. He remembered that he had just gotten a bit of a plushness to his hips and belly while Lucifer was still around before, so it was like starting from scratch, something the devil was fully willing to do. He loved taking care of Al, after all.

The shadow hugged onto Lucifer all of a sudden, forehead pressed into his own, ears leaned back. The king felt a surge of surprise, his face reddened, the egg he was about to flip burst from uneven hands. He looked over at it, face pulled tight, eyebrows raised. The creature smiled wide, pointing between Lucifer and Alastor, seeming to be communicating something. Lucifer, ever dense, could not figure it out. Then the sounds of music filled his ears, and he looked over at the sinner, who was beginning to stir thanks to the smell of the food.

Alastor sat up, pulling up his eye mask as he stretched, a soft squeak escaping his throat as he pulled his arms over his head.

“That was f*cking adorable!” Lucifer suddenly and accidentally yelled, pointing towards the demon.

Said sinner nearly fell off the bed, eyes wide with fear as he pulled the blanket up to cover his chest, looking at the king with utmost surprise, teeth bared until he realized he was indeed safe, and his guard began to lower, his ears faltering and falling back, eyes darting away, “Oh, it’s only you. I figured you would have left by now.”

“Nah, gotta fatten you up before I go running off.” Lucifer cooed, going back to his cooking, now beginning to plate everything, “You’re skin and bones.”

“Lucky I even have skin to begin with.” Alastor commented, which made Lucifer’s face fill with that familiar worry he had possessed so well, “It is a long story, one that doesn’t involve you.”

“I see… Does it have to do with that sinner you were eating yesterday?” Like always, Lucifer pressed.

“Doesn’t matter. He’s long dead now.” Alastor muttered, wiping the makeup from his eyes, as it had smudged a while ago, cleaning it the rest of the way off, letting his natural complexion finally shine through.

Lucifer nearly froze when he noticed, but then he hurriedly tried to keep himself busy, trying not to stare, “Was the meal worth it?”

“He tasted terrible, but…” Alastor finally began to pull himself to his hooves, pulling his suit jacket onto his slender frame, “I happen to have bad tastes…”

The king swallowed thickly, breakfast complete; he spun around, serving both of them on the island countertop, pouring their coffee, and instinctively drinking his with large gulps as though it would help fill the silence. Alastor wearily stared at him, as yet again he was using his special mug. He briefly wondered if they just liked the same sort of patterns, as the occurrence was happening too frequently. Although, another part of him felt like he had to be doing this on purpose.

The deer sunk into his chair, nose filled with the alluring scent of the venison. If it had been anyone else he would have never shared the prime meat, but he figured the king would surely be willing to replace his foods like he had before. He was always keeping his fridge stocked, even when Alastor had tried to push him out the door on a near constant basis.

“What’s wrong? Eat up.” Lucifer prompted, looking concerned.

“Sorry, I was just thinking…” Alastor muttered, beginning to cut his meat with the provided knife, “You’ll be responsible for getting me more meat. I hope you’re aware of that.”

“Of course!” The king nodded, taking a big bite of his own without cutting it, just chomping it straight off the fork he had impaled it on.

Al grimaced at the display, looking away swiftly, cursing himself for sleeping with such an animal. Lucifer noticed his disdain, eyes growing big. He crossed over towards his lover, pressing a soft kiss into his bite mark, voice hot against his flesh, “What's wrong my love?”

Alastor grabbed his face, pushing him away, powers flairing, horns grown as his message was sent. Lucifer finally figured it out, and his own features twisted with worry, “Oh, I knew it! You are still mad at me!” Lucifer pointed towards his partner, other hand on his hip.

“No, not at all…” The feelings within the demon finally began to boil to the surface, his teeth baring with rage, “Who could be upset when they die alone in the middle of a god forsaken forest because someone can't say no to his wife that he doesn't even like very much?” Alastor sipped his coffee, ear twitching in annoyance, “certainly not me. I don't hold grudges like that. Live and let live… and all of that bullsh*t.” Then when Lucifer opened his mouth to respond, Alastor continued, rage ever building, form standing from his seat, claws dug into the countertop, “Oh, wait, I got one better! Who could ever be upset at a man who would leave you to rot in a prison cell for the better part of seven years? I know I couldn’t! I couldn’t possibly be enraged that the first time you come back into my life we f*ck and try to act like nothing ever happened! I couldn’t possibly be f*cking pissed that I am actually so relieved to see you that I can’t think straight! No, that couldn’t be me! Not at all!”

“Al- I-” Lucifer tried to speak up, but the shattering of a mug on the wall beside him made him jump to the side, as it had been thrown in his direction.

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear from you right now! I am going to take a bath, wash your god-damned seed off of me, and when I come back in here, I expect you to either have the greatest apology prepared, or for you to be out of my hair! I am much too busy to play with you right now.” The shadow even held Lucifer in place, making sure he did not follow Alastor as he stalked towards the bathroom.

“I will prove to you that I'm sorry!” Lucifer yelled after him, promising to himself and to the demon.

“It'll be fun to watch you fail, so go ahead, beg, grovel, go against your status for me. Because where I stand, I could f*ck whoever I please, so prove to me why I should ever consider being with you. The theater is dark, darling, yet you still insist on the show.” Alastor growled bitterly, slamming the bathroom door behind himself, cutting the conversation there, and setting the standard.

The challenge was waged, the war of Alastor’s affection ever blazing. Lucifer stood awkwardly for the longest time, fidgeting with his hands, knowing fully that he should go. But he didn't want to. He wanted to prove his love. He wanted to take care of the sinner. Then an idea popped in his head. He looked at the shadow, who was boredly sitting outside the bathroom door, waiting on the caster to return. He walked up to it, speaking directly to it, “I'm going to be back, take care of him. Don't let him do anything stupid.”

The shadow tried to stop him, but he left in a hurry after quickly pulling on his clothes. The devil was quite dumb, as the shadow had soon realized. It had given him the answer to the problem, love; but he went to find his own solution. He was to make things much harder for both men. But what would it do? It was only a shadow after all.

Alone again, and Alastor felt like the absence of the devil was just the answer he needed to do as he saw fit. Getting dressed in a black tuxedo, vertical lines on his vest blue and purple, black bowtie to top it off; he made sure he looked perfect despite the stirring in the bottom of his stomach. He was still in throws of heat, the effects refusing to leave, so he had to carry on as best as he could, alone. He could think clearly enough, so he was not worried about breaking down in a feverish needy sort of way.

He made sure his makeup was perfect, just as he sprayed his skin with a scent that would cover his own. Once he felt dressed up, and perfect; he would leave to go to a meeting he had been waiting for since he had taken Husk’s soul. Of course, seeing as two empty seats would be left for him, he made sure to drop by the sh*tty apartments and pick up said demon, who was in fact; not dressed to the nines, and instead looked like a mix of hot garbage and a failed cooking experiment gone awry. He made the cat clean up, put on his best suit, and follow him to the conference. The walk there was mostly silent until they neared the revolving doors, Husk’s voice cutting through the air like a knife, “I don’t see why you’re bother’n to bring me. I don’t belong at these events anymore.”

“Of course you do.” Alastor looked over at his companion, hand reaching over to grab ahold of his shoulder, squeezing it just a bit, “You’re still an overlord, in a way…” He paused, considering his own words, smile wavering just a tad, though unable to fall, “You’re mine, and I’m an overlord anyway… Besides, you’ve been to plenty of these swarays, whereas I haven’t had the pleasure. You’re going to be my right hand man, and you’ll ensure our brand will garner the respect it deserves.”

“What brand? The radio sh*t, or the killing overlords one? ‘Cause the way I see it, everyone is gonna wanna mop the floor with ya.” Husk stopped walking, knowing he was sounding a bit too critical, knowing fully that he could end up dying before the meeting if he kept this up.

Alastor, though, actually looked like he was taking his words into account, and strangely, he looked awfully small to the cat, like the blow to his ego was physically affecting his form, though it was minute, and most wouldn’t be able to tell. Tapping his fingers together, the old writing quirk remaining in his bones, Alastor spoke up, eyes looking off into the distance, “Do you think I would be able to attend meetings then? Or should I give up for now, and wait for my power to grow? I don’t feel… up to a fight at the moment.”

Alastor the terrible, not up for a fight; that was a lot for the demon to hear. His ears fluttered, eyes wide, and some concern actually managed to show on his features, “Then… why did ya decide to go in the first place? I knew ya were act’n a bit off, but I didn’t think- what’s up with ya? Ya never got sick even when ya were kick’n it upstairs.”

“It is a personal problem, nothing more. I just need an answer, please.” Al’s tone was flat, his music beginning to shriek a bit, frequencies crossing, “Do I go? Do I go and make my debut?”

Husk could see the shrink only getting worse, the shadow on the deer’s face growing, making his features impossible to see past the darkness. He knew saying to go home was not an option, but he also knew that this could end terribly if Alastor couldn’t pull himself together. Yet, the former overlord also knew that the downfall of the radio star would be the only thing that could free him. Though, strangely, a deep part of him only wanted to see where this partnership could go. So he nodded, smiling at the sinner, then letting his face fall flat again, voice certain even though he wasn’t, “I think you’ll be fine. Wow them, and show them why they shouldn’t mess with the radio demon.”

The shadows receded, and Al’s height returned, his eyes sparkling, smile ever sharp, “And how! I love the enthusiasm darling! Keep that up and I will have to reward you!”


Then a sudden embrace, Alastor’s forehead pressed into the cat’s nuzzling them together. The act made Husk’s body tremble, a purr escaping him despite how hard he tried to keep it inside. Then it suddenly ended, and like it never happened, the radio star continued inside, waving behind himself for the sinner to join him. He had without any complaint.

Thirteen seats, all taken, and yet, Husk had to stand. Albert was fast to be replaced. The new face at his seat was familiar to both sinners. She looked so pale in the afterlife, but she was still her beautiful and radiant self, even with the blood splotches on the gown that she wore. She looked absolutely jazzed to see Alastor, and had even scooted their chairs together so that they would be able to chat before the meeting, and they both filled out forms for their onboarding together. Alastor had no idea how such a delightful soul could end up in Hell, but then again, he had questioned such things for the whole duration of his own stay.

Then he found out Rosie was becoming the new queen of cannibals, and had been married very briefly to the fish before his demise, so naturally she got the role despite how the cannibals fought her on it. She said she was working hard to get everyone back into shape, and she was starting on their meat trade, as her emporium would surely cut down on needless violence against new sinners.

Then a booming voice made everyone quiet down, and look forward towards the head of the table. A tall spider-like man stood, looking around at everyone as he cleared his throat, “I have noticed a few new faces. Make sure to finish your paperwork so that we may make appropriate accommodations for your specialties, although, Miss Rosie; you may reuse your husband's old paperwork if need be.”

“No, thanks, I wanna start fresh!” Rosie smiled toothily at the demon, and he nodded in her direction.

Then he went around the table, introducing everyone in order to make sure that the demons would all know one another. He started with himself, “I am Zestial, overlord of ages. If you need anything at all, feel free to find me. I can be hospitable as long as you are respectful.”

Alastor watched him walk around, introducing the other overlords. He started with a woman named Carmilla Carmine, who he had said would be a good sinner to gain weaponry from, then he moved onto another woman Darya, who had pink flesh, and a luxurious translucent pink coat, was the overlord of p*rnography. The woman next to her was Leonarda, a woman with black skin and big golden jewelry, who was the queen of fashion and cosmetics. They were a partnership, and seemed to work hand in hand when it came to their exploits outside of business.

Then Zestial introduced Alastor to the group, talking briefly about his ever popular radio shows, and explaining that despite having no soul, he seemed to keep up with the other overlords with remarkable ability. Then Rosie, who married into the role, and subsequently took over after her husband’s death, would prove useful thanks to the changes she would enact if she survived long enough to redirect the cannibals.

Then for the rest of the room. A large man in a doctor’s coat introduced himself, saying he was Dr.Holmes, and that he was the head of the health industry in Hell. He tried to keep talking, but the creature next to him slapped him with his tail, shutting him up as it simply said, “I am Bog…”

The doctor rolled his eyes, putting a hand on the creature’s head, “He’s the lead in finding oil and other resources for the denizens of Hell to utilize. He doesn’t talk much.”

Zestial nodded, finally making it to the last few people. The twin bird overlords of music talked over each other so it was impossible to understand their names, and the husband and wife duo spoke fast, Alastor barely being able to understand that they were Fredrick and Bethesda Von Eldritch, and that they had something to do with art. The last two men looked at one another, but then simply nodded towards the two newest members, not bothering to talk, so Zestial simply pointed between them, saying that they were culinary overlords, one over the cooking, the other over the experience of dining, though he did not specify which was which.

Once everyone had settled back in, the meeting continued from there. The stocks of each business were displayed, and talk about open markets opening up thanks to recent… downfalls of certain individuals had filled the rest of the hour. Some would leave with more responsibility in order to cover the missing overlord’s businesses, and even Alastor was given the job of ensuring that the gambling halls would stay open and functional, even if it wasn’t what he was going to be enterprising in. The cashflow, as displayed on the board; was enough of a drive for him to agree. Though, he planned on letting Husk continue managing such properties as the idea of doing so sounded exhausting to the demon.

Then, as the meeting drew to a close, suddenly a demon burst in, pushing a large display on a cart, hurrying to the front as she spoke, “Sir, I know you don’t like new technologies, but I happen to walk past a store, and… watch!”

The assistant plugged in the television as she was being reprimanded for interrupting the meeting, the tv being switched on, rabbit ears pointed just so to pick up what she had been talking about. All overlords stood from their seats, crowding around to watch what had sparked the interest of the girl. Other than Al, who only began to hurry over once he heard a voice he hadn’t thought of in a long time.

“Hello denizens of Hell, and welcome to the show, tonight I am going to introduce myself, so that we have a mutual understanding of one another, got it? My name, why it's simple, spell it with me,” the host rolled his chair back pointing to the screen that made up his head, voice booming, “V-O-X Is the name, and we are here for your entertainment. Let me into your life, into your home, and let us infect your mind and monitors with daily news and variety. Prepare yourselves. You've never seen anything like me.”

Alastor felt his powers whine, intermingling with the frequency the television gave off. Then he felt eyes on him, and when he settled enough to look at the screen, Vince looked right back at him, smiling wide, like he knew his favorite radio demon had his gaze on him, “You can trust us, as we are here especially for you. We will protect you all from the bloodiness of the angelic threat, and unlike your king, we will bring about peace in our unity. Standing together, so that no sinner will be left to die. Rise, my lovely watchers, this is Vox, trust me with your safety!”

Vincent was on television. Hell, he was television. He was grabbing the attention of thousands with one broadcast, and something within Alastor had flipped entirely. He had a hard time peeling his eyes away, like there had been a hypnotic effect coming from the screen. When he finally found a way to step back, he could hardly make it to the door, a message playing in his mind over and over again. He was being called forth. He had to find the television star. Even as Husk tried to stop him, he kept hurrying out, and away from his new life. Being dragged back to older and more simple times.

He was being called by the static, and he knew somehow just where to go.


I'm gonna draw Alastor's black suit soooo I guess keep an eye out twitter peeps~ I'll link it down here once it is done, but ya know... womp womp idk.

I did draw it, bitches

Chapter 15: The Double Vee Studio


Alastor finally meets Vox.


This chapter was a doooooozyyyy, but man does it feel packed! I think you all will love this one ;3

Orphaccnt - Thank you for the amazing comments! I changed the tags around for ya hehe
MicroDogland - Womp Womp
Queen_of_Plot_Twists - Alastor finds he regrets a lot of this upcoming chapter
Mephilver - Your comment made me so excited to write this chapter! I based a lot of overlords off of names and personalities of killers of the past, so it was a lot of research to get everyone chosen and placed just so, plus every overlord has appeared in the show, so I had to reference their cannon appearance. I'm so glad you liked my drawing!
Husky_Fries - I'm glad you liked my artwork! Alastor is one of those idiots lol
SleepyLurks - If there was an award for best ever comments, you would get it! You always made me smile and I reread them a thousand times while I'm writing, so you influence the story greatly with your words! Thank you! I decided to reward you at the end of this chapter, and maybe the beginning of the next!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Vincent sat back in his chair, broadcast over, yet his ideas ever flowing to his studio full of sinners. A collective of Hell’s worst, irrelevant p*rn stars and scorned lovers; all led by a particular moth demon with a passion for sex and violence. Said demon had an invested interest in the advancement in television, and had helped Vince throw together the studio, using his pawns in order to build the framework from an old abandoned radio station.

“I think that went well…” Valentino had said, sauntering over after refilling his glass with more wine, “Though, I think we could really f*ck sh*t up with the next one.”

“Patience. First we gotta get everyone’s eyes on us, then we’ll move onto the bigger plays.” Vince tutted, smile ever wide upon his brightened screen.

“I didn’t think you’d use the name I gave you, though… I’m glad you did. Vincent is such an… old as sh*t kinda name.” Val spat out his tongue in disgust, “The brand will do well with the simple spelling also.”

“Exactly!” Vox nodded, straightening his suit jacket, then beginning to stand from his chair, “Besides, Vince didn’t get to be on television very long, but Vox will be forever. A new beginning to the end, a way for sinners to reach ultimate enlightenment.”

“Ah, more of that religious bullsh*t.” The moth took a sip from his glass, wings stretching ever so slightly as he turned away, “Whatever works, I suppose, though don’t expect me to bow down to anything but that co*ck of yours.”

“Noted.” The star nodded, though he hadn’t even been nude in front of the other demon as of yet, and honestly he hadn’t bothered to really take any sort of care of his own form since he had reached Hell, as he had been much too busy in his search for his own higher power, his own overlord that had remained in his mind since before he had died.

Then, little did he know that his search would be over. His prayers would be answered, as that certain overlord walked into the studio, breathing hard, eyes glowing faintly pink as he crossed the room to him.

Just moments before, Alastor had hurried towards the frequency, ignoring the demons he had passed up, jumping over the spilled guts of another, his pace not faltering in the slightest. Husk had a hard time keeping up with his boss, almost slipping in the intestines that littered the street, and finding it difficult to keep his eyes on the sinner. But, eventually, they reached the most bustling part of town, so Al had to slow, and had to actually look where he was going. Husk caught him, grabbing ahold of his arm, letting himself be steered out of the crowds as he spoke, “Where are we go’n?”

“My old boss has called for me.” Alastor responded, still finding ways to move onward.

“The one from the bar before ya died?” Husker managed to remember, though again the memory of Alastor taking dick like a champ was really all that kept popping into his mind, “Why would ya leave the meeting for him? Was the sex that good?”

“No, not at all.” Al lied through his grin, pushing a few demons out of his way as he drew ever closer, though he realized the crowd was also trying to get into the ramshackle building.

A following was already flocking to the lamb, as it were. Ready to praise a new beacon of hope, and hold onto it like the hope itself would surely relinquish the dead of their worries. Alastor found it to be nonsense, but he had other goals, so he simply pushed the other sinners aside, and clawed his way to the front doors where a few sinners stood post. He walked up to them, and they asked his business, so he simply replied the phrase that the static had left in his mind, “You’ve got the perfect face for the pictures.”

The quote stung as it left his mouth, but the sinners seemed to recognize it, and they opened the door swiftly to let the overlord inside. They tried to stop Husk from following, but with bared teeth and a warning from Alastor, they had no choice but to let the cat inside. Then, as they entered, a familiar little woman with one big eye looked over at them from a secretary’s desk, her expression changing from boredom to that of delight, “Oh! Oh my god! Alastor! Alastor is that you?”

The tiny woman jumped over her desk, running up to him and hugging onto his legs, burying her face into his pants, “I can’t believe it! You’re here!”

“Niff…” Alastor felt a pang of guilt, how on Earth was Niff already here, and why would Heaven see fit to send such a sweet soul to Hell?

She sobbed pretty openly, her voice loud and childish as ever, “I got by Niffty now! I can’t believe you’re here! What happened to you? I tried going to your house, but you were gone! You’re never not home!”

“I was… dead darling…” Al pet her hair gently, his emotions making him shrink yet again, his mood shifting back to dark places, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you…”

“He f*cking stabbed me! That wet blanket killed me, and you were already dead?” She looked up at him, gears turning in her little mind, “Did he get you too?”

“I…” Al bit his lip, the night flashing in his mind, making him spiral in the worst of ways.

Then an embrace brought him out from the darkness, Husk’s hot breath on the back of his neck reminding him of where he was and what he had been doing. It was no time to dwell on such things, even if he was a bit too close to the past, “It doesn’t matter now. I’m here to see Vincent.”

“Oh…” Niffty looked concerned, her tiny hands still gripping onto his trousers as she looked back towards the studio, “They’re about to wrap up… Are… are you mad at me?”

“Never.” Alastor leaned back into the hug, sighing lightly, the weight lifted from his chest, “I am just going through a lot these past few days. You know how you felt when the…”

“Oh…” She backed up, now tugging her own skirt down and straightening it to look more professional, eye downcast, “The baby… I didn’t wanna be touched or seen for days after…”

“Exactly.” Alastor nodded, “That is how I’ve been feeling a lot lately.” He again pet her head, making sure that she was looking at him before he continued, “But, seeing you… it certainly helped me a lot. Thank you for being such a light in my dark times.”

Husk let out a soft sigh, knowing that he was also included in that little display of gratitude. He released his grip, his tail staying wrapped around Al’s arm just in case. Niffty smiled up at her friend, nodding with a few tears flowing, but she thoughtfully wiped them, and as a buzz filled the air, she spun around, returning to her normal self; she went to the doors and pushed them open, “The shows over, go ahead in!”

Al thanked her as he hurried past, the tail being dropped as Husk was left in the lobby. This all felt one second from going wrong, but the former overlord knew he did not belong near the exchange, despite how protective he was suddenly feeling. Despite the things he had found out about the deer in just the past few hours. Despite the things he had found out about himself that day.

Nausea filled Alastor as he stalked up to the television star, his breathing becoming a bit labored, brain spilling a little, and soon he realized why. The moth demon next to his old friend was spewing a pink smoke from his lips, and Alastor was breathing it in. It smelled like ambrosia, but wildly different. More relaxed in a way. It made him feel weak, which in turn had switched his symptoms into overdrive. He felt his knees buckle a little, but he managed, eyes trying hard to remain focused as he finally stood before the host.

Vince couldn’t decide if he needed to shake the man’s hand, hug him, or kiss him, his excitement palpable, “Alastor! You saw my show! It is so good to see you!”

“How couldn’t I have noticed your performance? You really gave the other overlords quite the start, old friend.” Al pushed Vincent away from the cloud of smoke, trying hard to keep any semblance of himself in this ordeal, “Such a livewire like always, I almost felt like I was listening in on one of your radio shows! It really was splendid!”

The praise did nothing but stroke the demon’s ego, his eyes glittering on his black and white display. Then he focused, looking the deer up and down, rabbit ears on his head misfiring, electric jolt nearly making Al jump out of his skin thanks to the noise. While preoccupied with his scare, Vince grabbed hold of Alastor’s hips, pulling them against his own as he spoke, “You’re flattering me, like such a good boy…” Then one of his hands reached back, petting Alastor’s tail without consent, hands already starting to feel the sinner up.

Alastor wanted to pull away, but the strong grip mixed with his hormones, and he couldn’t find the strength to do much of anything. That was until the other demon suddenly joined them, putting his hands on Al’s chest without warning, his sticky sweet voice only making the radio demon want to disappear, “Say, Vox, you didn’t tell me you had a cute little boy toy hidden from me. He’d make a great p*rn star, with those hips and all of that beautiful fur.”

Al whimpered, trying to pull himself away, his shadows beginning to surround them. The force of their grips had only doubled as they tried to hold him in place. They were arguing, but Alastor could barely understand them. He looked between them, his heart rate increasing tenfold. He felt like he was going to be sick, and like he was going to die all over again.

He was finally freed, his shadow pushing the demons away from the deer; and blindly he hurried off, only hearing the curses of Vince directed towards Val as he left.

He wasn’t ready for this. He couldn’t face his past yet. He was overstimulated, and everything made him think about being torn apart again and again by the cannibals. Killing the leader had made him feel better at the time, but it did not fix the problem. Now, he couldn’t handle this.

He was dazed as he hurried into the nearest room, slamming the door behind himself, he locked it, breathing shallowly as he looked around. Luckily he had managed to stumble into a bathroom, and with the gracefulness of a newborn fawn, he fell to his knees, crawling to the toilet where he emptied his breakfast into the bowl. Again, and again he wretched, vomiting everything that had once been in his stomach.

Then he tore into himself, tearing his hair from his own head as he gasped and writhed. The shadow tried to grab ahold of his hands, but still he tore into his hair, ripping it out, and into his flesh, cutting it open. He was blinded by an indescribable feeling. He was not able to think. He was not able to stop. Alastor at that moment had left, and instead the most violent instincts deep within had taken over.

Alastor laid on the floor, hugging himself as he rested. He felt so cold, so hungry, and so alone. He had run out of tears long ago. His blood had since dried, and the stinging of his scalp was slowly going away. He dreaded seeing himself in the mirror, so he just laid still, not wanting to face reality yet. But, of course things could never be peaceful.

The door cracked open, and slowly, ever slowly, another being laid with him, and with somewhat gentle hands, he was pulled back into a cool chest, the buzzing sound making him fully aware of who had dared interrupt his sulking. Again he felt so small, and he could feel his clothes grow as he began to shrink, his mood really affecting his form, “I don’t like your new friend.”

“I’m sorry, he can be a bit… forward…” Vince apologized, though he wasn’t getting that he had been part of the problem, just assuming that he had access to Alastor even after all of these years.

After a moment of silence, the overlord found his words, “Why did you call me here?” Al had sighed, closing his eyes so he could relax his impending headache, “We haven’t spoken in years. Haven’t you moved on or something?”

“Well, for starters, I’ve missed you since the day you went missing.” Vincent replied, actually sounding genuine, “Second, I have a sort of arrangement I wanted to make with you. I know you’re an overlord already, and I think I know a way we could both benefit.”

“Well?” Al’s ears perked up, his body turning so that they were facing one another.

Vince smiled at the little man, hands carefully pushing the hair in his face back, “You look like complete sh*t.”

“I didn’t ask how I looked. Now spill it before I leave.” Alastor threatened.

“Fine… Fine… I say we work together as the entertainment overlords. With you over radio and me being over television, we can enrapture Hell with our voices. With that combined power we could certainly garner a huge following.” Vince smiled wide, screen brightening a tad as he spoke.

Al’s music shrieked a little, his eyebrows shooting up, “Then you’ll have to give me insurance to ensure you won’t stab me in the back. I know you, and I know how money hungry you can be.”

“Insurance? Al, baby, you know me. I wouldn’t dare do anything to you!” The host replied with surprise, expecting that Alastor would have agreed readily, and honestly he was completely shocked when he hadn’t.

“From where I stand, I need insurance. I have been wronged plenty in Hell, and I refuse to let it continue.” Al bared his teeth in order to prove just how serious he was.

“Fine, what do you want?” Vince was ready to give him anything in exchange for their cooperation.

“I want your soul.” Alastor smirked, claws digging into the host’s chest through his white shirt, making blue blood begin to spill onto it.

Vincent’s eyes widened, his own grip tightening, just as his pants began to, “I… that’s a big ask Al…”

“Yet, it is what I ask for…” Alastor nodded, pulling their hips together with his legs, beginning to straddle his former boss, moving to sit on top of him, his slick having already doused his pants from the earlier surge of need he had experienced.

Vince’s claws gripped the sinner’s hips, his own moving to create friction between them, “I- Oh god…” He hadn’t felt such fireworks since the last day of Alastor’s life, his rabbit ears sparking as he tried to get a cohesive thought together, “I need time… I will consider the offer, okay?”

“Fine… but you have a time limit. I am a wanted man, and you won’t be the only offer I have to consider.” Al lied, beginning to peel off his suit jacket, then his vest, unbuttoning his white shirt beneath, letting his chest breathe.

Vince reached up, cupping his nipples between his fingers, squeezing them lightly, which only made the demon above shudder with sinful delight. His heat began to go into a full swing once more, and he couldn’t stop it now, nor did he want to. He wanted to see what this new body had in it. He wanted a demo of what Vox could do, no matter how much had naturally hated the other man.

Clothes had been removed in quick succession, and Alastor’s smaller frame made it so much easier to strip him, as he still had not returned to full size.

The deer was basically and carelessly thrown on the countertop, legs spread over broad shoulders as his hole was licked, the sweet fluid of his heat being consumed as a tongue pushed up and inside. His thighs were bleeding again, the tv star’s claws dragged across the flesh, then back to grip Al’s butt-cheeks, pulling them apart, letting him slide his tongue in even deeper.

Al whimpered needily, his back arched weakly as he cried out. His face was pure red, hair a bigger mess, makeup running and ruined. Then he was emptied, and the TV demon stood at attention, taking Al’s hand and placing it between his legs, making him feel his new and interesting anatomy, the heat of which made Alastor shudder, “W-where’s your…”

Then, as he was made to feel the gooey slit, a co*ck grew from it, glowing and blue. It looked a whole lot like gelatin, which made Alastor wonder briefly if it tasted sweet. He hated sweets.

Vox smirked as he pushed the demon down, forcing him to lay on his stomach, not wanting the hateful glances to ruin his appetite. He grabbed ahold of Alastor’s boney hips, bruising them with the intensity of his grasp, his slick co*ck placed between his butt-cheeks as he began to thrust between them, not yet entering, wanting to savor the moment as he lubed himself up with the ever pooling slick, “Ah… so wet for me… such a dirty little whor*…”

Al whimpered, biting into his own arm so that he wouldn’t be too loud, but soon the remnants of his hair was pulled back, making him release his bite as Vox positioned himself to enter, his voice low, zaps of electricity leaving his large dick and into the awaiting hole, “I need to hear you, my love… What do you want…”

“Just do it already!” Alastor hissed.

The tip was pushed in just enough to make Alastor’s skin crawl, but he did not push any further in, “I didn’t quite get that. Speak up, radio demon.”

“f*ck me already, you dumb flat faced bitch!” That vitriol that Vox loved spilled from the overlord, and so he rewarded the hatred with punishing thrusts, brutal pace to start as he pushed all the way inside.

The room was filled with the wet sounds of their bodies smashing together, and the desperate moans of the radio host. His claws dug into the countertop, eyes crazed as he had to watch himself being f*cked, hair held tight to make sure he would not look away from the mirror before him. His tail was roughly grabbed with Vox’s other hand, and he used it for leverage, thrusting up and deep into the demon’s guts, stirring him in ways he had never felt before thanks to the odd shape of his new body part and the shrinkage of Al’s form. Then it began to twitch inside, like a vibration, and Al couldn’t help but feel like he was going crazy, his eyes rolling back, drool pooling from his maw as it hung open with desperate cries.

“That’s it, such a f*cking mess… letting your master ruin your tight little hole… Is this what you want, little c*nt? To be my f*cking slu*t…”

Alastor had no control over himself anymore, the daze of heat taking over entirely as he got a bit smaller, “C-Cum inside me… please… V-Vincent…”

Vox leaned down, licking up the man’s back, tasting his sweet sweat as he made his way to his neck, voice low against the flesh, “I’m going to mark you, so that the king knows full well that you belong to me…”

“No, I-” When Alastor tried to stop him it was already too late, the other side of his neck punctured with razor sharp, glass-like teeth, a jolt filling his body, electricity mixed with pain making him reach his end, the radio demon spilling onto the counter and the floor.

Then Vox thrusted a few more times, his co*ck growing a bit as it filled with cum, then it spilled within, the blue liquid coating Alastor’s insides, and mingling with his hormones, making the high of ambrosia fueled heat reach an all time peak, and Alastor couldn’t help put cum again as he was filled to the brim. Though, unlike Lucifer, Vox was able to pull out, letting his seed drip onto the floor and the rest of his load be released up Alastor’s bare spine. Then he simply rested his co*ck between his butt-cheeks, as he regained his composure. It was obvious, even to Al’s sex-drunken state, that he had not finished in a while, so he had a lot to spend on just their first interaction.

Once Alastor began to feel his high come down, he shivered, not enjoying the sensation of his body expelling the seed. He tried to stand, but he was still held in place, Vox still admiring his trophy as he lorded over him. Al couldn’t even look back, as he was still pinned down by his hair.

Eventually, it had to be said, and Alastor was the one to say it, “I think I need to go home, and wash up…”

“Agreed. Fix that sh*tty haircut you gave yourself.” Vox pulled away finally, back to old habits as he collected his own clothes, and did not bother to help Alastor at all, “I’ll be in touch, and I’ll let you know what I think about the deal you proposed at a later date.”

“Fine…” Al growled, collecting his own attire, though he only put on his pants and button up, his own underwear too soiled to bother putting back on. Instead, he unceremoniously dumped it in the trash can, “You owe me a fancy dinner once you get enough money to pay for it.”

“Sounds like a date. Can’t wait to show you off to everyone.” Vox chuckled, finally fully dressed and ready to rejoin his flock.

Al did not respond, and suddenly he felt his face being pulled forward, forced into a blinding light as Vox’s voice filled his head, eyes spiraling as a hypnotic power was being applied to the deer’s senses, “Television is meant to be watched, so keep your eyes on me. Got it?”

“I got it…” Alastor responded before he was able to pull away, and then he was left alone in the bathroom.

He felt like his fate had only just gotten more complicated. Somehow, he still found it in his cold dead heart to blame Lucifer on his misfortunes. Obviously it was all his fault. Yes… totally.

Husk laid upon his sh*tty mattress, mind ever stuck on the day that he had. He did not expect Alastor to be so… human. He did not expect the respect he had been given. Hell, he did not expect to keep his job as the overlord of gambling, just with a stripped title. He had thought the demon would have crushed him under his heel, and ended his afterlife with an iron fist. But, instead, they were supporting one another like old friends, and even sometimes it felt like they had been lovers.

He shook his head to clear the thought, though he couldn’t help but think about Alastor after he had left that bathroom. The way his hair was torn in shreds, and the way he could barely walk upright. Hell, even the way tears had stained his cheeks… He couldn’t get it out of his mind. He wanted to protect the demon in a strange way. To make sure he wouldn’t dare to go back to the mad house that was the Double Vee television station.

Then a noise had roused him out of his thoughts, and quickly he sprung up, hurrying to the living room. When he rushed inside, he froze, skin chilled as he realized Alastor had stood in his little self made study in the corner, fingers tracing the keys of an old typewriter he had just dug out of the trash the previous day. His hair was cut short, cropped above his neckline like it had been in life, the curl returned fully thanks to the lessened weight of it. His makeup was also absent, and instead he wore just a pajama shirt and shorts, skin glistening like he had been sweating.

Husk stood slack jawed, trying to figure out what he could say, but luckily he didn’t have to start the conversation, “I couldn’t sleep…”

“No wonder. Ya had a long day…” Husk sighed, tail swishing back and forth as his wings drooped, “Why ya come here, my house ain’t that comfy.”

“Reminds me of my old rental, so I suppose it’s comfortable enough.” Alastor finally turned his attention to his pet, smile small, eyes empty, “I hope my intrusion isn’t ruining your evening.”

“Nah, ya can hang out. Just… ah… don’t break anyth’n. I don’t got much in here.” Husk crossed his arms, leaning against the frame of the hallway, trying to look casual, “Help yourself to the typewriter, I heard ya like that sh*t.”

“Love it.” Alastor muttered, sitting at the desk all of a sudden, “The carriage is off balance, and it’ll need oil…” He rambled on about fixing the ancient machine.

Husk listened happily to him nerding out, actually liking this side of Alastor just as much as he liked his wild side. He eventually gained nerve, and he crossed over to the demon’s side, looking at the mechanisms that he pointed out.

Then, a yawn, Alastor looked more relaxed, tired even. Husk took the hint, and suddenly the demon was hefted up from his seat, and over the cat’s shoulder. He complained at first, face pure red, but he really did not fight. He liked being spoiled, Husker noted; so he would spoil him tonight. To make up for all the bullsh*t he had to deal with on that day.

He was tucked into the bed, wrapped in Husker’s best blankets, then joined by the tired cat who tried to give him plenty of room. Alastor wasn’t having any of that, and suddenly he scooted over, invading that space with his thin form, face buried into the plush fur of his pet. Husk didn’t complain, petting his hair gently with one paw, the other on his back as his wings wrapped around them.

“Goodnight.” Husk breathed out.

“Yes… I suppose it is.” Al sighed, closing his eyes as he finally drifted off to sleep.

The cat watched him for the longest time before he joined him. Dozing off in each other’s arms on the awkwardly small mattress, in the underworld’s sh*ttiest apartment with the most bored looking shadow watching over them. How romantic.


Wonder if this kind of cuddles will blossom into something else in the next chapter... h'm...

Chapter 16: Respite Reemergence


Alastor spends his morning with his pet, then he has to go back to work.


Hello dear readers! This chapter took forever thanks to work and being a bit ill, so I hope the wait was worth it! Happy Easter sinners!

neuroqueer - more Radiohusk you say?
novak_feathers97 - We do love drama
TheRoseBanshee - We gotta take wins where we can
Orphaccnt - maybe everyone will kick his ass?
PanPanPanda_Express - I like teaching people how to appreciate things hehe
MoonChub - we love watching villains fall hehehe
xobuziness - This comment made me very happy!
Husky_Fries - we do love Niffty, don't we?
SleepyLurks - now were filling out more of the cast in this chapter. I spoiled you in this chapter!
Mephilver - Here's next chapter, lovely reader hehe
Mahokka - Welcome to the party! Your comment really got me going! I am so glad you like my artwork, and my writing of course! Thank you so much, and I hope to continue hearing from you! Thank you!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Morning came and went, but neither sinner felt like getting up from their comfort. The shadow sort of acted as their carer, bringing them snacks and coffee to start their day, then also sitting upon the bed at their feet, watching them with big empty eyes as they held onto one another.

Husk, who had completely melted into his sh*tty mattress, had feared that if he had let go of Alastor that he would wander off and inevitably into trouble, so he held him to his chest, purring to keep him calm in his embrace. His tactics surprisingly had worked, and Alastor had calmly enjoyed the noise for the longest time.

Then they briefly talked about their time in Hell. Spoke about all of the sh*t they had both experienced. Alastor even let slip about how he had been treated at first. How he had spent so long in a dark room, waiting to die all over again. Husk felt his anger rise, but he knew it was far too late for him to do much of anything to fix the mess that was Alastor’s introduction into the afterlife. So, silently; he promised to keep him safe now. He would do whatever it took to make sure Alastor never felt so out of control ever again. Though, he also fully knew that Al had a knack for getting into such trouble. He was well aware that eventually things would happen. Already, he mourned those days.

Then their peace ended as the shadow returned once again, not with anything for them to eat or drink, but instead with a letter. Al sat up slowly, stretching his arms over his head with a soft squeak before he reached over to grab the parchment. Husk looked started from the noise, as it made his image of Alastor soften even more.

Once Al had confirmed that the letter was indeed from his mistress, he opened it. Again, he was congratulated for finishing off the overlord assigned. It said that he was surpassing expectations, and that Lilith was proud to have him as one of her own. He let that bounce around his head for a moment, briefly wondering how many souls she had in her possession. Then, he read the conclusion, looking over the familiar picture of Bog, the oil tycoon demon. He was a many of few words, but he was loaded from his business venture. Al knew, with all of his sharp teeth and huge claws that he could be a challenge, but he was sure he would make child’s play of it now that he was level headed again. No more heat meant so much more productivity, and as long as Lilith kept contacting him at this speed, then he would not have to worry about another incident like last time.

“Why do ya got a picture of Bog?” Husk finally worked up the nerve to ask, “A fan club or someth’n?”

Alastor briefly considered the ins and outs of such a fan club, though he really hoped nothing of the sort existed as Bog himself was a bit nightmarish in appearance; and anyone wanting to fawn over him seemed rather outlandish, “No, just work. Don’t worry your pretty little whiskers about it.”

Husk opened his mouth to respond, but as he had; Alastor stood from the bed, again stretching to loosen his hips and back. He was mesmerized by the display, as he got an eyeful of the deer’s backside. Respectfully he was quiet about it, but raunchily, he watched nevertheless.

Then the overlord hurried out of the room and into the living room, so the cat had to sprint somewhat to catch up to him. Though, it didn’t take long, as Al simply leaned over the desk, fiddling with the typewriter with a hum, his music sounding rather jazzy, eyes gleaming with delight, “I will pick up spare parts for this while I’m out. Maybe some oil. Definitely some paper.”

“Do… do ya have to leave?” Husk accidentally said out loud, his face becoming pure red as the words left his throat.

Alastor sat now, pulling one of the panels off of the machine as he looked it over, “Sadly, I have a duty to fulfill. You wouldn’t want to be stuck to me forever, don’t you have a job to do as well?”

“I mean… sure, yeah, I have lots to do to keep our gambling houses run’n!” Husk threw up his paws defensively, trying hard to cover up his little slip, “I’m just worried, is all. You keep gett’n into trouble, and I know ya don’t have to care, but I do, and I-”

“Oh, I am well aware of how much you long to care for me…” The overlord began to push things, testing the waters, “How much you want to feel what others have between my thighs.” Alastor hummed as he turned the machine, “But, you haven’t tried anything. You let me take charge, which I suppose does make sense, seeing as I own your soul.”

It took Husk a long time to respond, as he didn’t know just how obvious he had been about his longing. He thought he had hid it rather well, but now he knew he was sorely mistaken, “Yeah, and I didn’t know if ya actually wanted to stoop so low as to sleep with a…” Husk searched for the words carefully, though they came out harsh, “Loser… like me.”

“We’re all losers in Hell, darling. I’m not winning any awards any time soon.” Alastor smiled up at the cat, genuine spark in his eyes, “So… if you want to… try something out with me. Feel free. I could use the entertainment. I would love to have something now that I am level headed enough to fully enjoy it.”

Husk got a serious expression on his face, nodding, he suddenly pushed Alastor’s chair back quite a ways, “Then don’t worry about me, just keep work’n.” Husk told the man as he seemed to gauge something under the desk.

Husk then pulled himself under the tabletop, and as Alastor tried to do as he was told, fingers loosely working away to fix the carriage of the typewriter; he felt his shorts being pulled down over his thighs, and eventually down to his ankles, he would have been impressed with the bold display if he wasn’t slightly shaken. a gruff, “If ya want me to stop, just say so.” had brought him out of the small trance, his eyes darting between his legs to meet the former overlord’s, both gazing at one another for a long moment.

Alastor swallowed thickly, but it was not because he wanted this to end, no, he just was not used to the idea of just receiving pleasure with no return. It was always a mutual thing. Now that he was no longer in heat, he could think more clearly than he had in a whole week. Before he had slightly cringed at his display of lust, as he had so easily given Vincent what he had wanted, even without his soul to take home. He was usually more strategic with his body, more thoughtful of why he was-

Alastor’s train of thought had been derailed, his legs thrown up and over Husk’s shoulders as a confident tongue lapped up the shaft to his co*ck, springing it to life with ease thanks to the new texture. It was rough, prickling the sensitive flesh, making Alastor tremble as he leaned back in the chair, his music starting to shriek a little thanks to the surprise. Then he put a hand on his face, covering his smile, breathing hard in and out, trying to keep himself in place as another lick proceeded the first. An almost unfamiliar string of words left his mouth, muffled by his shaky hand, “N'arrêtez pas s'il vous plaît…”

Husk’s ears fluttered, eyes glued to his partner’s expressions, voice hot against Alastor’s weeping co*ck as he paused long enough to speak, his own mind mush thanks to Alastor’s French accent, “‘kay then, I won’t.”

Then he plunged the whole dick into his awaiting throat, servicing it in a way it had never had before. Alastor could not contain his noises, legs wrapped around the sinner’s head as he arched his back, whimpering and moaning into one hand as the other grabbed ahold of anything it could hold onto. It found itself nested in the fur on the back of Husk’s head, pushing him into his hips.

There was no way Al could focus on anything else now, his head thrown back as the entirety of his length was swallowed, paws massaging those thin thighs as he admired the man above. It wasn’t the expression he had lusted after for all of this time, but the cute way Alastor’s face flared completely up, and the little tears that threatened to leave his eyes had made Husker’s stomach spin with glee. He was f*cking adorable even when being spoiled like this. Which only made Husk long to keep spoiling him.

He wasn’t Alastor the terrible, despite all of the terrible things he had done. That was a lie. Husk knew now that he was in fact Alastor the adorable. Though he would never speak that one out loud. It was far too cheesy, and he would certainly end up being Al’s breakfast if he had ever let any of this internal dialogue slip to him.

Then Husker was made to refocus, he noticed a change in the sinner’s breathing; he was getting close. He swirled his tongue around the base of the man’s co*ck, then pulled his face up, trailing saliva up the shaft, then around the head, then he plunged back down, again and again. Alastor grew more desperate, his legs tightening, partially crushing the cat’s head between his thighs, the pressure making him purr happily as he bobbed his head in haste.

Then the fireworks came, Alastor’s head thrown back, his hips thrusting up and deep into Husk’s throat as he finished, spilling down into him before Husk had to pull his head away to breathe, as he had forgotten to before, the rest of Alastor’s seed spilling onto his face and chest as he sat back on his knees. He coughed a bit, trying to catch his breath, then as he had, he couldn’t help but sit and admire the spent overlord above him. The way Alastor’s skin glistened with sweat, all the way to his ears, which had fallen back, making him look so much more doe-like than his usual upward position. When Husk began to finally get up, as his legs were getting numb, Al looked at him expectantly, like he was waiting on something, his ears shooting up, alert once again. But, then he simply pressed a swift kiss to the deer’s head before he bypassed him, going to the sink to wash up.

Al sat dumbfounded for the longest time, watching Husk clean himself. Then, when he realized that there was nothing else he had owed between them, he pulled on his shorts, looking a bit shaken, and it was for a very good reason. He could not remember a time where he was given so much pleasure without having to give it right back. This felt unequal, but at the same time, he felt like Husk had gained everything he had wanted from the exchange. It confused him a lot, and he had to think for a long time in order to find his words, “Is that it?”

“Did ya want something else?” The cat asked, surprised by his tone.

“No, I mean…” Alastor began to fiddle with his fingertips, tapping them together, his voice small, “Combien je vous dois?”

“Noth’n.” Husk shrugged, walking back into the main part of the room just in case Al had another episode, “I just wanted to spoil ya. No need to do anyth’n else. I mean, we can, but I kinda didn’t want to hurt ya. I know that Vince guy, or whatever; was really rough on ya.”

Al considered his words again, letting them fill him with a strange sense of comfort, “I see… I… Thank you, Husker. I appreciate the gesture.”

“That’s one way to say, thanks for give’n me the best head of my life.” Husk rolled his eyes, against kissing Alastor’s forehead, then, copying him from the previous day, he pressed their heads together, petting the deer’s hair with a happy purr, “You’re welcome. Now, if ya get yourself hurt while you’re out, I’m gonna lose my sh*t. Got it?”

“Noted.” Alastor couldn’t help but let his smile rise, letting it get wide with glee that also reached his eyes, “I won’t get hurt. I have this under control.”

“Ya always do.” Husk chuckled, walking away to act like he had other things to do as to not hold Alastor up anymore.

The deer happily watched him for a long time before he began to cover himself in shadows, saying a simple, “Ta-ta, see you later.” before he let himself teleport back to his own home in order to get ready, a pep in his step as he got dressed for his day.

He briefly looked over at his sleeping cohabitant, Niffty, who had stayed the night after cutting his hair. He was certain that she was living under her desk at the television studio, so he had promised himself to make her arrangements somewhere more suitable. He owed her a lot, and felt like it was the least he could do.

Quietly he finished getting dressed, tidied his curls, then applied his usual makeup. Once he looked perfect, he hurried out the door, humming as he locked it behind himself. It was almost as though he wasn’t about to murder another unfortunate soul.

The stroll to the wilds district of the city felt peaceful to the sinner. He could have teleported, but he enjoyed examining his environment before launching himself straight into a conflict. He figured that Bog would have some sort of security measures, or that he would perhaps be extremely powerful in his own right. Overlords got a lot of their powers thanks to fear and devotion, much like actual sins would; so it would make sense that said demon would be extremely powerful. Although, nothing Alastor had seen of the creature really tipped him off on the type of strength he was meant to possess. It was a big dice roll. Al smiled, thinking about his morning now, daydreaming momentarily, the gamble reminding him of his furry companion.

Then he was snapped back to reality as a scene played out before him. A large contraption, a blimp of sorts, had caught his eyes, floating up and above the wilds with all of the grace of a tank. A voice, shrieking and shrill, yelled out commands to those below. Al approached cautiously, starting to pick up on the words as he got ever closer, “I will destroy you and take over your empire! You’ve been king of this throne for much too long, Overlord Boggart!”

“Lord Yogurt!” A sillier sounding voice sang out, then got shut up rather quickly with what sounded like a smack.

The noise plus the lisp made Alastor smirk, his eyes focused on the overlord in question, who had stood in a clearing, looking unamused and practically tired of this sh*t. The deer sat amongst the bushes, keeping an eye on the situation, seeing if he would be getting a freebie this time around. So, he continued to listen to the one sided exchange, “Won’t you say anything in retaliation, or are you too scared? Ha! I know I am a terrifying force to reckon with, but this will be little fun if you don’t fight back! Here, I’ll give you some time to think of a comeback, one that hopefully will surprise me, given your feeble mind!”

Bog simply blinked up at the contraption with little enthusiasm. He yawned, then turned, puffing up his chest, he suddenly had razor sharp quills poking out the back of his trenchcoat, and with one big huff, they fired up and into the sky, hitting the balloon with ease. Quickly the machine began to sink of the sky, ineffective for the combat it was destined to be in.

Alastor’s ear twitched, eyes watching as the craft burst into flames upon impact. The whole scenario was rather underwhelming. He had hoped for more bloodshed, maybe even a dramatic finish, but instead he got the B plot in a very poorly made storybook.

Then he shrunk a little, eyes on him, the force extreme on his senses as he had been noticed, the voice that filled his head was deep, demanding, “What are you doing here, little fawn.”

Alastor swallowed thickly, standing from his spot, bowing properly as he had, “Oh, I am very sorry to interrupt your… game? I usually announce my arrival long before I am spotted, but seeing as you’re more keen than those I usually sneak up on, I guess we should greet one another now, h’m?”

“Yes…” Bog shifted from one foot to the other, the ground beneath crackling, brimstone turning to pebbles under his weight.

“I am Alastor, as you know. I have come to investigate your business.” Al stood as straight as he could, now noticing just how colossal the other overlord truly was, as he towered over him, and was as thick as ten of him, “I feel it is my duty to know my comrades and how their sections of the pentagram function. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Just… don’t… cause trouble…” Bog sighed, turning away to go look through the wreckage, “Don’t need… anymore messes… fawn…”

“No worries! I don’t make messes!” Alastor lied through his painted on smile, hurrying to catch up to the creature, nosey about the crash as well.

Just as the two walked over to the smoldering pile of rubble, a sheet of metal shifted, a sinner struggling to dig his way out. Blood was pooling from his arm, a sharp shard of glass had punctured him, letting his essence drain from the wound. Alastor stared, his stomach turning, he was starving. He was always starving, of course; but this was worse. He hadn’t really eaten anything of substance in days. He was so hungry. So very hungry.

“I’ll clean this up for you, my lord.” He felt himself chime in, even surprising his shadow as he started walking towards the snake, “No need to worry yourself with this rabble. I’ve got it.”

“If… you’re sure…” Bog stared at Alastor, actually seeming appreciative, “I have… a lot to do…”

“Of course.” Al nodded, grabbing a hold of the back of the snake’s suit jacket, beginning to drag him from under more metal and rubble, “Go on, I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Fine…” The overlord nodded, turning away and leaving him to clean up his little spat.

The snake began to struggle once he was conscious enough, his tail wrapped around one of Alastor’s legs in an attempt at tripping him, but it did not work, as Al stopped moving, looking down at the pathetic display as he hummed, “Tell me… what sort of sinner like yourself is trying to kill an overlord with such an odd… machine?”

“I am Sir Pentious, and this machine was my warship! I built it in order to secure my right to the land!” The demon hissed, hand grasping around his wound to try and slow the bleeding.

Alastor was again transfixed by the blood, eyes wide as he stared into the rich color, mouth full of drool. The deer couldn’t hold his composure anymore, grabbing a hold of the Sir’s arm, he fell to his knees, sinking his teeth into the flesh. The snake cried out, slapping his forehead a few times, pushing it in order to pry him off. Once he realized that his attempts were getting them nowhere, he wrapped his tail around Alastor’s waist, tightening it to make it hard for him to breathe. That only made him bite harder, starting to tear into the flesh until a whole chunk was ripped off, chewed and swallowed. Little egg henchmen had gathered around, trying to also move Alastor, though they were powerless against his being.

Sir nearly lost consciousness, his eyes fully constricted, slits watching Alastor’s display. Yet, he did not freak out anymore, like something processed in his mind, “Y-you’re the radio demon?”

“Mmm… yes…” Alastor blinked a few times, his actions starting to dawn on him as he watched the snake’s wound begin to close, fingers helping it along by pulling out shards of glass, “I am Alastor.”

“It… I would say it’s nice to meet you, but…”

“That would certainly be a fib, huh?” Alastor tutted, licking the blood up unashamedly.

Sir Pentious’ face flared red, his eyes darting to look away now, “I thought you were going to keep eating me, sir.”

“So did I.” Al admitted, “But… given how I found you, I decided that you’ve got a lot of potential that I wish to use. If you’ll have me.”

“I…” The snake would have tried to think about it, maybe taken a moment to himself, but the way Alastor’s claws dug into his tail, which still tightly held them in place, had made him answer without any heed, “I will do anything to destroy Boggart and take his place. Can you assist me with that goal?”

“I can, and more.” Alastor chuckled, finishing cleaning the wound with a hum, “But, I do want something in return.”

“What?” Sir could feel his heart race, the claws on him dragging long cuts into his thick flesh.

“Give me your soul.” Alastor purred, leaning in close, their faces nearly touching as the words escaped his lips.

“What if I refuse?” The snake bravely tried to push back, but soon he was laying on his back, Alastor on top of him, biting his throat, blood being drained from him as he helplessly squirmed.

Then, as hot lips pulled away, and cheeks were pressed together, Al spoke next to his head, filling him with the unique dread only he could muster “I will broadcast your screams until radio frequencies no longer exist, do not test me, my pet.” The overlord growled, fingers tapping like the beat of a clock upon the snake’s chest.

This was an ultimatum. Give the demon his soul, gain power, and possibly more, or die. It was an easy choice, given the options. They were going to destroy the oil tycoon demon. Whatever it took.


Oooo, conflict ahead!

Chapter 17: The Bigger They Fall


Alastor and Sir Pentious team up to take on overlord Boggart.


A big thanks to wjnz111 for becoming my new beta reader and ensuring the story I write is as thrilling and well thought out as possible! Thank you also to my lovely readers for sticking around through thick and thin, I feel like this chapter is just the change of pace that we needed!

Orphaccnt - thank you for your lovely questions!
TheRoseBanshee - Husk is such a sweet baby man in my mind
Mephilver - Thank you as always, and here is that next chapter my love!
SleepyLurks - Alastor doing what he does best, collecting souls adding to his body count hehe
Arianna - I love long posts, give me more of those wonderful thoughts! Thank you!

Chapter Text

Days had passed and the plan had been set. Between Sir’s brilliant mind, and Alastor’s knack for evil, things had gone down swimmingly between the two as they masterminded a plan to kill their biggest foe yet. Luckily, Sir Pentious, with lack of better phrasing, was a weak and easily manipulated individual with the potential to do serious harm if he was guided by someone who knew how to use him. Alastor decided that he was going to be the one to weaponize his brainpower. So, both sinners bounced ideas off of one another, and worked side by side in Sir’s workshop, trying their damndest to give them a weapon that could surely crush the overlord.

The egg henchmen were little help when it came to their project, though the shadow did enjoy messing with them. It would even place them on tables and other furniture in order to watch their peril. Alastor even found some of his antics to be hilarious, finding time to tease the other demon every time one of his egg boys needed aid. About the tenth time, Sir had requested that they stop their jovial behavior, which would only make them amp it up even more, now hanging multiple henchmen from the chandelier in the middle of the vast workshop.

Sir began to panic, seeing his egg boys in such peril, he even let out a string of curses as he tried to reach for them, though he couldn’t really hop up that far, so he would end up having to beg the shadow to do it for him. After they had their fun, Al let his counterpart do as he was told, glad that their little harmless prank had brought about such a reaction from the snake. He wondered briefly what other reactions he could get from him.

Being a little more cheeky, Al stood over the snake, leaning forward so that their faces were mere inches apart, his voice low, a growl even; as he spoke, “How I do like seeing you flustered, my pet.”

Sir stood straight, eyebrows raised with surprise, eyes darting to look Alastor’s face up and down, “I don’t like being flustered… sir…”

“That’s a shame. Because, I plan on bugging you for the rest of eternity.” Al’s words rolled off his lips in a tone he used many times before, usually getting his way when he spoke like that to most other sinners.

Sir Pentious, though, was not like most other sinners, “Oh! You’re asking me for a nibble, h’m? Feeling peckish, my lord?” The snake reached out his still healing arm, like an olive branch to end the chaos in his workstation, “Eat up, we have plenty to do!”

Alastor blinked at the display, a mix of confusion and elation on his face, “I mean, I would never turn down a meal, so I suppose you win this little round.”

Taking a hold of the snake’s arm, Alastor brought it to his face, teeth scratching into the surface with a satisfied hum. Even if the snake was dense, he was at least willing. So Alastor bit into the black flesh, gorging himself on the warm blood as his music began to play. Upbeat jazz filled the air, and Sir, as he had before; simply enjoyed it as his head lightened from the lack of blood flow. Strangely these instances felt nice between them, like all pressure to complete their goals had ceased, and that they could actually genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Of course, Al knew that this was simply a business transaction of sorts. He would not fail to remember his place in this venture if he could help it.

Once he had his fill, the deer stood upright, licking his lips clean of any essence that remained. Sir actually reached up, brushing off some from Al’s cheek, careful to make sure he looked neat and tidy like he would want. The wholesomeness made the sinner’s stomach twist, and strangely he was a bit nauseated.

He shook his head, pulling away from the small display of affection, over-stimulated in the moment, clenching his stomach with a grumble, “Just… get back to work for now. It appears I need a sabbatical.”

“Yes, sir!” The snake saluted his master before he hurried back to his station, though he did spare a worried glance back at the deer, who had started for the door to go and get fresh air.

The overlord eventually made his way out of the lab, into the earthy cave it had been hidden within, then out to the sunlight. The day was reaching noon, and the breeze was somewhat pleasant against his clammy skin. He leaned against the rockface, eyes gazing out towards the dead looking forests. They were still in the wilds district, as interestingly enough, Sir had the forethought to burrow a hole in a hill, and build his workstation under the ground. Bog would surely not check here, as the chances of natural resources being out this far was a stretch. So, he was safe here for a time.

Alastor breathed out, then struggled to breathe back in, hand grabbing ahold of his stomach, still trying hard to keep down the meager meal he had just consumed. He had been having spells of illness ever since he had that run in with Vincent, and man did he fully blame him for it. He cursed his name, kicking the dirt in frustration, his shadow creeping up to hold him before he began to fully break down again. He turned, hugging onto the form, sighing against it as he tried to steady himself.

“How long has it been now?” He asked it, like it could respond, “A few weeks, hasn’t it? I still can’t believe he left like that.” Everything was spiraling in his mind now.

It had fully started to hit him that Lucifer had left him yet again to his own devices, and that things weren’t going well. Vince had access to him, and his potential fight felt like a mountain to climb, plus he had a new pet who he didn’t fully know what he was going to do with once everything was said and done. Why on Earth would the king leave him like this? He felt so lost all of the time, and how he longed to just sit down, write, and forget his worries. He had to fix that typewriter, then he had to publish a work worthy of the king. Obviously that would be the best way to get back at him. But first, he had to take this one step at a time. He had to complete his mission.

The shadow nuzzled into Al’s face, their noses touching, bringing him back into reality with it’s gesture of affection. He smiled at it genuinely, eyebrows raised as he spoke, “Thank you, I think I needed that reprieve.”

The shadow nodded, butting their foreheads together before he was let go. The creature simply melting back into the cave to go play with the eggs even more. Alastor was not used to actually being alone, but he enjoyed the quiet for a bit longer, breathing the stale air of the wilds to calm his stomach, then he spun around, making his way back into the hidden bunker. The trip back felt a bit more exhausting than the journey outwards, and by the time he had made it back to the large door to their hideout, he was sweating and out of breath. He sort of regretted not just teleporting, but he had needed the alone time for just a bit longer.

Once he had regained his composure, Alastor walked into their lab, eyeing the invention that Sir had been throwing together. It looked like a rifle of sorts, with an angelic steel cast barrel. Impressed, he walked up to his pet, examining his work closer, “I didn’t know a snake could be so handy!”

“I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that, and instead, I will introduce you to our current markup! This pretty rifle has the stopping force to shoot down an goetia, let alone an overlord!” Sir was again boasting about his work, looking ever proud of the design, “I bet it could even shoot through the king’s defenses if we were ever to be so bold!”

“Not in your life!” Al replied quickly, taking the weapon into his hands, smacking the snake’s forehead with the palm of his hand for the suggestion; then he tested the balance as he held the gun up against his shoulder, seeing if any of the weight would be off.

Pleased to see that it should aim just fine, he handed it back, excited to try it out, “Now you’ll just have to make us some bullets, then we can go hunting!”

Sir readjusted his hat, nodded, and went to pour some metal into the casts that he had already thrown together based on previous models he had made. The bullet would be huge, and therefore they would not have as many chances as they would hope. The snake’s supply of steel had come dry, and there was no way they would be dealing with Carmilla in order to garner more. If she knew what they were doing, she would likely try to put a stop to it. Alastor was fully willing to take down one pissed off overlord, but two seemed far fetched for now.

As the bullets were cooling, Sir took himself a break. He slithered over to a small sitting area, his eggs following suit, as they all sat on an old looking couch, so many little hands hugging onto his form. Alastor readily compared him to a mother goose, with too many hatchlings. Though he knew that the eggs were likely from Sir’s body, therefore, it wasn’t too far from the truth in that regard. Crossing the room to join them, Alastor sat on the farthest side of the couch, leaning back in order to give his spine a break, eyes closing and resting. Of course his lap was soon full of eggs as well, as they began to play with his suit jacket, and cane.

The shadow, ever the jealous type, had begun to pull the egg boys away, protectively taking a seat on Alastor’s lap, making the man smile tightly, awkward about the forwardness, “Calm yourself, darling. They’re just little henchmen. No one can replace you.”

The shadow crossed it’s arms, acting like it had sassed him about it. Al rolled his eyes, petting it’s head with a chuckle, which only made it relax into him. Sir gave him an odd glance, eyebrows quirked with interest, “So, uh, that thing is quite separate from you, huh?”

“Quite.” Al nodded, still petting away the stress of his counterpart, “It was given to me by my owner, much like how I am planning on giving you power.”

“I see…” He again looked between the two, bewildered, “Just, uh, don’t give me anymore eggs to look after. Being a single parent of fifteen is a lot to handle when your children often break themselves trying to help you.”

“Oh, so you’re their parent now?” Al smirked at the snake.

“Heavens no! It just feels like it on occasion!” Sir grumbled nearly sinking all the way into the sh*tty cushion below him.

Alastor couldn’t help but cackle, the laughter nearly making his stomach hurt again from the force of it. Sir rolled his eyes at the deer before he stood abruptly, going over to check his bullets, both eggs that were on his lap now cradled in either of his arms as he checked. The others clung to his tail, getting a free ride across the floor, with a few happy little, “Yippie! Wee!” filling the air.

The shadow melted from Al’s lap and towards where the snake worked, standing over him and watching him with big empty eyes. Sir was unnerved by the being, especially now that he knew that it had it’s own thoughts and feelings, however, he dealt with it just as well as he was dealing with the whole situation. Treating the shadow like a boss he did not entirely hate, but he sure wished he could work in relative peace without constant supervision.

At least Alastor would leave him to his own devices, as he trusted him with the ins and outs of his technology. Of course, he did not know of the snake’s explosive history with his machines, so the call was made with naivety on his part. Instead of fussing, he let himself relax and enjoy the worn out couch for a long time, and had even dozed off eventually. Enjoying the sounds of metal scrapping as he slumbered.

Then he woke up with a jolt, the sounds of the gun being loaded having brought him back into reality as memories flashed in his mind. Defensively he stood, ready to attack if he had needed to, but then he remembered where he was, and what he was doing, and he calmed, tapping his cane on the floor in embarrassment as Sir looked at him with big eyes. He cleared his throat, walking over to see what he would be working with. Three bullets. That was all they could throw together. Three chances to hit their target and hope that the gun lived up to their expectations. Honesty, Alastor liked those odds. He was a crack shot in life, and three rounds was much better than he could have ever had without the aid of his new pet. So, happily; he looked over at the snake, nodding towards him, “Seems we’re ready, h’m?”

“Yes, sir!” The snake agreed, fully certain of his creations ability.

So, Alastor took the rifle, shoving the two other bullets into his jacket as he prepared to head out. This time, though, he would be teleporting, f*ck all that walking. So, he grabbed hold of his comrade, and chose a destination for them to reappear. With one more check for confidence, they both looked at once another, smiling with assurance; then they teleported to the clearing they had met just days prior. Ready to start and end this fight.

The human world seemed empty without Alastor in it. Lucifer had grown to know that as he had returned a few times in preparation for his apology. He had worked for what felt like just a few days to him, but he had known it to be weeks thanks to Charlie having sassed him just that morning about how he keeps not coming back with trinkets for her even with his constant travels between scapes. She was going through a phase, so he quickly would forgive her harshness, as he knew being a teenager was rough, especially when said teenager had to witness the things that she had, and live where she lived.

This time he had made sure to collect some flowers for her as he had made his way to a familiar swamp, ready to put the final touches on one of the biggest parts of his apology. A body forgotten, left to rot. Lucifer found him again, and amazingly he had not decayed anymore than he could remember. Slowly, ever so carefully, the devil picked up the vessel, taking his time to make sure it did not crumble thanks to the sudden movement. Then he carried it out from the mud, and onto the shoreline. The hard part was just beginning, but it would be worth it to give Alastor some peace of mind. Further, to give the ever aging Rosa some as well.

He carried on, ready to give Alastor a peaceful place to rest as he lived with him for the rest of eternity. Or so he would hope that’s how their fairytale would end.

Lord Boggart was standing amongst one of his many construction sites, watching as his servants and workers threw together one of his biggest oil rigs to date, as they had just found a huge pocket of resources down below. Using his form of echolocation had made the task child's play, so all they had to do was dig the beginnings of the hole and set up the machinery.

Alastor had stopped far away from the overlord, readying himself to make the first and hopefully final strike on the man’s life. He watched him through the scope for a while, watching as his orange eyes scanned his worksite, and his deep voice even booming all the way into the wilderness. Al took aim for his heart, knowing full well that it would be the most reliable target. Some sinners wouldn’t have every organ, but everyone had some version of a heart. Holding his breath, he got ready to pull the trigger. Then suddenly the gun was shifted to the side, almost being knocked from his hands. Alastor growled, an angered whisper directed towards Sir, “What in blue blazes are you doing? I had the shot!”

“One of my eggies!” The snake pointed towards the clearing, panicking.

Al’s attention shifted, looking to where Sir had indicated. The small egg henchman was indeed waddling up to the overlord, looking as though he was trying to punch the creature. Exasperated, Al shot to his feet, throwing the rifle at the other sinner before he hurried out to collect the dumb yolk-man. Once he reached him he had been noticed quite easily, as the egg boy had made a ruckus trying to fight the, “Big bad man!”

Al pulled the boy to his chest, shutting him up with his hand as he looked up at the overlord, glad that he couldn’t stop smiling, as it helped hide his frustration well enough, “Sorry to intrude again, my lord. One of the henchmen survived the crash, and I decided to keep it as a pet. I haven’t had the chance to train him quite yet, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.”

“Yes… I am surprised… you have stayed in town all week… been smelling you… little fawn…” The creator towered over him, nearly making the deer shrink as his ears pulled back.

“Yes, well, like I said before. I like to know who I’m working with, and how their business operates. Your business takes time to learn. Has an awful lot of ins and outs.” Al lied through his teeth, the egg fighting his grip more as the overlord got closer to them.

He held out his large clawed hand, voice piercing into Alastor’s form with ease, “Give it… I told you I wanted no messes…”

The deer opened his mouth to argue, but as he had a shot rang out in the air, making him try to jump back, panic filling his body entirely. But, as he tried to get away, he was grabbed, pulled up against Bog’s body, black blood oozing onto his clothes and face as he was crushed by the overlord’s powerful grip. He barely was able to breathe, eyes glazing over as he felt bones break, and a terrible popping and pooling in his guts. If all of his organs survived without puncturing he would be surprised. Still, knowing that part of his deal with Sir was to protect his assets; he hurriedly threw the egg into the grass, knowing it had a better chance of taking the fall than taking the rage of a just shot lord Boggart.

The workers had fled, none sticking around to see what happened, which left Alastor in this deadly tango with Bog alone. He tried to focus despite internal blood loss, tried breathing as he realized that the lord had only a flesh wound. Sir had missed everything important, and he had no more bullets, as they were all within Alastor’s pocket.

The sinner was hefted over the overlord’s head, crushing grip only seeming to get tighter as he was hoisted. He could feel his consciousness going in and out, and struggling became impossible as it only made his ribs shift in terrible ways beneath ever bruising flesh. “You are hunting us… just when we thought… you were satisfied…”

“I’m never satisfied.” Alastor breathed out, smirking at the injured creature, “I have a job to finish, and you’re it… Now, won’t you let me down so that I can kill you and go home? I tire of this game.”

Bog roared with anger, doing as he was asked, slamming Alastor’s body onto the hard ground, then stepping upon his form hard. The deer writhed in pain, choking out as he tried to think of a way out of this. He had to run, regroup, and think of a better plan. He had to get out of here before he was the next to die. He had to-

“You! Release my friend this instant!” Oh God, the calvary was here, and man was he chivalrous as he hid behind Alastor’s shadow, shaking a warning fist at the overlord as he approached.

Finally the large foot had stopped stepping upon Alastor’s stomach, and instead he walked forward to meet the sinner half way, teeth bared at the rifle that Sir had pointed at him, not knowing that it had been emptied. Alastor knew well enough, so he did what he could to collect himself, to try and end the conflict before his partner could be harmed. He had to act fast.

“You will face my wrath for destroying my ship, for hurting me and my new friend, and for being a total piece of shi-”

Then the blade of Alastor’s cane stuck up through Bog's chest, piercing his demonic heart, and causing a gush of blackened blood to cover Sir's face in the middle of his passionate rant. The big creature tried to rip the spike from his flesh, but it only made things worse. The more he moved, the more blood sprayed, and the worse the bloodbath on the snake became.

Then the demon fell, Alastor standing over him, clutching his stomach with his free hand as he whipped his cane to the side, splattering the leftover tissue onto the ground with a growl of disgust, “That takes care of that…” Though he didn’t trust it, and had plunged the blade into him a few more times to ensure the demon had died.

Sir Pentious started to complain about Al ruining his dialog, but then the overlord fell to his knees, his own red blood pooling beneath as he grew pale and nearly fell forward if it weren’t for his shadow holding him upright. He was unconscious before Sir had time to react. His stomach twisted and turned terribly as he was carried away.

Chapter 18: Lover's Revival


Alastor finds out things about himself he could have never had imagined, and receives great loss as well as great rewards.


Hello my lovely readers! This chapter is one of the best in my opinion! So much lore and good meals for you to enjoy 😉
PanPanPanda_Express - egg boys have no brain, just scrambled eggs
Mephilver - Hello dear! I am doing much better today! Thank you so much for the worry! Sir both found and dug portions of the hole, as he is quite industrious and needed the extra space. This chapter will answer everything else you've posed my friend ♡
Queen_of_Plot_Twists - This chapter will answer a lot of things for sure ✨️
Livelovelaughapps - thank you for reading it!
TheRoseBanshee - Al definitely needs more friendships with less benefits haha
Mikokatt - he eats whoever he pleases hehe
Orphaccnt - wouldn't Lucifer be the wizard of Oz?
Arianna - I am feeling much better today, thank you! I think you'll love this one hun ;3
SleepyLurks - who indeed? Thank you so much for being my favorite, I look forward to your reactions everytimeeee
Iconsumethings - yay violence:3

Chapter Text

It was an odd feeling, breathing deeply, sharp pain shooting throughout his body. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. He felt like he was being pinned down, like he was being eaten all over again. Eyes snapped open, darting around, he tried to see who had been eating him. The shadows above were at first so hard to make sense of, but then he realized it was Vince and Lucifer, and he was alive once again. He tried to scream, but a hand shot up to cover his mouth, the king’s claws digging into the flesh of his cheeks. He again tried to fight, tried to ask why, tried to move, but it was all in vain. He was stuck being eaten by those he thought had somewhat loved him. Betrayed, and flayed. Feasted upon. Used. Then, as cold filled his veins, he felt something much warmer spread across his opened cavity, like a warm blanket over his desecated form.

Then, finally, he woke up.

His eyes shot open, the sounds of metal hitting tile bringing him to reality, like it had washed over him like a cold bucket of water. His gaze shot around, breath shallow, the shadows above making a huge wave of panic settle over him. He thought the dream was real, he thought he was being punished for his sins, and he thought he was about to meet limbo and die all over again.

“He’s waking up.” A deep voice he hardly recognized spoke, “Push more meds, I doubt any of this feels pleasant.”

“Yes, doctor.” A woman hummed as suddenly another easing warmth had spread throughout his body.

Alastor knew now that he was being operated on. Dr. Holmes had him strapped to an operating table, and he was being sewn back together. The green thread the doctor used had caught the deer’s dazed eyes, and he watched as the needle moved in and out of his flesh, merely putting a temporary fix on what still felt like a bigger problem. The gauze that wrapped around his abdomen was terribly tight, but he supposed it would be the only support he would get to keep his organs in place. He looked like a rag doll underneath, though the stitches did disappear, likely hiding until they dissolved. A technique Al promised to teach himself one day when, inevitably; he would have to kill this particular target.

“I hope you can talk, we have a lot to discuss.” The doctor stepped back, looking pleased with his hack job, pulling off his gloves with a huge boosted sense of pride on his features, four hands clapping together in unison as the nurses pulled his surgical apron off of his nearly white coat.

Al tried to pull himself up, but he was still strapped down, so instead he craned his neck to look towards the other overlord, “What do we have to discuss exactly? My bill?”

“No, I’ll just charge your patron for that.” The man waved his nurses away, making sure that they were all alone, “I just have some medical information I have to share with you before I can let you leave. Normal doctoring stuff, I’m sure you understand. You haven’t been dead all that long.”

“True. Fine, lay it on me. What kinda mess did I get myself into this time? Ruptured something I’m guessing?” Alastor was defensive, sassy to a point, as he never liked doctors.

“Lots of somethings.” The doctor pulled an x-ray from the wall, looking it over as though he wasn’t just elbow deep in the deer’s guts moments before, “But, that isn’t exactly what I was getting at. You’re broken, all over, yes. Medically, I’d say you’re f*cked. Luckily, you’re a strong lad, so I’m certain you’ll pull through. Though, with the things I had to take out of you, yesh!” He waved the fancy transparency towards the sinner, “I didn’t think I would see the day I would have to remove a fetus from another demon’s body, but here we are!”

“Excuse me, a what now?” Alastor squinted at him, trying to decide if he was crazy from the surgery, or if he was actually still dreaming.

The doctor stood dumbfounded momentarily, like he hadn’t been expecting to be interrupted like he had been, “What? It was very dead. Deader than you. That’s saying a lot!”

“Just repeat yourself, I feel like I didn’t hear you correctly.” Alastor gritted his teeth, not liking the show he was getting, “I would like accurate information please, and thank you.” He practically spat at the other sinner.

Holmes tapped his two lower sets of fingers together, his upper hands still gripping the x-ray, again he looked at it, and again he spoke so casually, “The fetus. I removed the dead tissue so that you would not get necrotic. Going into shock would be of no use to either of us, professionally speaking.”

“I’m a male.” Alastor spoke slowly, assuming now that he had removed something of great importance from his body, “There would be no fetus. What did you take out of me?”

The doctor tilted his head, looking dumbfounded for the longest time. Then, finally, he walked over to Alastor, pointing at his stomach, speaking slowly as well, copying his act, “In there, you had a baby. It is now in my trashcan. I charged a lot for that. You’re welcome.”

“How is that possible?” Alastor muttered, looking between the doctor and the trash can, feeling like his perception was shattering.

“Well, when a sinner dies with a devil’s deal, or a curse of a succubi, they can go into heats that can lead to pregnancy. It’s pretty simple, although extremely rare. Usually the child doesn't survive, especially seeing as a sinner like you cannot even take care of your own flesh, let alone the combined need of two beings. I mean, look at you. You’re all bones. Though, this spawn was likely killed thanks to whatever crushed you. Of course, I would not be able to a hundred percent say for sure… go get hurt again, maybe I can test some theories?” The doctor looked eager to have more reasons to open Alastor up, and man did it make the deer want to hide from him.

They sat in silence for a moment before Alastor finally requested that he be allowed to at least sit up. The doctor obliged, loosening the belts that strapped his arms to the table before he simply walked to sit behind his big metal desk, looking extremely pleased with himself once again, “As your brilliant doctor, I would love for you to come again if you do find yourself pregnant once more. I would love to monitor it. It’s not everyday a demon carries a child, and it would be great medical history if it came to term!”

“I am not going out of my way to see you again.” Alastor told the man honestly, sitting up with a hiss of pain as he looked around for something to cover his decency.

The doctor held up his clothes from where he sat, seeming to be toying with him, “Sure, that’s what they all say. Now, come fetch.”

“I’m not a dog.” Al replied as he stood, knees nearly buckling beneath his weight.

“Sure, but a deer needs stable legs, or else we make glue out of your hooves.” Holmes hummed.

“That’s horses.” Al sighed, finally reaching his clothes, tugging them on with a serious expression crossing his face, “I hate you already, I hope you know that.”

“What a pleasure to have you here too. So glad I saved your sorry existence for so much gain!” The man laughed, sitting back in his chair, “Now, unless you want to make this a regular thing, I suggest you make your hobby bedrest for the next few days. Maybe even a few weeks if you are able. Don’t want anything falling out of your lovely stitches, do we?”

“No… I suppose we don’t…” Al rolled his eyes, but he took the advice to heart.

“Also, once your meds wear off, you’ll be in agony, so I don’t think you’ll want to do much anyways!” The sinner laughed, enjoying the thought a little too much, “So, bye bye, enjoy your new scars!”

Alastor growled, baring his fangs at the man before he turned and walked out into the lobby. The information he had received still swirled in his mind, and an empty feeling twisted his guts all around. Although, he was sure that it was also from the surgery. Surely. He didn’t need a child in all of this madness. Not when he had things to do, and goals to achieve. He didn’t know he could get pregnant, and he decided he was going to act as though he had never found out. This didn’t happen. He was simply crushed nearly to death. That was all.

“Sir!” A familiar lisp caught the deer’s attention, his ears shooting up as he watched his companion stand up fast and slither over to him, eyes big with worry, arms full of egg boys, “You lived! Oh, great Alastor! Such a survivor!”

Al smiled at him, well he always smiled, but he managed to make it look more energetic than he felt, “Of course. You can’t get rid of the radio demon that easily, my fine fellow. Vive le cerf, and all of that nonsense.”

Sir tilted his head, not having any idea what he had said, “Certainly? Yes, well, now that our common enemy is dead I purpose we-”

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but if I don’t go home I have a very real chance of seeing my organs spill out of my body. So, if you don’t mind…” Alastor walked past him and towards the door, the pain was already starting to reach his legs, so it would be only a matter of time before everything would ache.

The snake took the hint, hurrying to catch up to his master, and his eggs rushing to keep up with both of them. Alastor’s shadow, oddly enough, was not present, so he had to walk home. So, to fill the time; he played one of his favorite jazz pieces to distract himself. Sir had caught up now, and had kept pace by his side, “Were you given any instructions for care? I will give myself the rank of head carer, so that you don’t have to take care of yourself as you heal! I am at your service.”

“Lovely…” Alastor felt a bit too frazzled to think straight, just hoping that he would make it, “I was told to rest. So… I am going to rest.”

“Rest. That doesn’t seem to fit your whole…” Sir gestured towards Alastor, as though that filled in the sentence.

“Pardon?” Al tilted his head at the snake, “Do I need to kill you too, or are you going to behave?”

“I’m sorry!” Sir cried out, already shielding himself, “I didn’t mean it like… I just think you like to get things done. Resting does not seem to be your strong suit.”

“I can do anything I put my mind to.” Alastor reassured both of them, though on the inside his thoughts began to swirl.

If he could do anything, then why would the child die? Obviously he had overestimated himself. He was not capable of everything. He had failed them. He had failed their father, whoever it had been. He nearly lost the ability to walk, the dread consuming him; but a helpful arm kept him upright, and they walked with their elbows locked together the rest of the way to Alastor’s apartment building.

Once inside Alastor was confused, finding his abode to be much more tidy than it had been before. He wasn’t left wondering for long, as Niffty rushed over, hugging onto his legs happily, “Hey! Welcome home! Stop leaving me all alone! It’s rude!”

“So sorry, dear, I had a job to do.” Alastor’s smile began to grow soft, though then it was jagged once more, “I need to lay down, please.”

She released him, hands up in the air as she backed away from him. He nodded towards her, then he went and almost threw himself onto the bed, though he regretted the motion, everything jostling the stitches pretty badly. With a sharp breath, he turned himself over, glaring at the ceiling, “I wish I had died.”

“Sir!” Both of his friends called to him, rushing over to him as he held in tears.

“Oh, please God!” He reached up with theatrics, “Smite me! Kill me where I lay, for I am unworthy!”

Sir had never seen this side of Alastor before, so his worry only grew. Niffty, on the other hand; only smiled, loving that Alastor was trying to be goofy despite how terrible he had looked, “If you keep asking for it, he’ll just never give you what you want. You gotta play hard to get, dummy!”

“Ah, yes! Of course!” Al cried out, acting as though he had reached enlightenment with her words, “If I ignore God, he’ll just have to notice me! What a genius, Nif, my darling!”

Sir Pentious was completely lost, but he did manage to find some humor in the situation. He sat on the foot of the bed, letting his eggies play on the floor as he watched the little show. Niffty climbed up too, laying with Alastor, making him feel better; even as his medicine had begun to completely wear off. His voice cracked a little as he spoke, suddenly his accent dropping entirely, the act over for a short time, “That smarts… f*ck’n hurts like a bitch…”

“What happened?” Niffty asked, keeping her eye on him as he spoke.

“Noth’n to worry your sweet head about, darl’n. Just a big bad boy need’n a lesson. Ya know how it goes.” Alastor sighed, petting her hair meekly.

She nodded, wanting to pry, but knowing she shouldn’t. She would never put Alastor in a position that would endanger him. She knew his business was his own. So, she simply curled up next to him, her voice small, “Will you still be able to go to dinner with your fiance after all of this?”

“What?” Alator glanced down at his little friend.

“Lu, your fiance?” Niffty asked again, like it was obvious, “He said you two were going out to dinner tonight.”

“No, the f*ck I am not.” He replied, dumbfounded.


“When did he…”

“Today, he came by, but you weren’t home.” Niff told the confused sinner, still very bewildered, “Oh, no, was it a surprise?”

A million thoughts ran through the sinner’s mind. He couldn’t believe the audacity of the king to show up unannounced, and try to invite him to dinner of all things after leaving his life for what felt like for good. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the concept of a man leaving when he was told to either stay or leave, then coming back like he hadn’t made the choice. He just couldn’t believe-

Suddenly long arms wrapped around Alastor’s other side, an even longer tail tucked up against his legs, body against his own, copying Niffty’s pose entirely, “So, who’s Lu? A lovely lady I assume?” The snake desperately wanted to be included into the conversation, and he had assumed his only key would be to casually copy Alastor’s other friend.

“I…” Alastor was completely taken aback by the display, so he had a very hard time coming up with an actual explanation.

“Alastor’s gay!” Niff told the snake, unashamed of her phrasing, “So Lu is a guy! A pretty guy!”

“Oh, apologies.” Sir nodded, trying to fix his mistake, “A very lovely man, I assume?”

Alastor chuckled a little, which only made his stomach hurt, his eyes watering, “I don’t know what I am going to do with either of you.”

“Did I say it wrong again?” The snake asked, looking even more confused.

“Not exactly… We’re not… we haven’t really…” Alastor was getting his words crossed, “I haven’t really been with him for a long time. We had a bit of a fling after I had died, but nothing more. I honestly thought that we had broken up. So him saying that he wished to take me to dinner is news to me.”

Both of his friends looked at him with surprise, Sir beginning to seem concerned, “So… is he unkind to you?”

“What he did felt rather unkind. Unthoughtful… stupid.” Alastor rolled his eyes.

“Boys are stupid.” Niff told the man, sitting up to look down at him, “But… sometimes the stupid ones are the best.”

Al took that to heart, his face reddened as he let his eyes slip closed, “Perhaps… I could at least hear him out. Though, I am in no condition for a grand dinner.”

“Then tell him that!” Sir pulled himself up onto his elbows, “Tell him how you feel!”

“If I do that he might just leave again.” Alastor replied, remembering the last conversation that they had, “Though, I suppose I did tell him to leave.”

Both of his friends looked at one another, then back at him, sparkles in their eyes, like they were solving some great romantic mystery, both saying, “Be honest with him!”

Al couldn’t help but let out a short laugh again, but then he sighed, trying to relax, “If I survive this… I will tell him that I am sorry for my… reaction before. Then, I will give him a chance to apologize, just like I assume he had set out to do. It is only fair.”

“Damn right!” Niff basically cheered, bouncing on her heel a little, which made Alastor wince where he laid.

He would give the king a chance to really say he was sorry. He would hear him out. He would go to dinner with him, body willing, and he would surely see if their love had survived his death. Love, huh, that was a strong word. His fingers tapped together nervously.

A few days of rest were excruciating, and felt totally pointless. Alastor’s legs itched to move, his brain feeling dull, and his music replaying his mother’s favorite song over and over just in a vain attempt to calm his nerves. Nothing worked, and waiting for Lucifer to come back had felt like torture for the deer. About half a week down, but it felt like eternity. He had wondered if the king would make him wait another seven years. He had even sent word to Husker with his shadow, a note detailing that he had hurt himself and that he would be home for the time being. It just instructed him to keep their businesses stable until he could reemerge, and had even told him to take good care of himself until he had come back.

When his shadow had finally returned, it had lazed around most of the day. It seemed less responsive to him in his weakened state, though it did still care for him. Although, sometimes it felt like a bratty teenager rather than an all powerful shadow form. He swore he had even seen it roll it’s eyes at him a few times as he demanded a glass of water, or to be helped up to go to the bathroom. It was like living with a sassy and unwilling roommate on occasion. Just what Alastor needed on these difficult days.

Just as he was again helped to his hooves by a begrudging caretaker, the door suddenly began to creak open. He looked over, expecting to see Niffty had come back from her job, but instead, a certain small king had peaked inside, eyes darting around until they rested on Alastor’s form. They both stared at one another for the longest time. Al knew it was partially thanks to the fact that he looked extremely unkempt, his hair a mess on his head, and his shirt covered in blood and other abstract liquids from his healing process. Then, as the initial shock had time to wear off, Lucifer naturally pointed a finger gun at the ailing demon, trying to act cool it seemed, “Hey bitch! Long time no see!”

“Get your ass in here before my neighbors see you.” Alastor grumbled, trying to remain as calm as possible, even with the red hue that stained his cheeks.

The devil hurried inside once he had actually been somewhat invited. Awkwardly, he scratched the back of his head, messing up his hair a bit as he spoke, “Sorry it took me so long to come back, I was super busy and I-”

Alastor raised an eyebrow as the man began to raddle off excuses momentarily. Then, once he had finished, he began to fish something out of his pants pocket. Al briefly wondered what had taken him so long, and had only felt more confused when the king produced a tiny unassuming toy duck from within. He tilted his head at him, ears tilted back, “Is that a rubber duck? That’s what made you leave for weeks?”

“Weeks?” Lucifer replied, looking surprised, then he shook his head, “Wait- no, no it wasn’t just this. I did make this, and it did take a bit of time, but… here!” He proudly walked over, holding it up to Alastor’s face, squeaking it at him, “I made him look like you!” He cooed.

“How… flattering…” Alastor took it from him, pathetically squeaking it back, “Thank you…”

Lucifer could tell he wasn’t all that thrilled with the gift, but he knew that he had much more in store. So, holding out his arms with a jovial laugh, one that tried but failed to hide the extremely obvious social anxiety that was rising to the surface; he spoke, “Now, for a fan-f*cking-tastical date to a big luxurious restaurant!”

“I can’t.” Alastor simply told him, placing the duck on his nightstand before he weakly began to walk towards the bathroom, “I am… currently in no state to leave my home.”

“Wait…” Lucifer watched him waddle away, eyes wide as the gears turned in his mind, “Wait, oh my goodness, are you okay? I didn’t even notice- sh*t- I’m such an idiot!”

“Your words, not mine.” Alastor sighed, starting to open the door and go inside like he had planned when he had bothered to stand up, “I’m fine, all things considered.”

“Fine isn’t great!” The king pressed his face to the bathroom door, speaking through it as Alastor finished his business, “I can’t believe that every time I leave you alone you end up hurting yourself! I’m going to have to put a collar on you at this rate!”

Al decided to ignore that comment, straining to stand from the toilet, and washing his hands as he leaned his weight against the countertop. Then, as he stood, he spared a glance into the mirror, appalled by his own appearance. He knew there was little to be done about it, but he had never looked so terrible in front of Lucifer. He briefly wondered if he was making his grief too obvious. He wondered if those around him could see right through him. Could tell the loss he had just experienced.

No, of course not. He shook his head, deciding quickly that he was getting too deep into thoughts that would do nothing but make him panic. He had already shrunk a little, and it took a moment for him to return to size, glad the magical stitches seemed to follow his stature naturally. Breathing out, he turned towards the door, opening it to find Lucifer sitting on his backside, facing it with big eyes, “You should have told me that you were in trouble.”

“I couldn’t have. I don’t have any way of reaching you.” Alastor reminded him, bypassing his form to go back to bed.

Once he had laid back down, and covered himself up with his overly plush blankets; Lucifer had jumped up, beginning to pace, “So, taking you out is out of the question… Luckily, I knew it would be hard to drag you outside, so I had a plan B just in case!”

“A plan B?” Alastor echoed before he suddenly heard a loud ruckus in his kitchen.

Nearly shooting up, he looked towards the little kitchenette, finding it full of blonde headed devils, all pulling out cookware and summoning food from nowhere. He could not believe his eyes, having not seen this power quite yet, “There’s more than one of you? Great, I’m doomed!” Dramatically he laid back, trying not to watch the chaos, as it only made his head spin, “You had better do the dishes after. I am in no mood to try and do them myself, salope stupide…”

“There’s that French we all missed!” The clones sang in unison, all smiles, all buzzing around as the stove was lit, and meats began to be cut.

Alastor felt like he was in one of those children’s movies, with the singing and dancing animals; which totally did not make him want to curl up and die. He tried to loosen up, but it was hard with how much his insides burned. He tried closing his eyes, trying very hard to just ignore the world around him until the time came that he would be required to join the madness, but soon some of the clones had come to him, making him sit up again, brushing his nearly matted hair, and helping him into a clean shirt, concerned faces on full display when his wounds were exposed for that short moment in between. This was the most care he had gotten all morning, seeing as his shadow was still sulking in the corner; so he gave up and partially embraced the attention. He had always loved being spoiled, and he had forgotten that Lucifer had done it best. He was soon offered a pair of trousers, and begrudgingly he took them, sliding them on carefully so that they would not hurt his incisions, not fastening the top button of the three so that he could breathe a bit easier. He certainly looked a lot more put together now, which made him feel relieved in a way.

When he was alive he would never be caught wearing anything but his Sunday best, but as he was no longer alive, he often felt like he was a totally different person, with extremely different morals and needs. Deep down, however, he was still Alastor, despite everything. Lucifer was one of the only beings in the whole underworld who knew of that fact. Well, other than Niffty, who would never treat Al any different even if he had demanded it.

He snapped back to reality as he was led to the small dinner table, a cushion placed on the seat so he wouldn’t have to sit on the wood, he sank down, letting out a harsh breath as the pressure in his stomach made his head spin. It all still hurt terribly, but he tried to put on a brave face, not wanting to ruin the mood with his handicap. He couldn’t help but rub around the wound, though the motion made him bitter. He again thought back to what could have been.

“Dinner is served!” All clones sang brightly, causing Al to almost jump out of his chair as a large pot was nearly thrown onto the table.

The deer looked between all of the eyes before that were on him, then he lifted the lid, the smell of burnt home cooked meal having filled his senses. At first he opened his mouth to complain, but then he realized what he was looking at, “You made jambalaya?”

“Yes, a sweet little lady told me it was your favorite.” Lucifer replied as his clones all began to rejoin into his singular form, melting into him as he spoke, “So… to remember you by, she taught me how to make it. Says my cooking is sh*t, but she was glad to cook it one more time.”

Alastor’s stomach flipped, a wave of sadness washing over him as he soberly stirred the pot with the ladle. He wondered if he would ever see his mother again. Numbly, he doubted it. He wasn’t worthy of her presence anymore. Hell, he had never been. She surely would go to Heaven the day that she died. But, this meal was the closest he would ever be to seeing her again. Like a gift from both her, and his lover. He blushed, scooping a serving for himself into the bowl, he sat back, looking at Lucifer with large doe-like eyes, “Are you going to sit, or am I the entertainment tonight?” He tried to sound sassy, but all edge had escaped his voice.

“Oh, sorry! I just… I forgot how lovely you can look when you’re startled.” Lucifer blushed darkly, hurrying to sit in his own chair and serve himself a heaping bowl of the spicy meal.

Alastor watched him momentarily before he returned his attention to his own supper. Slowly he scooped the steaming meat into his spoon, bringing it to his lips, he blew on it before he took a bite. It tasted off, the shrimp rubbery, the rice hard, and a little less spice than he was accustomed. But, surprisingly, it was his mother’s recipe, through and through. Lucifer had gone out of his way to learn it just for him. Further, he had bothered to make it, and share it with the sinner. Alastor’s heart swelled, and he couldn’t help but eat more than he had managed in days. He hardly was able to ingest toast that morning, but this meal went down so smoothly despite the flaws. Because it was made from the heart, and it was made just for him.

Lucifer looked pleased that his meal was a smash hit, and even though he did not like spice in his meals, he also dined with a pleased hum. He did not interrupt his pet until Alastor began to slow down, sitting back again, and again rubbing his stomach with a soft sigh. That’s when the devil took his chance with the rest of his apology, “So, as my daughter would say, everything needs to start with sorry. I’m sorry. I am not the best with these types of things. I am not the most delicate and thoughtful man in the world. If I didn’t have an assistant I wouldn’t remember holidays, or birthdays, and seeing as our… relationship… has been private, I had not been able to tell someone to help me keep up with you. I’m sorry that I’m a dense, stupid man. So, to put you more at ease, I am going to make some changes to make sure you’ll never want to throw me out of your life ever again. Okay?”

Al gave him his full attention, ears standing upright as he listened to him babble, “Charlotte sounds like she grew into a smart young woman…”

“She has.” Lucifer’s smile grew warm as he thought about her, “She used to ask about you, ya know? When we returned to Hell. She wanted to see you for such a long time. But my wife… she kept giving me more and more to do. To keep me busy, I suppose.”

Alastor leaned forward on his hand, using it to brace himself to the tabletop, resting on it, “I see… Are you trying to say it’s all her fault?”

“No… actually I need to take responsibility.” He sighed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, “I’m sorry. I should have paid better attention. I have lived a long time, but I know that time can be a fickle thing to humans. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you when you died. I’m sorry you died… so… I found your… body.”

“You did what now?” Alastor couldn’t believe what he had just heard, “How? Why?”

“Well, at first I found it when I was looking for you…” Lucifer muttered, looking like a puppy who just got scolded, “Then I found you again when I left your apartment. I decided to lay you to rest. I know humans love that sh*t. So I dug you a nice hole close to your mother’s house, and I buried you with my father’s favorite prayer.” He shifted in his seat, tail swaying, “I told your mother where to find you, so that she could visit everyday. I know how close you two are.”

Alastor’s face turned red, eyes filling with tears as he listened to Lucifer’s story. He did not care about being buried, Hell, he had forgotten about that part of death years ago. But, something about the sentimentality made his mind fog up with grief and appreciation. The king sprung up, rushing over to hug his lover, burying his face into his hair as he cooed to him, “Sorry, I thought it would help you feel better, sh*t- I’m bad at this, aren’t I?”

“N-no, you’re wonderful…” Alastor’s voice croaked, his arms wrapping around Lucifer’s hips, face buried into his stomach as he began to sob.

Everything crashed down on him all at once. The loss, the surgery, the pain, and now the love; it was overstimulating. Wonderful, but sickening. He wished so desperately that he would be able to turn back time, and have the child survive. He wished so hard to give Lucifer something wonderful. Then, he remembered that all the king had wanted was him, and so, he pulled himself together, looking up despite how badly he wanted to hide his tears, looking the devil in the eyes, “You’re forgiven.”

“I am?” The king looked surprised, eyes wide, “But that wasn’t all that I did!”

“Whatever else you managed to do for me is of no consequence. I have already forgiven you.” Al sighed shakily, ears tilting back as his tail fluttered.

“But, that one was my favorite! I found your manuscript, and I sent it to your publisher! The world will get to read your last book!” Lucifer sang, looking mighty pleased with himself.

That’s when the happiness came crashing down, suddenly Lucifer had been pushed to the ground, Alastor standing over him, fists balled up, energy surging with rage, “You did what?”

“Woah, woah, woah! I thought I was forgiven!” The king crawled back a bit, shock filling his features as Alastor stomped over to him.

“I wasn’t finished with that book! It wasn’t ready to be read! What good will it do for my readers if they get to an incomplete ending! That’s how they’ll remember me, an author who couldn’t even finish the last chapter of his work!” Alastor’s mind reeled, his mind spiraling.

Lucifer opened his mouth to reply, but as he had, Alastor fell forward, landing right on top of him. The devil nearly lost it, thinking that the shock had somehow killed his love, but then he realized that his blood pressure must’ve dropped, as moments later his eyes fluttered open once more.

Al at first tried to pull away, but Lucifer just held him to his chest, making sure he wouldn’t be able to hurt himself again, “Look, I’m sorry. I told you I’m stupid! I thought that you’d want your last words out there, to be read like intended! I didn’t think the ending was all that unfinished, and man was the book great! I read it like fifty times before sending it out!”

“Y-you did?” Alastor looked up at him, tears still stinging his eyes, face pale.

“Of course. I’m so excited to get a hardcopy. Then we can get you writing here too. I’ll make sure your name is as known as you want. You don’t have to be ashamed of your work down here. There’s no church to punish you for being yourself, or for desiring what you do.” Lucifer smiled a little, leaning forward, “Just… I hope you still accept my apology.”

After a long moment, the deer smiled wide, kissing the devil like he had wanted. For the first time in what felt like forever, they felt the spark that connected them, and as their lips parted, they both laughed lightheartedly. Their faces blushed, and their moods uplifted before their lips melted together again. Lucifer laid back with Alastor on top, hands on his hips for stability as they kissed. Al purred, dizzy, but happy. He loved him so much. He never wanted to let go again. He wanted to give him the world. He wanted to make sure that he would never yell at him again. He wanted to give him the child who could have been. He wanted to be-

“Alastor, are ya okay? I just got your letter and…” He froze, eyes big, “What the f*ck? Alastor what is the f*cking king of Hell doing in your kitchen?” Husk’s deep voice bounced around Alastor’s head, making him spring up, looking up at him with wide eyes, caught in headlights type of look across his face.

Lucifer’s face was mighty pleased despite the intrusion, arms casually up and behind the back of his head as he lounged. Alastor stuck his tongue out at the king before he got up weakly, walking over to Husk, “I have a lot to tell you, and not a lot of ways to say it… So, you remember my, uh… fiance?”

“Oh, that weirdo who Mimzy thought ya was gonna marry? She got all kinds of sour about that.” Husk was still staring at Lucifer.

“Well, he’s Lucifer, and while we are not getting married-”

“Yet.” Lucifer chuckled.

“As I was saying, while we are not getting married, we are sort of… an item…” Alastor tried to put it delicately.

“Wait, so you’re f*cking the king of Hell?” Husk’s eyebrows quirked up with surprise, not seeming jealous in the slightest.

“Indeed…” Alastor confirmed with an exasperated sigh, not enjoying the wording in the least.

Then after a moment of silence, Husk hefted the typewriter he had brought with him to put it on the table, his eyes kept darting between the two before he let out a long hard sigh, “So do I have to beat his ass since ya got hurt again… or?”

“Oh, no, this one was on me again.” Alastor assured him, waving dismissively, looking at the machine, “I thought you were quite attached to that? Why is it painted gold now?”

“Well, see ya other pet, thanks for letting me know you own another soul by the way; came by and helped me tune it up for ya. He luckily came right before I got your letter, because that would’ve made me think ya were dying.” The cat hissed a little as he explained, “Now it types like a dream, and we gotcha paper. You said you were the best writer on Earth right?”

“Nope, never said that.” Al smirked at his pet.

“Well, time to prove it.” Husk finished like Alastor hadn’t said a word.

“That’s a f*cking fantastic idea!” Lucifer jumped to his feet, practically bouncing with excitement, “Then we can publish it here in Hell, like I was saying earlier!”

Alastor suddenly felt a lot of pressure on his shoulders, but with a faint chuckle, he nodded, speaking with an air of confidence, “Fine, I’ll write you both a story you won’t be able to put down. But… first… I think my stitches are leaking, so…”

“Oh, sh*t-” Lucifer hurried over, scooping Alastor into his arms, “Baby, you should have reminded me that you’re hurt! I can’t have you dying on me again!”

Husk couldn’t help but laugh at the display, shaking his head he turned to leave, “I’ll see ya later when ya feel a bit better.”

Lucifer’s tail then suddenly grabbed Husker’s holding him in place, speaking towards him with a more calm tone, “Hey, kitty-cat?”

“Don’t call me that, please.” Husk glared back at the king.

“Whenever I need to leave, you are to watch Alastor. As you know he is great at getting hurt. Consider it a royal decree or something.” The king told him, trying to straighten his back so he looked more official, “So… take good care of him whenever I am gone. Got it?”

“Got it.” Husk nodded, smiling a little.

That much was something they could agree on. An understanding between common sinner and the king. They both would look out for Alastor together. Whether he wanted them to or not. Alastor’s job would only get more difficult from then on, as his mistress did not seem to be the one who would want the king in her business. As he thought about it, he happened to look over, the shadow looking strangely invested in their conversation. He squinted at it, and it looked away, trying to act casual. How odd, but that thing had been acting strange since he had been hurt. Something he would surely ask Lucifer about after they got settled in.

Lucifer released his tail’s grip, letting Husker walk out the door. Once it had closed, he looked down at his lover, smiling at him, hugging him close as he carried him towards the bed, “What am I going to do with you?”

“I guess you’ll just have to learn to tolerate me.” Alastor hummed, his smile growing wide.

“That’ll be so hard…” The devil chuckled, pressing chaste kisses to the demon’s face, then to his lips a few times as he laid him down, “If you weren’t torn up, I would have gladly torn you up myself.”

“Sounds like a plan for later.” Alastor felt his face flush red, as he deeply craved his king’s attention, missing it more than most things, “Of course, we will have to be patient. My body isn’t happy at the moment.”

“Of course.” Lucifer climbed to lay next to him, pulling the deer into his body, holding him so close, “I’m glad…”

“About my pain?” Alastor chuckled.

“What-” Lucifer stiffened, “No! I mean… I’m glad that I ended up seeking you out on Earth. I’m also glad that I picked up your book… I’m glad that my wife and I got in that fight that made me bum around human towns for a bit. I’m just so f*cking happy right now.”

“Why don’t you leave her?” Alastor asked finally, knowing it was time for such questions.

“I can’t… Charlie wouldn’t ever forgive me.” Lucifer sighed, pressing his lips to Alastor’s forehead as he thought, “Besides, I came to Hell to be with my wife… I couldn’t just… I would, but you know how it can be.”

“Complicated…” Alastor nodded, clutching onto the king now, as though he was afraid he would get up and leave again.

“Exactly…” The devil nodded, rubbing Alastor’s back with a vacant look in his eyes, “But… I do love you.”

Alastor’s ears fluttered, his face pure red, as he wanted to hear it again, he craved it, “I love you too… even if you’re such a bitch.”

“Shut up.” Lucifer rolled his eyes playfully, pressing his lips to the sinner’s forehead once again, speaking against it, eyes half lidded, “Once you’re better, I’m taking you on an actual date.”

“Okay…” Alastor agreed easily, not having the energy to fight anymore, as he was getting worn out and fast.

“Good.” Lucifer pulled the blankets up and over them, carefully unbuttoning Alastor’s shirt so that his wound would be able to breathe, “Now, rest…”

Normally it would take Alastor forever to fall asleep, but something washed over him, and quickly his eyes slipped closed. He fell asleep so easily. So willingly, Lucifer held tight to him the rest of the night.

Chapter 19: Healing


Alastor feels much better on the outside, and decides to get closer to the king to help both of them. Then he gets too close.


Thank you all for being patient with this chapter! I've had a lot happen to me over this week, my car broke down, my chimney has a hole in it, I've been interrupted more times than I care to admit while trying to work on this. But I think it was worth it, so thank you all for your support!

I have a new fanfic I'm starting on of another Alastor human AU I think you guys will enjoy :

Saturn_96 - I'm here to cause big feelings ♡♡♡
Arianna - we do love, love around here ❤️
One_Eyed_Mutt - cry you say?
Camry72 - Alastor is working on it
Orphaccnt -he's dumb, but tries to be a good man
TheRoseBanshee - I hardcore let loose with this one, so it felt right to let it get dark where it needs to. I'm a sucker for happy endings if that helps, though.
Queen_of_Plot_Twists - Alastor is the king of needing hugs even if he hates them
WayhaughtDefenseSquad - he definitely needs some sort of protection haha
xobuziness -yet I give you more big emotions
SleepyLurks - I'm just glad you commented! You always give me such a ray of hope with my writing! Thank you!
Mephilver - Hello! I am glad to hear from you! I love your long comments so no need to apologize! Thank you for reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

More time passed, and wounds healed, and love flourished. Alastor began to be able to leave his home, and he took that in stride. His radio broadcasts increased, a mixture of news and his own deeds being reported to the sinners of Hell, increasing his power as demon’s became devoted to his cause. He was nowhere as popular as Vincent’s religious ramblings, but he certainly was still making numbers. His influence grew, and so did his strength.

He had even found great pleasure in returning back to his previous hobby, writing fingers getting broken back in as the typewriter he had let him express everything he had bundled up inside, and more. A new story, a eulogy to his old life, plus a dramatic recreation of his own experiences within the underworld, but with enough fiction included to separate himself from the tale. He felt engrossed in his new writings during the night when things had settled, and Niffty had gone to bed in the closet he had converted into a bedroom for her. Lucifer had begged to read his work, but he made him wait, only letting Sir Pentious and Husk read the story, as he had found out that both had become quick fans. Where Sir was not as enthusiastic about the smut written in the story, he was a sucker for romance of any gender, so he read feverishly. He even would return the manuscript with notes jotted on them, spelling mistakes fixed, and words changed for the better with red ink. A proof reader in Hell. Something Alastor hardly had when he was alive, so he was glad he had happened to befriend such an intelligent idiot.

Husk, on the other hand; had seemed to dismiss his works entirely, acting as though they weren’t very interesting to the sinner. He would still take them to read, but never give feedback other than a thumbs up and perhaps some top shelf alcohol. Though, Alastor was sure he was just getting him drunk to get away with more. Al tended to be more permissible while intoxicated, something it seemed that everyone but the overlord knew.

Alastor rolled his eyes as he finished the last line of the night, sitting back in his chair as he let the tension in the back of his neck fade. He stood after a while, readjusting the long cotton nightshirt the king had tailored for him so that it would frame him more properly. When he felt more mobile, he walked over to the kitchen to fetch some wine, pouring it into one of the fancy glasses that Lucifer had brought from his mansion; then he went over to his bed, sitting down on the new sheets the king had also brought. He couldn’t help but spoil the deer, and man did Alastor love it. His interference had felt like the beginnings of Alastor becoming like a prince, or maybe even a king.

Giggling to himself over the idea, he drank heavily, filling his cup again and again. Once the edge of any lingering and overall unwanted feelings had numbed, he put the glass to the side, leaving them on the nightstand as he curled up and began to get comfortable. He heard his shadow beginning to clear away his mess. It still acted standoffish, but it had gotten better as Alastor had. Like a bruised ego, their kinship had healed with time. Lucifer had told the sinner that shadows tended to be like parasites. They clung to power, and when Alastor had been injured, it left little for the creature to cling to. It was actually strange that it kept coming around at all until he had started being able to use his abilities again, as the creature had no obligation to him without the fear to feed on. Lucifer had even suggested that the patron who had gifted the being to him may have been sending it back to look after him, so it was too scared to return to it’s original host. The idea fascinated the deer.

After blinking a few times, Alastor found wouldn’t sleep, as he couldn’t. He waited for the time to hit midnight, then the feeling of a tear in the air had disturbed reality, as Lucifer stepped right through, teleporting himself the moment the grandfather clock in the corner had begun to chime. Always on time these days, always with a gift, another apology. Alastor had forgiven him weeks ago, but Lucifer still persisted. Hopeless romantic, that’s what Al thought whenever he was greeted with a new trinket or gesture.

Alastor sat up slowly, smiling at his lover with excitement, eyebrows quirked up at the present in the devil’s hand. He wondered idly what he would receive that night, already plenty happy to just have the king’s attention, but still he could not help but have idle excitement at the idea of being given another luxury. The devil sat with him in the bed, pulling his boots off before he turned to give the deer the gift, delight filling the king’s features, “I saw this while I was out today, and I thought about you immediately!”

“Immediately?” Alastor echoed, taking the box in his hand, fingers pressing into the expensive wrappings, feeling how nearly velvety they were, “What in Hell would remind you of me? Don’t tell me it’s a fancy pen, or a box of condoms?” He joked idly.

“Nah, I’m too busy filling you with my cum to think about protection.” Lucifer chuckled, not knowing how important protection could actually be between the two, “Besides, with that new typewriter of your’s, I doubt you’d need a new pen. Though, I’ll try to keep that in mind for tomorrow night.”

“Oh, can’t wait.” Alastor rolled his eyes, now beginning to use one of his claws to carefully release the wrapping paper, having been saving each and every one.

Then, finally the box was released, and he was able to read it, humming with anticipation, as the words radio caught his eye. He felt like the box was a bit small for such advertising, but he still opened it, digging out the strange little machine that claimed to be a radio. Turning it in his hands, he couldn’t help but read that it was one of his favorite brands from when he was alive, a Crosley. His floor model he had in his living room had been the same, but obviously the technology had gotten better in the nearly ten years that he had been gone. He had little need to keep an actual radio around, as he could tune into most frequencies himself; even Vincent’s on the rare occasion, yet, his heart fluttered, smile soft and genuine as he stood to find it a place on the kitchen counter.

For once he let his powers rest entirely, turning dials on the physical machine filling him with nostalgia as he tuned into Rosie’s station that she had made for her cannibals. The gentle and relaxing romantic music she preferred had filled the room, and happily Alastor listened, ears tilted forward as he absorbed the sweet melody. He had not heard this song, but it made him reminisce, body happily swaying to the tune, “You know, I feel like I don’t stop long enough to enjoy the music anymore.”

Lucifer stood, walking over to Alastor, head tilted with interest, “I can change that.”

Alastor chuckled softly, arms wrapping around the devil’s shoulders gently as he pressed their foreheads together, “Merci mon amour…”

“Anything for you, dear.” Lucifer breathed out, face flush red, their lips pressing together, again and again, bodies held close.

Alastor pulled his face away for a much needed breath of air, his hands grabbing onto Lucifer’s as he suddenly pulled him to the middle of the floor, beginning to sway with him in tow, “I never got to go dancing with you. That’s rather sinful, my lord.”

Lucifer wasn’t the best dancer, but Alastor made it easy, and soon he caught up, hand on his hip, the other grasped in the deer’s as they spun around happily. They couldn’t help but break down into a fit of giggles, kissing each other as they pranced around. The music fueling their happiness, their excitement growing. The king focused a little, dazed between kisses, “I’ll have a lot to make up for. Fancy dinners, dancing, cute little outings. I know you didn’t get any of that in life, so I will do whatever I can to make it all up to you.”

“Good.” Alastor liked his answer, ears fluttering with joy, “Spoil me, your majesty. Make me miss you when you’re gone. Make me never want to be alone again.”

“That’ll be easy, since you’re obsessed with me.” The devil smirked at the deer.

Alastor couldn’t help but laugh, rolling his eyes, “Who keeps clawing his way up to Earth to gather things for my apartment? That sounds more obsessive, Lu. Espèce de salope stupide.”

The nickname made the devil nearly melt, the fallen angel dipping Alastor down, kissing him a few times to shut him up. Then he pulled him back to his hooves, making sure he would have his footing before they started to sway again. Though as they turned, they kissed, and as they kissed, things got hotter, and as things got heated, Lucifer’s hands began to wonder. The night shirt was easily pulled up, Alastor’s panties soon on full display, co*ck pressing hard against them, straining the thin fabric. The king bit his lip, loving the display, hands massaging his hips with a hot chuckle, “My, someone’s excited. You even wore something pretty for me… Can I… I mean we… f*ck- I miss being inside you.”

“Speak about being excited.” Alastor smirked, enjoying the adoration entirely, “I am feeling much better, so I was also hoping that we could try a round or two.”

Lucifer’s own smile only grew, “You know I won’t be able to hold myself accountable if you end up feeling sore tomorrow.” He reached back, pressing their hips together as he got a handful of Al’s ass.

“As long as my guts stay inside of me, I think I’ll be happy.” Alastor purred, pressing their foreheads together, “Now, if you were to end up spilling your insides into my mouth, I’ll just have to deal with those consequences.”

Lucifer didn’t expect such a lewd thing to leave his usually pretty reserved lover’s mouth, his face was easily read, the flair in his cheeks delicious for the sinner to witness. As the king tried to come up with a reply, the deer was suddenly on his knees before him, tugging down his pajamas in order to reach what he desired. The devil’s co*ck sprang to life rather easily, untouched since the day they had last enjoyed one another’s company. It was sensitive, Al noted, as precum already dared to leak with ease as the demon ran a single finger from the base to the head. Chuckling, he stuck that finger into his mouth, licking the king’s essence from it before he licked the entirety of the palm of his hand, lubricating it so he was more easily able to swipe it down the awaiting co*ck, beginning to stroke it with vigor.

Lucifer stood frozen, face pure red as he watched with bated breath. How he wanted to ruin his little doe, but he tried to be patient. He needed to make sure Alastor was actually ready for this, just as badly as he wanted to fill him with his seed. He bit his lip nearly hard enough to split it, tail flicking with pent up tension. Then he felt Alastor’s lips grace the tip of his dick, looking down, he found that the deer had kissed it, big eyes looking up at him before his maw opened, tongue lulling out as he slowly began to engulf the devil’s co*ck into his hot mouth.

“F-f*ck! A-Alastor, where the f*ck did you learn all of that?” Lucifer moaned in surprise, claws grabbing hold of the sinner’s ears, as his mind reeled.

Al hummed, pressing his face to the base of his need before pulling off, releasing him with a lewd popping noise, “What, doesn’t daddy remember that I write smut?”

“Yeah! But, damn, you’re being so… f*cking hot!” Lucifer replied rather pathetically, barely registering that Alastor was even playing on his breeding kink, though once he had, he turned a whole new shade of red.

Alastor rolled his eyes, licking his lips as he had, “Connasse stupide, that’s because I’m more motivated this time. Now, shut up before you ruin my appetite. Tire-moi les cheveux.”

The king opened his mouth to argue, but then had to cover it with one of his hands as Alastor went down on him again, taking him in with a cheeky chuckle. He complied to Alastor’s request, pulling his hair, which made him breathe out heavily, pressing his legs together to contain his own growing arousal. He bobbed his head fast, enjoying the flavor of his lover on his tongue, the musk of the king’s sweat having dazed him a little. He smelled of apples, firewood, and champagne. It was a combination the deer had not considered before, but now it was extremely all consuming.

The deer moved fast, tongue wrapping around Lucifer’s arousal, tightening and loosening in order to add to the friction, hands gripping onto his hips to hold him in place as he began to try and buck into his throat. The books he had read on such things still in the back of his mind. He had finished twenty or so books just to get prepared for this night. Reading every chance he had when Lucifer would inevitably leave to go back to his wife. He wanted to make him regret ever leaving again. Wanted to make him only crave the radio star.

When he felt Lucifer’s hips begin to tighten under his claws, he again released his co*ck, breathing out, eyes looking up towards the king’s, smile large, sharp with intention, “Does daddy need to cum? Wouldn’t he rather play with me first?”

“f*ck… keep talking like that and I’ll f*cking destroy you.” Lucifer groaned, pulling Alastor’s hair hard, eyes stabbing into his being, lust clear on his features.

Al whimpered, the pain making him swoon, “Fah, J'aime quand tu me regardes comme ça.”

“What else do you like, little doe? What do you want me to do to you?” Lucifer’s presence seemed to grow, and Alastor soon realized why, as he was surrounded by his copies, all standing over him.

He felt so small compared to the sheer number, and as a response; his body shrunk a little, making his fitted nightshirt look even more like a dress over his smaller features. He felt like prey, but he didn’t feel the urge to run. Instead, he submitted himself to his king, swollen lips pulling into an excited smile, hands pulling up his nightshirt up to his chin, revealing his undies and lower stomach, “I love you, my lord. I want to feel you inside me, please. f*ck me like you’ve been craving all of this time. Show me how much you love me too.”

“Gladly.” Lucifer chuckled darkly, the clones grabbing a hold of the deer, picking him up and pinning him to the bed.

Each instance of the devil had an appendage held down, and as Lucifer snapped his fingers, all of his clones were undressed with his magic. Another sat below Al’s hips, using his own thighs to keep his legs spread enough. He pulled Alastor’s panties to the side as he leaned down, beginning to lick his entrance with a happy growl, enjoying the slick that had begun to be produced from their little game on the floor.

Alastor cried out, back arching uselessly against the restraint of the others, his face beginning to grow pure red, embarrassment filling him despite how brazen he had managed to be before. Again he shrank a little more, now a bit shorter than Lucifer, which with how thin he was, made him look absolutely tiny. Lucifer seemed extremely pleased, licking his lips before continuing to enjoy Alastor’s flavor.

It wasn’t long before Al was a moaning mess, his reactions reaching new peaks thanks to the inactivity he had. The sensitivity spread throughout his body, as Lucifer’s clones began to grow frustrated, needy, and began to use his hands for their entertainment. He gripped their co*cks tightly, face flush pure red, heart rushing so fast as he was used and played with. Then a finger was finally pushed into him, nearly blinding him with ecstasy, his head thrown back as he cried out, “Oh mon Dieu! M-more please!”

Smirking, the devil pushed in a second finger, scissoring them quickly, growing impatient thanks to Alastor’s delicious reactions. He leaned down, using his tongue on his fingers as they slid out, lubing them before they would be thrusted back inside.

Once everything felt ready, Lucifer couldn’t wait anymore. He sat up on his knees, grabbing hold of Al’s legs, pushing them up over his shoulders, folding him in half as he aimed himself, pushing against his entrance with a pleased hum, “Ready?”

“Baise-moi… Please, Lucifer… I need to have you…” The deer practically begged, eyes blown and dazed, antlers grown from lack of concentration, body trembling with unhidable want.

Biting his lip, splitting it, the king began to push into his lover’s heat, filling him to the hilt. Bottoming out with a long hot sigh, tail wrapping around his lover’s stomach, inching his hips even closer, making sure to hold him steady against his now larger frame. The devil leaned forward, pressing kisses into Alastor’s lips, spreading the blood between them, which only made Alastor’s walls tighten as he got a taste of his addiction. It had been forever since he had the pleasure of enjoying the blood of an angel, and it made him reel even worse. His powers surging, his brain blank about anything that wasn’t his lord. He f*cking needed him, he needed every bit of him. Even if that required eating him whole.

Lucifer began to rock his hips, pushing his co*ck into that insatiable heat. He felt Alastor’s teeth bite into his bottom lip, the pain mixing with his pleasure, making him ram into his body, pushing him to grow himself already, the bulge in the deer’s stomach pressing against his own in a strangely wonderful way. He wanted to f*cking breed the doe, make him drip with his seed, and claim him as entirely his. He would never let anyone touch Alastor ever again. Lock him up and swallow the key. Little did he know how much the sinner wanted the same thing.

Suddenly lucifer shifted their position, picking up Al’s shrunken form, keeping his legs over his shoulders, grabbing his ass, spreading it with his hands as he used them for balance. Al whimpered, as he felt so impossibly deep inside, his claws desperately grabbing hold of the devil’s shoulders, cutting into them as their kiss got more feverish. Then he felt it, a prodding behind him, tail grabbed harshly. Breaking away from his lover’s lips, he managed to look behind himself, finding a clone to be preparing to enter him as well. His eyes widened, a squeak of surprise escaping his throat. Before he could complain the second co*ck was thrusted up into his need.

Alastor’s eyes grew wide, his hips feeling as though they were going to be torn in half by the immense pressure, the bulge in his stomach so terribly big. The clone then bent forward, licking Al’s throat, over the bite that refused to heal from their last session. Lucifer kept pumping into him as the clone rubbed the deer’s chest, biting into the mark with a satisfied growl, tearing it open with eager teeth. Tears escaped Alastor’s eyes as they rolled back, his own hips weakly trying to chase this new feeling of ecstasy. The pain was blinding, the pleasure was everything, and he couldn’t contain his noises, even though he knew his neighbors would hate him in the morning. None of that mattered. He was Alastor the radio demon, and he was Lucifer’s toy. He submitted himself to be played with. He desired nothing more, mind snapping as his own maw bit into the actual Lucifer’s throat, taking a chunk out of it, chewing and swallowing before going for more. Animalistic instincts winning out, and if he had done so with any other sinner he might have killed them. He bit, and tore, and feasted, full from all ends as the golden blood mixed with his own on his chest, and around his maw. Paradise for the deprived, and Alastor was reaching a new high that would make Heaven jealous. Then it completely built up, his mouth releasing his lover’s bloodied throat as he threw his head back, finishing so hard, spilling onto both of them, exploding like a firework, reaching nirvana.

His voice reached new heights, desperation lacing and filling his words, “f*ck! f*ck! f*cking make me carry your fawns, please! Daddy cum for me! Please cum inside me!”

Lucifer couldn’t hold back anymore, and with just a few more uneven thrusts, he pushed inside deep, both him and his clone; both cumming hard, filling Alastor past capacity, making his stomach feel like bursting, and getting stuck by his knots, both unable to move out anymore as they pumped their essence into the sinner. The clone still stayed biting into him, claws rubbing his hips, massaging them as a reward, Lucifer himself kissing his lover softly, pressing butterfly kisses all over his face. They eventually laid down, making sure to be careful not to jostle Al too much, tucking him into their wings like a protective blanket, securing him from the outside world.

Alastor never felt so much love and safety in his entire life, and it was ironic that he had found this pure happiness in his death. He had thought that once Lucifer had left that he would never feel such things ever again, but now he knew that the king had some sense of responsibility. Another soft kiss brought him back to reality, as Lucifer happily cooed, “How’s my little writer? Feel better?”

“Exceedingly.” Alastor admitted, blushing darkly again as he was returned to the moment.

The fallen angel hummed with delight before he reached down, tracing Alastor’s scars with a careful finger, as though he wasn’t just prodding his guts just moments before, “Everything stayed inside. You took daddy’s co*ck so well.”

Al bit his lip, the clone having released his throat now, licking it idly as he spoke, “I will happily do it again, forever even. But, we really need to talk, Lucifer.”

The directness of Al’s voice caught the king’s attention entirely. He blinked at his lover, ear twitching a little, “Of course, what’s wrong? We have at least an hour to talk before I can go anyway.”

“Well, that’s what I want to talk about…” Alastor’s hands nervously played in the devil’s golden hair, enjoying the feathery softness of it, “How about… you stop leaving me? We could stay together more. You don’t even get along with your wife, and I will be plenty happy just being nearby. We don’t have to be official if you do not desire to share our little… romance.”

Lucifer was quiet for the longest time, petting Alastor’s cheek with a distant look in his eyes. He was at least considering it. Al knew he just had to push the right buttons, break down the walls that the king had, then he would surely get everything he desired. He just needed to know what to say, and how to say it. Maybe, just maybe; Lucifer could even get his soul back, and end his murder spree? He didn’t mind the dirty work at all, but after the losses he took with the last one, he didn’t know if he still had it in him to try anymore. He couldn’t lose something so precious ever again.

The devil finally found words, his voice a bit stricter than ever before, eyebrows furrowed with seriousness, “Alastor… I fell to Hell for my wife. I know the context is probably a bit hard for you to fully picture, but you know I am stubborn, just as I know you are… If I end my marriage then it’ll look like the other angel’s were right. That it was all a fling that went too far. That I can’t keep something going. That my dreams are too far fetched, and that love isn’t real. I still love her, Al; even if she doesn’t love me anymore.”

“But I love ya.” Alastor’s heart began to throb, accent dropped, full of pain, like he had actually been stabbed by Lucifer’s words, “So please…”

Lucifer’s eyes widened, then he pulled their bodies closer, kissing Al’s lips with a soft sigh, and when the kiss broke, he spoke against his swollen flesh, voice low, “How about baby steps? I’ll take you to my home, since my wife is leaving to go on a trip in the afternoon. I can get you comfy in my study, since none of my family or butlers enter without permission. You’ll get all the books you can read, and we’ll bring your typewriter. How does that sound?”

“That sounds…” Alastor’s eyes reached into Lucifer’s, body becoming more relaxed, blood pressure returning to normal, for now, “acceptable…”

“That’s my good boy.” Lucifer smiled softly, nuzzling their faces together, kissing him a few times before he got comfortable against the sinner again.

The demon wasn’t as pleased as he tried to act, but he decided to take the inch by the mile, knowing that he just had to use his claws and wit to chisel into the devil’s resolve. He had manipulated the king in the past, and this would be no different. He would gain his favor, kick out that blasted woman, and have the king all to himself. Like a story he had read in preparation for that night, he would end up with the power and with the man. Maybe even then he could reach his goal, to be unbothered by God and by those who used him. He would find a way to see his mother again, and he would finally feel satisfied. He knew Lucifer wasn’t the best example of someone who wasn’t entirely taking advantage of him, but he also knew that deep down an angel still existed within the devil. Love was important to the king. So, Alastor was fully prepared to use his heart against him. For both of their prospective futures.

He was going to love him so hard that it would hurt.

Alastor had made sure to be showered, dressed nicely, and fed all by noon. Niffty had even trimmed his hair a little, making sure to keep the shape that was growing on him, as it let his neck breathe in a much nicer way. He did not need to be overstimulated, as he had work to do. Lucifer was a bit late, the clock striking one, however, Alastor didn’t let it bother him until it was nearly two. That’s when he began to pace, wondering if he had requested too much from his king. He could feel that shrinking sensation again, and he had to press his hand hard against his bite to keep himself from changing form.

Sir Pentious was over, luckily, so he had some distractions from his growing worry. Sir kept slithering around the apartment, looking for things to upgrade for Alastor as a thank you for letting him actually achieve a seat at the overlord’s meetings. He had done well with his new empire, and his technology had only gotten that much better with the increased funding. Alastor gave him full rights to everything just as long as they knew that Alastor was the sole owner of him and his machinery. Whatever Al said would go. Neither minded the arrangement. In fact, they enjoyed it. As it gave them excuses to talk shop on radio broadcasts and frequencies, or about Alastor’s book.

Alastor was leaned up against the kitchen counter, eyes on the clock, uneasiness filling the air around him until he felt a tug at his pants. Looking down, one of the eggies had wandered away from his master, deciding to instead bother the deer. He picked it up, humming with a delighted smile as he looked it over. It was the one he had saved from Bog before, so it made sense that it had a shine for him, “Hiya boss, whatcha doing?”

“Waiting.” Alastor told him, holding him to his chest much like he had seen people hold infants, “My… friend, is late. So I’m waiting for him.”

“Boo, that’s no fun. Want me to rough him up for ya?” The egg balled his tiny hands into fists, fake punching the air, which Alastor found hilarious as it was the same exact thing that had gotten him in trouble before.

“Mmm… No, I believe I have it handled. I’ll let you know, though. Now, go back to your daddy. Don’t want Sir to think you’re changing hands, do you?” Alastor asked the creature with a bemused smirk.

“Oh, uh, guess not.” The boy replied, seeming conflicted a little.

Alastor bent down, letting the egg out of his arms with care, “Now, run along.”

The creature stood still for a moment, looking up at Alastor before it turned and hurried off towards the others. Alastor breathed out, standing up and hugging himself, ears downcast as he watched. It was ridiculous, but the conversation had stung. It felt too sincere. He couldn’t get distracted by that now. It was not meant to be. The child wasn’t there for a reason. He had to stop getting so worked up.

Then, just as Alastor began to feel a bit better, the clock struck two, a tear opened, Lucifer peering through, looking exhausted, but still smiling at his lover, “Come on, sorry I’m late.”

“You’re always late.” Alastor pointed out, waving goodbye to Niffty and Sir as he hefted his typewriter and hurried through the portal.

Alastor had used his shadow to teleport from time to time, but this felt odd, different in many ways. The shadow had moved him like a casket covering a body, transporting it from one place to another with no actual interdimensional shenanigans other than the ability to phase through certain walls, but Lucifer’s power was actually magic, which made Alastor feel like he was being tickled by feathers as he stepped through. It was pleasant, and warm. So entirely new to the sinner. Once he had completely gone through, he noticed that his hair was a bit fluffed up, so he sat the typewriter on the nearest desk, then went to work brushing his hair with his claws. Lucifer walked around him with a pleased chuckle, hands behind his back as he craned his neck at his lover, “Welcome to my home, sinner. Not many can say they’ve been to my private study.”

“It’s too soon to try to seduce me, my lord. I’m still sore from last night. So, for now, bank’s closed.” Alastor rolled his eyes, though his tail gave away his excitement, fluttering with glee.

“I can’t use my cash?” Lucifer quirked his eyebrows, remembering the slang quite well since he spent so much time around Alastor and his friends before.

“It’ll have to be a check.” Alastor confirmed, not really into the idea of being touched at the moment.

Lucifer hummed, then he used his tail, bringing it to his lips, kissing it, then offering it to him, “How about a check, and a bit of affection for now?”

Alastor genuinely smiled, kissing the same place with a chuckle, “You’re quite persuasive. Guess that’s why you’re the boss around here.”

“Damn right.” Lucifer nodded, bringing his tail back and kissing it again, message received, turning to add a log to his fireplace before returning to his deer, “So, you may have free reign in here. Write, read, or relax til your heart’s content. I’ll serve us dinner around six, then bring you home around midnight.”

“You still want to make me go home?” Alastor asked, wishing so badly that he could pout, but with his deal it was impossible, the feeling in his cheeks burning just a tad, “Fine, but that check might bounce if you don’t make this little experiment at least worth my time. Sure, it was my idea, but you have to at least put some effort in.”

“I will! I’ll make sure that when the time comes you’ll want to come back! Hell, you’ll be begging me to come hang out.” Lucifer told the sinner with fake confidence, not knowing that Alastor was fully planning on bugging him everyday about it until they were inseparable.

Already he had him where he wanted him, he just had to keep pushing his buttons, “Alright, Ducky; challenge accepted. Woo me.” Alastor made a big show of rolling his eyes before he sat at the desk he had left his machine on, “I’m going to get some work done, while you figure out how exactly you’re going to do that.”

Lucifer opened his mouth, shut it, then he turned, “Well- go ahead, I’ll go check on dinner’s progress. Charlie’s got some homework I gotta help her with too. Then you’ll have my full undivided attention.”

Alastor’s ears stood up to Charlie’s name, memories flooding through his mind. He wondered if she would have been a good big sister to the lost one, his face growing a bit pale, eyes shifting down towards the keys he wearily rubbed his fingers against, “How is Charlotte?”

“She’s a bit… pissed off today. Her mom told her that she was going to bring her on the trip, but as you can tell, that did not happen.” Lucifer replied tiredly, “So between staying up with you last night, and her throwing a few tantrums, I’ve had my hands full.”

“I see…” The deer’s ears now laid flat against his head, “You had better get to her then.”

Lucifer opened his mouth again, so many unspoken things he had wanted to say, but he closed it, turning and exiting the room. Alastor had felt his intent change before he had wandered out, and a pang of disappointment filled his chest when he realized that Lucifer was still holding back on him. There were times when he was still living where Lucifer had done that, but he figured it had to do with terrifying secrets beyond human comprehension. Now that Alastor had an easier time reading the devil, he knew that wasn’t true at all. He was hiding his own feelings. He was burying something unsaid. Which was terribly inconvenient for the sinner and his goals.

Once he was sure that he was indeed alone, Alastor stood, walking around, peering at all of the bookshelves. He was given permission to use the room as he pleased, and he fully intended on doing so. Walking around the fireplace, he enjoyed the warmth momentarily before he continued his stroll. All things considered, the room was huge. Much bigger than his own home, and dare he guess that it had been bigger than his rental from before. It had a bathroom attached, and another spare closet of clothes. Alastor knew that Lucifer seemed to have a bit of an eye for fashion, so it made sense that he had a few closets. He hummed, examining the fabric of a red tailored suit jacket, wondering idly why he bothered having it, as Lucifer nearly wore white everyday. He had not seen him in anything but white and black on occasion. Never red. He held the jacket to himself, finding it interesting that it sort of matched his own hair. Humming again, he released the fabric, returning it and making sure it would be wrinkle free before he closed the door and wandered away.

He climbed a little staircase up to a second layer of the library. More books were stored on top, a large window peering outside and down towards the pentagram. Alastor walked over, sitting on the sun warmed daybed. The warmth of the fabric had made him relax his tired bones. His back still ached from the night before, and his backside stung. The heat was able to take away a lot of those woes. He slowly laid down, closing his eyes, jazz playing softly from his aura.

Then he was suddenly shook awake, eyes shooting open as his shadow stood over him. He blinked a few times, realizing that he had dozed off. He spared a look at a nearby clock, rubbing his left eye with the back of his hand as he focused. It was nearing six, and Lucifer had not returned. He looked at his shadow, smiling at it, “You’re talking to me again? Wonderful. Nice to have you back, friend.”

It considered him a moment, hands on his lap, attention fully on him, like it was telling him something. His ears tilted forward, head full of questions, “I sadly haven’t mastered our silent communication. You’ll have to be more expressive.”

It seemed to consider his words, then it melted against him, acting like it wanted to teleport him. He would have frowned had he been able, “I can’t leave. I have business here.”

It seemed to get a little upset, again urging him with it’s ability, trying to get him to accept the teleportation. But he didn’t, instead he stood, stretching with a squeak, “At least wait until after dinner, I am famished.”

The shadow melted into the floor, appearing next to him, holding his hips in place with it’s tentacles, again urging him to teleport. Again, Alastor refused, “No, I don’t want to leave. Stop this at once. You’re starting to make me upset.”

It slowly let go, melting into the floor once more, but not coming back. It got the message that it was being ignored. Alastor felt bad, but he couldn’t see any reason to leave. He was finally getting what he wanted, and leaving would ruin his chances at continuing this little affair. He had to keep this up and impress his lover. There was no time for games with his shadow. Even if his stomach twisted with worry after.

Just as Alastor began to walk down the stairs, the door flew open, Lucifer finally walking in, or rather stomping, his eyebrows furrowed, the door slammed behind him as a string of curses left his lips. Al froze at the foot of the staircase, ears twitching with worry, “What’s wrong, sire? Not enough salt for dinner?”

“f*cking teenagers are so f*cking terrible! She used to be such a happy baby, and now she won’t f*cking talk to me without rolling her goddamned eyes, or trying to hurt my feelings!” Lucifer growled, grabbing his hair with frustration before he leaned against the door, sliding down in full rage.

Alastor had never seen this sort of emotion from the prideful sin. Wraith didn’t suit him, but it did make Al blush. Sneaking closer, he neatly folded his arms behind his back, co*cking his head to the side, “It can’t be that bad, my lord. What can a child do to hurt the king of Hell?”

“Plenty! You wouldn’t get it! When you work your ass off to give your child everything you didn’t have, to give her as normal of a life as possible in this f*cking sesspool, and to love her regardless of who she becomes. Then you get sh*t on day in and out, I just don’t get it!” Lucifer’s hands moved erratically as he spoke, his anger only rising, his horns fully out, tail beating against the floor heavily.

“Sire if I may-”

“I have done nothing but be a provider for her and her mother, and yet she walks around like I'm the one tearing this family apart!”

“Your majesty, I think-”

“I gave up everything for both of them! Then they just keep pushing back, like I'm the bad guy! I'm the king of Hell, but they're acting so much worse than I ever-”

“Lucifer, please just-”

“Just f*cking shut up, alright? You don’t have kids, so you can’t possibly know what to do! I don’t want your input, I just want to figure it out! Shut up for once!” Lucifer’s words cut through the air like a knife, making Alastor’s demeanor melt entirely.

“I could have had what you do. You’re so lucky, and you have no idea.” Alastor’s eyes filled with tears, there was no hiding it now, his hands on his stomach as he backed away from the devil, “You need to choose your words more carefully, you spoiled f*cking asshole!”

The king hurried to cover his mouth with his hand, his own words stinging him, as he realized just how hash he had been. He stood quickly, free hand reaching for Alastor, “Al- look I’m just frustrated, and-”

“Would you have been like this with our baby?” Alastor smacked the offered hand away, sobbing and backing up until his back pressed against a bookcase, his form growing, shifting, uncontrolled, antlers becoming huge compared to how they have been in the past, the anger and sadness consuming him, to the point where he couldn’t control his emotions anymore.

Then he felt himself melt through the bookcase, then through a wall, then another, then he was thrown into what appeared to be a bedroom. On the floor, he looked around, dazed, confused, torn. Sobbing, his eyes met the shadow, then he looked up towards where it had been looking. A painting of a happy family, mother, father, and child. The anxiety and panic only welled up worse, as his eyes examined the woman in the frame. It was her. It was Lilith.

His soul belonged to Lucifer’s wife.


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Eternal Rot - MadhouseFunhouse - Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.